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Edited by The Architect: 10/20/2015 5:58:06 PM

2.0 Nightfalls are unacceptable

Update (10/20/15 post patch) Still no Rep gains???!! Why? Edit 3: main points for those who seem to be missing it -Rep gain from the nightfall is unacceptable. You shouldn't receive +10/+25 for faction/vanguard when you can run a level 36 strike in 1/4 the time and get the exact same XP (used to be +500) -Weapons and armor that drop from a nightfall (280 light Rec) should not drop [b]BELOW[/b] the rec light level. -Motes should be removed from the loot pool altogether -Strange and 3oC coins should drop in stacks of 10 or 20, not 5 -3 exotic shards, 10 ToC, 12 strange coins, legendary engram, exotic engram should be the only loot pool options, anything less is a waste of time Again, thank you for all the positive comments. It's very unlikely that these changes will take place unless we actually get together and [b][i]STOP DOING THE NIGHTFALL[/i][/b] [i]back to the original post[/i] Yes this is a vent but it's pretty called for. I'm a top 1% PvE player and top 25% in crucible. Across 3 characters simultaneously I can be 309-309-308 light level. Just trying to build up my troll firewall of the inevitable "git gud scrub." But here we go Starting with This weeks nightfall, the modifiers actually add a challenge! (Which is sweet but try to find the main point here) But while defending the warsat, i understand having fallen would make this fight even harder but with Match game, exposure and Arc burn, that fight is a bitch but overall the nightfall is doable and I've already beaten it 3x this morning. But here's where the actual problem sets in... I just realized today that along with the nightfall XP boost being taken away with 2.0, the reward system and reputation gain have been fücked. There is no way that a singular mote of light should be a reward for this pain staking mission, or a shitty 278 sniper, and let me not forget my 8 strange coins on run 3. Nightfalls should guarantee exotics or 50 legendary marks as a drop. There was no explanation as to why they removed the 500+ faction bonus you received for beating it. Is +10 XP for New Monarchy really an appropriate reward for the hardest strike of the week? Anybody else having issues with this? Faction bonuses AT LEAST should return. I honestly used to rank up factions 2-3 times a week in year one thanks to the nightfall XP, XP boost and the XP from the weekly but all three of those were deemed issues and removed. Now I think across all three characters since TTK launched I've gained 4 faction levels total Edit 1: over 500 responses rather quickly. Sucks to see many other guardians, not only just get shitty drops from a difficult one time a week per character strike, but also feeling the pain of this faction and vanguard XP omission in year 2. Also found a great response from xbob lv that Bungie needs to implement [quote]Nightfalls should give +500xp faction, 30 legendary marks, and a chance for one of the following; 3 exotic shards, 10 ToC, 12 strange coins, legendary engram, exotic engram. I enjoy the challenge but the rewards are such a buzz kill.[/quote] Edit 2: almost 1000 replies and aside from a few copy and paste kids, the responses have been positive and I thank you. Hopefully Bungie or a rep sees that this reputation reward and drop system needs to be fixed. There is no reason for my 309 Hunter to receive 260 light boots from a nightfall.

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  • Edited by Vert: 10/14/2015 4:15:55 AM
    I made it through the warsat. Cleared the first room. Died in two hits to the arc with the orb several times, just to have to redo the main room. Went to orbit and figured it wasn't worth the 280-285 legendary item I have gotten the last 6 nightfalls across my characters. If they're going to make it this challenging. Make the rewards with it imo.

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