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Edited by Ahamazin: 10/9/2015 3:23:06 PM

How Year 1 Players "Lost" Content Too

To get to 310 Light Level, we all will have to play the King's Fall several times. So for a lot of us year 1 players, the VoG, Crota's End and Prison of Elders, is a waste of time. The previous endgame is... for the most part completely useless to us. There is no year 2 gear that drops, I'm not even sure if you get reputation/XP for doing them. Playing the previous raids and PoE is pretty much a big waste of time. So, that just leaves us with quests, that is just as much as a grind as before and King's Fall... All other content is pretty much irrelevant to us. Why doesn't Bungie, to be quite frank, get off their ass, and write some kind of algorithm into the year 1 content, to allow VoG, PoE and CE to drop year 2 gear, at higher difficulty? I know I'm not a developer, but why couldn't they add another tier or two and up the difficulty to 280 - 300 light, and let the engrams and gear, fall where it may? At this point, I have absolutely no reason to play previous endgame content. Heck, even the nightfalls are a bust most of the time now. Even the sneaky, secret missions for things like the Black Spindle and Sleeper Simulant, is irritating, because a lot of us actually have to work during the week, have families and responsibilities. By the time we have time, the events are over. For those that will say "Quit" bitching... I'm saying this to make all of our experiences better. And if Bungie wants to drop this public perception that they are only out to make money, with expansion after expansion, they need to do a better job at making all preexisting and future content, relevant to the people who have plunked down their money on the core game and every expansion since!

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  • Not a good idea basing an argument on a Google+ article. Would not be accepted in college as a valid source so personally I don't accept it either.

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    2 Replies
    • This is especially true since they require you to have both Y1 DLCs (TDB and HoW) in order to get TTK; it is not possible to only buy TTK for $40, you must buy the Legendary Edition ($60) instead. I realize this isn't much money, but it's not about cost, it's the principle of REQUIRING content that was made OBSOLETE. So they are essentially selling a game that is not really a full game :/

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      10 Replies
      • Bump bump bump Everything you read here is true. Year one items are obsolete. Content you own, has been rendered obsolete in year two. POE is obsolete. WHAT ? Rewards are obsolete, so there is no point to doing POE. Hey, I paid for POE. Currency continuously changing... What a drag. The best things about the game, the best perks and weapons nerfed to shit by lazy programmers for who adding content equals nerfing existing content. Sigh.... it could still be a great game...... Come off it Bungie. Deej spin us another tune. Disappointed in year two!!!

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      • I feel sorry for new players just starting out in Destiny because they're paying a lot of $$$ (what is it like $60-$80 for $20 worth of relevant game content) for a fraction of the game. They might as well wait for a game sale before even messing with Destiny in Y2. And as others have pointed out there is really not a lot of incentive to play the Y1 content because there's nothing to gain. It was hard enough trying to get a team together sometimes for the raids now its going to be even tougher. I'm sure very few Vet players are going to feel like doing the old raids. I know I don't feel the urge to.

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        1 Reply
        • You get Crota's Bane xp from Crota bosses

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        • [quote]The previous endgame is... for the most part completely useless to us.[/quote]Name one MMO where you get to go back and kill easy bosses to get the best gear.

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          14 Replies
          • #bungie fix this #bungie read this #bungie stop being lazy

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          • Make a level modifier for old content to new high lvl and throw in new rewards Examples Vog sword, ghost, sidearm Crota sword, ghost, sidearm Poe sword, ghost, sidearm Maybe some new armor types

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            • Technically the ghost and the class item are the only raid thing you need. You can get 300+ exotic engram drops and infuse them.

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              • Edited by BananasNBeef: 10/10/2015 8:35:52 PM
                What bothers me is that if you don't have the useless two expansions you cant DL the outageously priced TTK DLC, and have to purchase them to essentially receive outdated and pointless content. My little brother had to do this. Activision is honestly just a gluttonous greedfest and I'm done with this game.

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                1 Reply
                • I got the game a month ago and just need 50 wins to be caught up with the Year 1 Triumphs.

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                • I think they look at it as moving on. "They weren't here when atheon was getting killed sucks for them". And this is kind of sad. People who are just getting into destiny now will probably never get to play VOG or Crota because whats the point? All they need to do is quests and strikes to hit 290+ for kings fall. I would love to be able to do those raids again. But again, no point.

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                • Motes of light man

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                • Edited by DriftedColt8917: 10/9/2015 10:28:03 PM
                  They needed to make them matter. I would have done this. All raids require you to be level 40. Max light you can get from vanguard is 180. A full vog set gets you to 230. Crota full set would get you to 260. Prison would get you to 290 and kings fall would get you past 300. By doing the next level raid you could ascend the lower raids weapons. So after you beat crota you could turn in vog weapons for a 260 version. Once you beat kings fall you could then infuse all raid weapons. This way year one players could have pretty much jumped right into kings fall. Those who just started would have to work up the ladder of raids. Once you beat kings fall all vanguard and faction vendors up their gear level to 280+. This way new players get the full effect, thus expanding their play time, right up buggies alley. And us year 1 players move right into the new expansion content.

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                  3 Replies
                  • I'd be okay with allowing year one to go up till 280 or so, what would be the point in buying the DLC if you could reach max level in VoG or CE. Thats just nonsense.

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                    4 Replies
                    • I agree 100%, they should refine year one content into year two, its quite lazy to see that they couldnt take the time to give year one and two players the pleasant surprise we were all waiting for

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                    • No one lost any content

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                      8 Replies
                      • I miss my VOG cloak :(

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                      • This post I like this shit

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                      • Edited by IBamboozlerI: 10/11/2015 12:17:10 AM
                        I have thought this from time to time. Up until TTK came out....I couldn't wait to play Vault of Glass every week. Vault of Glass was my favorite PVE activity....and it has been rendered obsolete. Sad face. You couldn't even enjoy Vault of Glass now for a few reasons. 1. It would be too easy. 2. No worthwhile reward for completing it. I took a friend through Skolas Revenge just so he could get the ship from the chest and I was extremely disappointed in how easy it was now. My friend, having never done it before...thought it was just an easy thing to do. And I told him I wish we could go back and do it when it was the hardest thing took me and two friends nearly 4 hours the first time I completed it.

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                        2 Replies
                        • I don't know why they made "end game" content that wouldn't last for more than a couple months as end game. No one wants to play VoG or Crotas End because there's no reason to now. I'd love if they made the old raids relevant again

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                          • I agree and disagree with you at the same time. If they had implemented this progression system from the start then I would totally agree, but they -blam!-ed up and didn't. Why go back and rehash that old content and have to play it AGAIN to play the new content - it wouldn't make sense now to do that. Going forward? Totally would agree with you. It sucks that the old content is now useless but if the world is ever going to evolve sooner or later that content would HAVE to be left behind even if your idea was implemented. If anything they could bring out quests for a new expansion which require you to complete each raid? And add new POE modes. What you said about the events happening and coinciding with work etc, well I work too and I manage! If the spindle quest came up on a weekday, all you need to do is go on the recruitment forum, you can get a group within minutes and run that event easy.

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                          • Most games run a ptr server and have players find the bugs and fix them. Bungie needs to take a page from Mythic or blizzard.

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                            9 Replies
                            • Your feelings are shared by many

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                            • Well your right about the raids being useless, but I think it is for the best. VoG was the end game for Vanilla Destiny Crota was the end game for CE Skolas was the end game for HoW and now Oryx is the end game for TTK Its just a simple line of succession and no it doesn't necessarily mean less content. The same content is still there we have just progressed farther into the game than what we would consider necessary to complete them. The previous raids are mostly for people who have just gotten the game and have now reached the point where they can now get gear that would help them, just as we did when we were in their place.

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                              10 Replies
                              • Vog useless crota useless poe strange coins that's about all I get that's useful oh and weapon parts nightfall pratically just something to do once and hope to god you get something worth while or just be pissed the entire week till xur comes and hr pisses you off.

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