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Edited by Disloyal: 5/20/2015 12:31:51 PM

PS4 Recruiting for PoE Level 34&35 (SkolaksRevenge&Urrox's Grudge)

DragThemToHell is now recruiting for Prison of Elders, our new members must be ready to clear content, set records and excel at all things in Destiny. Who are we? We are a clan founded on a pug hardmode Vault of Glass raid that did really well, so we decided to form a clan to excel at all raids without "cheesing" to complete a raid. We are flawless raiders. What to expect within this clan: You will expect a group of friends who will share your desire to become some of the best raiders within Destiny, where everybody helps each other and will challenge you to become the best. One thing we despise within the clan is exploiting, we strive to become among the best raiders in destiny so why exploit for it? We will be attempting Prison of Elders at level 34 (URROX'SGRUDGE) within 1-3 days apon release of HOW. What we are looking for: We are looking for mature players, who have a sense of humour and are excellent destiny players like ourselves since we are striving to become amongst the best, we only want players with atleast 2 or 3 level 32's with a full arsenal of weapons at their disposal ready for PoE. *Reason: At reset we clear will be clearing 3x Vault of Glass, 3x Crotas End, 3x Nightfall and then Prison of Elders the next day or two, then Trials of Osiris from Friday-Tuesday. Then we switch teams each reset. So let us know if you would like more information regarding this elite clan, please contact me on here before applying, so we can talk in game. If you randomly add me on PS4 first you will be declined, if you have not talked to me on here first, please leave your PSN and I shall get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you Nzcomin4u of DragThemToHell. We WILL "Drag Them To Hell"

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