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3/4/2015 3:35:18 AM

Warlocks Anonymous

Hello Warlocks and Destiny Community! I'm here to talk to all of you neglected warlocks out there. So all of you Hunters and Titans, leave. Exit is on the left. So, I've decided to dedicate my blog posts to Warlocks. Why? Because I feel like they're the minority. This is blog is going to be a place for us to talk to each other and ask questions. First topic of the blog. Do you feel that Warlocks are the minority? Why or why not? Please leave your answer in the comments. I think that they are. Whenever I go to the Crucible, the only players I see are Titans and Hunters. I think this is because of how Warlocks' supers really lack damage. The Nova Bomb is Void, so it's practically useless and Radiance is only good for small grenade rampages. With Hunters, they have Blade Dancer and Golden Gun. Titans have Fist of Havoc and they're little bubbles. I think that once Bungie implements the third Subclass, Warlock population will skyrocket. That's how I feel about it. Please leave your opinion in the comments down below. Until I post again, keep on fighting Warlocks.

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