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10/13/2015 2:14:00 PM

Crucible post TTK

With this post I would like to offer my feedback on the Crucible (post TTK). Feel free to comment and contribute other problems u may have encountered. Primaries: I think Bungie made a step in the right direction here. All weapon classes are playable. Their competitiveness will be revealed this week, but at least the "standard crucible" feels pretty balanced. Shotguns: They are still as annoying as ever. They still snipe u across the map, and not only those with shotpackage but all high impact shotguns. I tried it myself with different shotguns and I got some crazy distant kills with no effort. Snipers: No problem with snipers in general but I think there are perks that should not be on certain weapons: Luck in the Chamber. We had the problem with final round for so long and now Bungie adds this perk to sniper rifles. IMO snipers are precision weapons and should not be able to one shot on a body hit. One might argue it is random but with the new soundeffect you know if your previous shots were the bonus round or not so in certain situations u just know it will be the lucky bullet. Sunbreaker titans: They have too much damage reduction for a ranged AOE super and health regeneration/overshield. Sometimes teams of 3 guardians cannot bring down a titan with active sunbreaker super. Not even precision sniper shots kill them (LDR type). Not saying they are generally overpowered but a decent player will survive things he should not and kill you. Connection/Lag/Cheating Since TTK the connection for me seems to have gotten worse. People are teleporting all over the map (lag), not taking damage you yourself not noticing the damage u take, people killing u and then dying from your melee/shotgun/sniper... IMO that P2P-thing is not working and if this gane wants to stay relevant dedicated servers are a must. If u compare it to star wars battlefront, that game has super sweet loading times, no lag, it just plays more fluid then destiny does. I can not say much about cheating, guess trials this week will tell if something changed there ... Leaving matches / joining loosing matches I do not see much change here I gotta admit. I still get put into loosing games, even more then before it feels. And when people leave a game, the matchmaking sometimes does not give u a replacement although u are barely up/down some points.

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  • They won't leave the p2p model because not enough people will leave until a suitable social replacement arrives. Until then, they will just continue to give more content that keeps you jonesing.

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  • They won't leave the p2p model because not enough people will leave until a suitable social replacement arrives. Until then, they will just continue to give more content that keeps you jonesing.

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