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Edited by mlewis399: 10/26/2015 8:59:31 PM

Respect my time, don't waste it.

Before the TTK was released, the sound bite i kept seeing pop up over and over was Deej saying that in year 2, they finally heard the feedback. They were going to respect players time. You were going to get a guaranteed reward for doing an activity. No more praying to a random number generator. And we all thought that this was finally the solution we had all prayed for at one time or another. An end to the repetitive grind for loot. Oh how wrong we were. To be fair, Deej was absolutely right. There were guaranteed rewards for specific tasks. Quest lines would generate options, especially in the early game, to suit any play style. And as you grow, so do the quest lines, in both length and complexity. While one can argue whether the difficulty outweighs the reward, that's not why I am here today. I am here to argue that all Bungie did was repackage the grind. Show of hands, who here has been farming for materials in the last week? You know, that thing we were supposed to not have to do anymore? How about playing heroic strikes until your eyes cross just for a chance (guaranteed... Haha.) at some legendary marks? Who played the raid to get a weapon at subpar light and dismantle it? See my point is, you haven't respected our time Bungie. You just delayed your disrespect. The first ten hours of the game felt great. I was growing in power. I was attaining guns for quests, like you said. Then I had to kill people with The Last word, a gun you destroyed. A gun I could barely use when it was good, as it doesn't suit my play style. You told me I had to kill 25 guardians with a sword, a weapon that is terrible in crucible. You decreased drop rates for materials, so i ran out faster and had to play more. You increased upgrade times on weapons and armor. You lied. If you were respecting my time, there would be a material exchange. If you respected my time, there would be a guaranteed way to earn marks, rather than the too small thirty a day, so i have to choose between saving for days to rebuy old weapons and armor (something else you said we wouldn't do anymore) or buying materials so I can skip farming. If you were respecting my time, you wouldn't be attaching weapons to quests that force me to do something i hate, but rather give me a choice between two equally hard things to do. If you were respecting my time, all aspects of your game would have optional matchmaking. Or an in game lfg. If you were respecting my time, Bungie, this game would be something i looked forward to doing. This week a friend messaged me and asked where i had been. I had been busy i said, with social obligations. I felt a moment of dread. I hadn't kept up with Destiny. I didn't have the marks or materials to upgrade some new weapons I had got last week. I would be behind. And then I realized, Destiny isn't a job. And you want me to treat it that way. And that, Bungie, is very disrespectful. Edit- a quick post script. This was trending earlier, which i think says a lot. But more importantly, I've been keeping up with it, and so far, only two trolls and one negative response. Nice to know I'm not alone.

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  • Bump

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  • Bump

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  • Bump

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  • What are you complaining about? Do you want a guaranteed exotic drop every strike? Do you want a guaranteed Legendary drop [i]every strike[/i]? Do you want to pick up a spinmetal leaf and it add 10 to your inventory? Do you want the raid to drop all 320 gear at [i]all[/i] times just for you? Do you want [i]every[/i] piece of gear you get to be automatically 310 or 320? Do you want the crucible and Vanguard vendor to just [i]hand out free[/i] materials? Do you want to [i]choose[/i] the light level and roll on your nightfall rewards? Do you want every daily heroic mission to guarantee you 50 marks per run-through? Do you want to go in crucible and the gun have auto aim and just shoot everyone [i]for you[/i]? Do you want all the post game rewards to cater to [i]your[/i] specific desires and wants? Do you want factions to hand out their shaders, guns, ships and armor for free? Do you want bounties to complete after you pick them up? Do you want to have God mode in Trials and get to lighthouse after 1 win? Do you want the chest in the lighthouse to drop all exotics and legendaries all at 320?? Do you even [i]want[/i] to try at this game? Or do you want everything brought to you by room service on a golden -blam!-ing platter just so [i]you[/i] can be the most overpowered, broken guardian in the galaxy. Is it a pride issue? Do you want to be better than everyone, just, everyone bow down before you? No? 'Cause it sure as hell sounds like it. Shut the -blam!- up and quit posting this welfare bullshit. The economy and loot drops are fine. If you got everything handed to you, there would be no point in playing this game.

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    11 Replies
    • We are always trying to find new ways to improve the quality of life for players. Remember when there was no way to buy planetary materials and you had to farm all of them? Your feedback on that resulted in a planetary mats for marks exchange being added. I don't have any changes to announce right now, but I can tell you that we're reading your feedback and taking it into consideration for future updates.

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      193 Replies
      • Edited by Killlerschaf: 11/4/2015 1:14:49 AM
        Farming for the exotic sword, was probably the most annoying thing I did in this game. I also have one because of that. Hadium Flakes for the ToM were also very annoying. Not even talking about weapon parts. I don't even have more than 10 currently. I do not farm planetary materials either. I just buy them, which makes it as such, that I am artificially low on legendary mark. The time gated exotics, with the No Time To Explain being the biggest culprit, are also huge time wasters. Not even talking about The First Curse. Level 5 gunsmith and waiting for 2 different arm's days.

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      • bump!

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      • I agree with you but as long as mouth breathers continue to buy an emote for 5£ nothing is going to change

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      • Bump

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      • Good read 2 bumps up

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      • Bump

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      • Bump... 100% on point.. I was describing the new dlc to a customer @ work yesterday who hasnt played since HOW while doing a tattoo for him... After about 30 min he said " ya thats starting to sound like why i got bummed with that game i always felt like i was running out of stuff & had to play way too much just to even stay relevant" I hadnt actually said anything about grind just described alot of the new changes . The rng especially in hard mode can best be described as "discouraging "

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      • Bump. Ordered Fallout4 today. Bye!!

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        2 Replies
        • Absolutely correct. Bungie speaks with forked tongues.

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        • This is exactly how I feel about this game. I have enjoyed a lot of hours playing with friends and family, but the grind has been more than doubled now with the RNG on the attack and defense as well as the original drop. I have been stuck at 305 light for about a month. I'm about to give up.

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          1 Reply
          • Edited by nicchae_KR: 11/7/2015 7:42:16 PM
            Can't freaking believe I have to (AGAIN) resort to grinding for exotic engrams just to level up to 305+ via vanguard strikes or what not and always having to acquire more Three of Coins, but consequently always ending up with 290 exotic gear, no more no less. How is this in any way different from all that bullshit we had to go through by grinding vanguard strikes and nightfall just to get better gears that we already had done during year 1? This entire RNG mechanic is a bullcrap and slap to every guardian's face by Bungie.

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            • All I ask: when ever I complete a task let me feel like I'm a step closer to my goal, somehow. Let me see the progression. I love to play for hours, I don't mind running strikes etc. But let us see growth, progression and it'll be easier to keep "grinding." All in all I love this game. Have more hours into this than any other, ever. I love that it keeps growing. Keep up the good work Team Destiny, many silent guardians appreciate and admire all your hard work.

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            • The grind is back and worse then ever. But I won't be. Luckily so many other games are out now.

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            • I feel you. And what's really pathetic is I have bought all the exotic guns and now I'm never excited when I get an exotic engram drop. I only hope its 310 so I can upgrade something. Well what makes me mad is they are going to release all the ones I haven't been able to get hard light, necro, mida, etc. And say they hooked it up with more loot... no you did not I have the shit and your making me get it again... and again... and a-blam!-ing again.

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            • Wow. this is the only thing I see wrong about ur post. Ur wasting MY time. It is disrepectfull to ME. So apparently this is all about u and Bungie doesn't have to care about the other thousands of people playing this game and if ur upset they should devote all their time and effort to making u happy and right for u.

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            • Extra Bump for good points

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            • Actually, you can really wreck in crucible with a sword. That is about the only new thing in the game i like. I even killed a hammer titan with his super active with a sword, from the side. Took three hits.

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            • Edited by SKILES85: 11/6/2015 8:31:13 PM
              No you are not alone my friend! I don't even want to give them another chance. They had the system down with HOW. There just wasn't any new content and skolas was annoying at best. All they had to do was add content. Apparently chores are content. Infusion is a JOKE! It could have worked if we still got real rewards with max level from end game content. But nah that's gone 2. 90% old exotics and we gotta infuse them constantly burning a exotic shard every time? This is a wipe of the materials and that's BS. If someone played this worn out game leading up to ttk to stock up on materials for new content, they shouldn't be punished for it. Took all 3 characters to oryx on hard mode last week and got nothing to increase my light level. 2 gold tier Osiris rewards, 303 and 305... That was it for me. Destiny would have to do something BIG to get me to give them another chance. And I know better than to hold my breath for that day...

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            • Those quests are stupid as shit. Not at all like plot developments in ESO quests which do that quite nicely. Stormcaller wannabes

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            • Bump Try and keep this at the top. Destiny is a game and should feel fun and relaxing while still being a challenge. The challenge should never come from repeating the same things over and over and over. Your community has given you so many awesome ideas, start using them.

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            • Destiny is not a job and no one should expect you to be on 24/7.

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