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Edited by Krollbar: 10/25/2015 6:39:26 PM

Resurrect Elemental Primaries - with THIS awesome idea

Do it!


DON'T do it!




So... elemental primaries will no longer drop because they broke the badassdom barrier in year 1, which imploded the Destiny universe inward upon itself. Me, it was Fatebringer or VoC till Year 2. And that's OK if they aren't going to drop any more. However, they should not be removed from the game entirely. How about this - put some time consuming (but not excessively difficult) bounties and weekly quests in the game that will drop a consumable. This consumable will permenantly (unless you re-roll) change your currently equipped primary's element to match the consumable's element when used. This way, you keep weapon variety AND allow players to regain their beloved elemental primaries. Win/Win/Win.

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