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Edited by OneBullet2Deaths: 10/22/2015 12:25:53 AM
BUNGIE DUN *F* UP'D who the hell at bungie plans these type of things, from June 16 - June 24? they should be fired. Fire the guy who planned it, Fire his supervisor, and Fire the guy in the upper office who "okay'd" it. First off, I did purchase DCE and i purchased it back in late August because at the time there wasn't an option to obtain the exotic class items and dances without purchasing the DCE. Until they decided to re-do the purchasing options, and made it a possible separate transaction after the launch of the Taken King. Because of this I believe everyone who purchased DCE before the Taken King launch should be entitled to those extra packages or silver. i do remember deej saying something along the lines of... people who bought the DCE, with prior dlc from before (Dark Below and House of Wolves) would be getting some compensation. Deej implied that anyone who bought the DCE would be getting compensation regardless of when it was purchased. I feel a quick easy fix would be to just give the "extra" stuff, regardless of when they bought it, meaning from the release of Taken King, all the way back. This would simply make everyone happy and stop the salty tears.

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