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10/24/2015 11:22:32 PM

Digital Collector's Edition - Silver/Emotes - No Follow through, no honor.

For starters I'm sure you've had posts thousands of times like this one, probably some more or less nasty than this one will be. Odds are you won't take the time to read it, because why should you? I want to remind you that this was posted on your site: So as I can't directly email any one working at Bungie (way to hide behind anonymity), I feel like for the 20-40 Dollars you cheated me out of you at least owe me an explanation, please read on as I explain - seeing as this is the only complaint I've made on your forums for Destiny and only one other time have I asked for an explanation on an incorrect ban in Halo Reach, which you, the company, politely enough explained and apologized for I will continue on and I ask that you do as well. I own Destiny Year One and I bought the season pass at release. I've logged hundreds, no thousands of hours playing your game. I've enjoyed it and I want to continue to do so. I agree with many that the two dlc's were short and while frustrating to lose gear it is the inevitable grind of any MMROPG, not the first I've played. I've acquired everything there was to get in year one, I happily played the game. I enjoy a lot of what you've done with year two, including many of the things that people so far don't agree with. Here is what I have a problem with as far as you as a company. You come out and make a statement saying you will refund or make it up to us, the consumer, for having to essentially "re buy" year one with The Taken King in order to get the extra 20 dollar add on. While Bungie's posting was on the 24th some of us don't have the time to follow all the posts, I didn't even see that post until a few weeks after to be honest. I sat back at the time feeling that it was alright and I would be taken care of in the future. The 20 Dollar add on wasn't available until the year two release so we had a choice to make. Pony up the 80 bucks now and wait for the 20 Dollar refund, or simply wait until release. I won't get into the fact it was one emote per class, one shader and one mark which most of us stopped wearing a day or week after the game dropped as getting to 40 was quick and it soon was obsolete. We knew what were were getting, I purchased it anyway. I put my faith and expectations you would honor your word in making that twenty dollars up to me for re purchasing the year one content though. How do you make a decision to limit the emote/silver reward to just one week of purchase history? Where do you get off deciding that is alright? Some of us have other payments to make, food, electricity, rent, insurance, etc. You know, real life stuff, for when we aren't playing Destiny - or more importantly in order to be able to play your game. I won't be playing Destiny in my free time without all the previously mentioned highly required purchases to stay alive. On top of all that Silver is a made up currency, it will literally cost you nothing to make a micro transaction to send me silver or drop that emote care package in my mail box. A good faith payment for those of us willing to put the money up ahead of time and expect you'll make good on your word. It is this action that makes many of us look toward other games, other companies, and finally stop supporting your game. So you have two options in my opinion. The first is the option I prefer, man up as a company and send me and those like me our well deserved emote package. I've been patient, I didn't jump all over you the day new emotes dropped swearing about not having the free package, I didn't slam you on here, there isn't any profanity, and I'm not running my mouth all over the internet like a wounded child - and I'm not going to. If I ever ran my business like you run yours with regard to this, I'd probably be sitting quietly in a room with no emails coming in or phones ringing because no one would ever trust me or my product. Your second option is to get one of your paid employees on here to politely send me a response explaining your justification as a company that only a seven day period of people pre-ordering the collector's edition are entitled to this package/silver delivery. I'd even prefer as you have all my information you give me a call, a quick 5 minute conversation where you tell me how this is acceptable, what your logic behind it is. You made a promise going forward from the 24th, it doesn't state that retroactively only those purchasing before the explanation being posted will be gifted these special rewards. Here we are that you've yet again taken my "time" from me, a resource unlike money - can't be refunded. While disappointed I can only make a forum post instead of send a direct email, sadly this time could have been spent actually enjoying your game, if I wasn't forced to come here and chase you for what you as a company have promised to reimburse me for. I look forward to a response but I find it realistic that I shouldn't wait too long as it probably won't ever come. DuncanMcCloud
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