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Edited by KrazyM82: 10/26/2015 6:49:00 PM

The DOWNFALL and BASTARDIZATION of the gaming industry with bungie and activision's UNETHICAL business practice!

So where do I begin?... With this post and most likely more, I hope to bring to light a VERY IMPORTANT issue that is affecting the gaming industry and gamers as a result. Something that has been on my mind for a while. More on this later. I have been a gamer for some time. Since the Pacman days. Hopefully some of you remember! :) I have enjoyed many games since then. Asteroids, Space Invaders, Pitfall, Joust, Bomberman, Ghosts and Ghouls, Contra, 1942, Street Fighter (errrah, errrrah, errrah!) Area 51, Virtua Fighter, Tekken, Doom(where my love for FPS games developed), MechWarrior, GranTurismo, Ace Combat, FF7(don't get me started), Black, Call of Duty 3, Halo, Halo 2, COD MW, MW2 etc etc. During my time over the years playing I've noticed a trend. Video games of old were completed games, games with very little issues/bugs, that were GROUND BREAKING and INNOVATIVE with many side missions to keep me busy for a long time. A good value for my money. Lately, I've noticed a trend that games are increasingly buggy with very little content which is extended (in bungies case replaced) with the purchase of the next dlc. Not to mention copy and paste jobs from previous games to make the "next franchise" which is, imo, a VERY lazy and shady way to make a "new game". As most people are aware by now the stories and theories of destiny being chopped up for dlcs, glitching into cut content, the 404 architect, the kotaku article, Joe Staten and Marty O'Donell leaving bungie, which interestingly enough resembles Infinity Wards creators West and Zampella leaving activision to create their own company...I digress. bungie has obviously made a beta game which they charged us anywhere from $60 to $100 for with so little content its not even worth mentioning. They have made a minimum viable product that neither is ground breaking or innovative. On top of that, they expect us to give feedback to help them make destiny into the game we expect!? Shouldn't that have been done already? Should I have to pay for a MINIMUM VIABLE PRODUCT to then help to design it!? Talk about putting the cart before the horse! The obvious bait and switch tactics from E3 of 2013 and 2014. The blatant lies about respecting players hard work and time spent in grinding over the last year. Voiding all the previous raids with ttk. The LOSS of content with tkk and previous dlcs. Never mind the obvious pay wall, planned obsolescence, Ponzi scheme and almost extortion like tactics used to squeeze more money from us gamers. But wait, making money is not unethical. It sure isn't!'s THE WAY in which that money is made that is unethical... But wait...other games have done the same. Games like WoW, COD etc etc. But let me ask you this...if a thing is openly practiced or done, does that make it right!? Absolutely NOT! This is where I see and fear the unethical business practice will continue if we don't do something about it. So, then, what can we do about it? The answer is simple and something that all with a responsible and conscious mind can do. Two simple things... 1) STOP Preordering. The benefits of preordering DO NOT outweigh the negative side effects that come with it. By preordering we are saying to the game producers and publishers that we don't care what quality of game you make. Every time we preorder, we are fueling and justifying the unethical business practice imposed against US. PERIOD! We are sometimes our own worst enemies. I have preordered games before, but after destiny, I now understand the error of my actions. NO MORE! No more preordering will ensure and motivate the producers and publishers to make better games. 2) BOYCOTT Vote with your wallet! Every time we give more money to companies that use such unethical business practice, we shoot ourselves in the foot! Again, giving more money only justifies their behavior and only continues the fleecing of US, the gamers. IMO, a boycott is the ONLY thing that will MOTIVATE the producers and publishers to change for the better and make the games we ALL deserve! It's obvious they want our money and we want better games...fair trade right!? They don't get anymore money until our issues are resolved. Shouldn't the BILLIONS OF DOLLARS they've made from us ALREADY be enough!? I'm just saying... Bungie is not what they used to be without Joe Staten and the MANY designers that were there during the halo days. There is no trust because they(bungie) have demonstrated THEY can NOT be trusted time and time again. Bungie has shown that they, on MANY occasions, they either ignore A LOT of good ideas from many people like Malphisto, a whole bunch of others and even Lost Sols, whom have had outstanding ideas...or that they are either incompetent or just unable to implement those ideas. Innovative rather than planned obsolescence or extortion/ponzi scheme/pay wall tactics Right!? But yet they can make purple balls glow at the tower, pointless emotes and patch loot caves and fix "issues" with posts going missing REAL quick, sometimes within the same day! But yet the BIG issues go unnoticed or not even acknowledged! Issues like dedicated servers and fixing obvious lag with pvp and even pve! Optional matchmaking...don't get me started...upgradeable year 1 gear. Vault space. The loot system. REMOVAL of content for non ttk/dlc buyers. Many more issues still. But I just listed the big ones. And through all of this, what has been bungies approach to the issues they have fixed? 1 step forward and 2 steps back. And I'm not talking about Paula Abduls song neither. For every fix they create more issues, like with the increase in vault space. It was nice and should have been implemented since launch...but was instantly nullified with all the gear they made obsolete with ttk. Then again what do they care when they have our money? Previous currencies nullified with the next dlc. What do they care when they have our money? An obvious beta game for $60 to $100 was sold to us but yet they talk of potential with ttk, when IT IS, WAY PAST, the potential part. Day 1 should have been the proof! But what do they care when they have our money? HoW was bought by many just before ttk. And now all of HoW, Crota and VOG is pointless. Almost all the exotics we have now...some of them just recently found...less powerful than any green or blue weapon in ttk! But what do they care, they have our money? We ask for optional matchmaking and their response? Remove some matchmaking! Cause they already have our money! bungie has shown to us that as long as we continue to give them money, they can make any changes they want regardless if we asked for it or not, why? Because we agreed to their terms when we gave them more money.'s fairly obvious that no matter how many great ideas are presented to matter how many fixes are brought to their attention...they simply don't care because they know that a lot of people are going to throw money at the screen. They have shown their intentions through their actions and in most cases, inaction! The ONLY thing that WILL motivate bungie and activision or any other company that uses unethical business practice to change for the better and learn how to treat their customers is a BOYCOTT and REFUSING to preorder. I simply refuse to pay $100 for a beta game and then tell them how to make said game better. I refuse to pay them to do THEIR job! Why should we have to pay to help make a game that SHOULD have been made ALREADY? We didn't have to pay to help make Halo or Halo 2 did we? And why should we pay to only have the rug pulled from under our feet with every "update" or dlc? So...until bungie and activision learn how to treat their customers and fix the big issues with the game I will certainly not give them more money...I will instead... BOYCOTT BUNGIE AND ACTIVISION I welcome suggestions and comments from other responsible, concerned and conscious gamers. Thanks! Edit: I have come across an interesting idea that I believe can further the cause for gamers ALL OVER and help bring change to the gaming industry's unethical business practice. It's a petition...but not just that, a call to arms to stand up to bad business practice to make things better for gamers world wide!

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  • The amount of angry from this post pulled me out of slumber.

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  • I agree 100% with your evaluation what BungVision are doing may not be illegal but certainly shows no respect to the paying customer. Fallout 4 here i come

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    1 Reply
    • I seriously wont buy another activision game ever again. They are greedy morons. Bungie you broke my heart. Sellouts

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      1 Reply
      • Bungie is the bug. Battlefront and fallout is the windshield. #notanotherpenny I'll never give bungie another penny.

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        2 Replies
        • tl;dr *Zombie Dances*

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          • I'm just never buying another Activision game again, period.

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            5 Replies
            • Haven't played since the announcement of tess and silver!!! Agree with you 100%

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            • Bump. It's for these reasons that I've elected to leave Destiny. The manipulative and dishonest business model they've adopted insults my intelligence and disrespects my time.

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              2 Replies
              • Edited by Kweh: 10/26/2015 4:15:48 PM
                I just want to see the studio closed at this point. No one thought Infinity Wards leads would get fired. They brought Acti millions as well. It will happen to Bungie also. Activision has lost all sales from me, not limited to Call of Duty and Transformers games. Which I do kind of enjoy.

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              • I agree games have definitely gotten a lot worst since the good days

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                2 Replies
                • Didn't bother reading majority of your post, stopped after the first sentence on point 2. Just another person looking to lay blame for the overall change of the gaming industry instead of once again focusing on the big picture. Point 1: Stop Preordering. This belief that preordering generates bad game development practices are upwards of 90% opinionated rumors with no actual basis in fact. That 10% of truth is only relevant under two conditions. First, when you are preordering straight from the developer/publisher. That money is going towards the development of the game immediately. That could, depending on the company, generate bad development practices. Second, when preorder exclusives become too game affecting. Vanguard Armory bonus? Not that game affecting. Evolves free monster dlc? Money saving, but not game affecting. Significant portions of a game otherwise locked behind a paywall that directly influences how you perform in a game? Not good on that one. Those should stop. Preordering from retailers means no money goes to the developers until the game is released. Retailers want you to preorder for two primary, simple reasons. 1: With so many high priced games coming out now, retailers want some idea of how to gauge stock levels. Preorders are the primary way to do this. If fallout 4 gets 100 preorders at a small town store, they know to ship in 100 copies plus an additional percentage for walk-ins, and then more over the following weeks based on how the game does. If they get no preorders for the newest Onechanbarra game, then they ship in two copies for walk-ins and cut off any future shipments. Preordering from a retailer is simply making yourself known and saying "Yea, I'll buy a copy of this game." 2: To drive 'future' sales. Aka, a preorder means you will come buy the game from them, not the competitor across the street. Simply business. Point 2: Vote with your wallet. Obvious point here. With so many large scale games coming out, simply do your research and buy the ones that warrant your money. Don't buy a game, rant about how horrible it is, 'quit' the game, then hang around that game's forums for 3 years whining about how unfair/bad/salty the game is. Move On.

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                  • But but Bungie left the Dictator Microsoft so they would have their creative freedom LOL. Talk about backfiring

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                    3 Replies
                    • Bunch of whiners. Why even bother to post this for a game you supposedly hate. Don't like it, don't play. No game is perfect, and they are obviously working on fixing it. There are still millions of people that play Destiny, and I am sure Bungie nor Activision will miss you.

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                      4 Replies
                      • Bump. And [url=]#SendingDestinyBackToBungie[/url] Because this game is the forerunner of the industry that Bungie and Activision would like to usher in. And I, for one, will not accept that. [url=][/url]

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                        • With a million people playing regularly. The innovation of cross PVE/PVP characters and one of the greatest twitch communities. Destiny is one of the greatest games of all time. I'm no fanboy. I have certain issues with this game like everyone. What they did with TTK makes my destiny experience that much better though. A great story that was both serious and hilarious. The content they added. Weapons, armor, missions, secrets, collectibles. If you stop playing after just the main quest is over your giving a review on just a scratch of what you can do and acquire.

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                          9 Replies
                          • Bump for trending

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                          • You might like what I said here: [url][/url]

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                          • Developers should just go back to 8 or 16-bit, then once the game is done they can drop everything for it and never think about it and start working on the next project.

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                            9 Replies
                            • Sorry to say but, there are too many idiots. we are minority. That's why Bungie or Activision will not care about us, because they have maybe millions of stupid people ready to throw money for their next scam.

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                              • I remember playing $600 for my sega Saturn and $60 for the games twenty years ago. The gaming industry is one of the only industries that has not changed the base price of their product. But one way the do product revenue is three dlc. 20 years ago a game designer made probably half what they make today due to minimum wage, the economy, ext. If you think the business practices of the gaming industry as a whole are bad you are seriously mistaken. Inflation = higher price Sega Saturn $600 Ps4 = $400

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                                14 Replies
                                • Bump

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                                • I could not understand why so many day 1 players kept pre-ordering DLC's. My Lord, Bungie's pattern of behavior was out there to see, and should have been obvious after TDB. They tell you all the good stuff you are getting but somehow forget to tell you what you will be losing. You don't really get more content - you get different. By the time they paywall stuff you previously "rented", you don't wind up with more to do at all, and sometimes even less. Pre-ordering is never a great idea on any product, especially with a company with a habit of misleading its base.

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                                  7 Replies
                                  • With respect to new games, particularly with MP modes and maps, what DICE have done with BF4 sounds like it could be extremely beneficial. They've essentially setup a community testing group and built a new map from the ground up, having anyone who signs up test it out. The type of map, where the flags are, even entirely new static objects were created to fulfil the wishes of the community, so it is entirely crafted and directed by them. They've even introduced new pickup weapons, such as taking the MG off a downed chopper, and added in more destructible environments. It would be awesome if they did this more often, and it would improve the longevity of the game as a whole by creating maps more likely to resonate with the players at large. Probably wishful thinking that this would be applied large scale, but it would be nice.

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                                    3 Replies
                                    • This is why in the UK they are bringing in laws against releasing a game in a "Broken State". It already prevented Batman from being released early there. Maybe it's time for the US to adopt similar laws? My issue is... It's one thing if people made a genuine mistake, but with games like Destiny I can't help but feel the mistakes were on purpose, as Bungie is too methodical and Destiny was planed for a very long time.

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                                      5 Replies
                                      • Edited by Kovathos: 10/25/2015 4:56:09 PM
                                        I've been playing games since good ol Nintendo. Wasn't around for the older stuff. Main reason games have been going downhill. Major companies began to figure out how to get the most money out of their product. Basically once games became more mainstream, companies lost a lot of their initial expansion that kept netting them profits with higher quality games than the competitors. Games have gotten more expensive, more complex as well which is why you see more bugs usually in modern games than old ones. Plus companies probably are running on a mostly bare minimum staff, which means too much work for a single person to do and maintain high quality, bugs will happen. Games, they also reach far wider audiences then ever before. Companies have more or less capped on their total consumer base unless third world countries gain the economics of first world countries and they can actually afford to buy games and not starve. So how do you make even more money in that case? Pre orders, cut content, disc lock content, micro transactions, dlc, dlc, dlc, dlc, etc... So really, stop preordering games, stop forking money for silly microtransactions, like dances, or shitty dlcs. Find reviews first, and force them to make a good quality product. Stop playing their game as soon as you become more unhappy with it then you are happy and give feedback about it. Less players their are the faster their product fails the faster the company will need to scramble to fix the problem. The main thing that will change a company and its business practices. Stop giving them money. They are forced then to concede to consumer feedback, or shut down. It kinda feels like we are reaching the same level of ET back in the day with the quality of games were getting and annualized releases. I haven't bought many games for quite some time as most of them are just, crap, uninspiring, no challenge.

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                                        4 Replies
                                        • Just go buy Fallout 4... This place is going to be a ghost town by November 10th anyway.. In the end they still got all of our money and took us for the proverbial ride for a year. Give a company like Bethesda your money next time. You won't regret it...

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