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2/2/2015 3:25:28 PM

Why the crucible is so frustrating (Possible solution)

Just to start, I do enjoy the crucible and it is by no means a completely broken experience. I do however see plenty of flaws that make it as frustrating as it is. The problem: There are too many 1hks in the crucible, things that leave you no time to react and bring down the skill gap severely. I'll refer to another game for this: Lets compare the map Reflection in halo reach to Firebase Delphi (FD). Heavies: On Reflection there is only one rocket launcher while on FD there are two heavy weapon spawns, both weapons have four shots on pickup (Assuming you have the heavy ammo perk). This isn't bad in itself, the problem is that the whole team can pick up ammo, so with two teams and everyone at an ammo crate that's 44 rockets. That's a whopping 40 more 1hks per drop than the halo rocket launcher, and that's disregarding the fact that destiny rockets have proximity and homing that make hitting targets even easier. Obviously it's unlikely that everyone will get heavy ammo during a drop but the number is still much higher and the result is a rocket/MG fest where no-one is safe. If three people on each team pick up ammo from a heavy drop that's the equivalent of 6 rocket launchers running around reflection, which is ridiculous. Solution: Makes each ammo drop hold a certain amount of ammo, maybe 6 rockets worth? Further limit this by making it so each player can only pick up 2 rockets per drop. This limits the ammo available while still giving multiple people the opportunity to use their heavies each match. Specials: A similar problem also exists with special weapons, Reflection has only one sniper and 2 CQC weapons (Sword and shotgun). On FB it is possible for there to be 12 shotguns or 12 snipers on the battlefield at the same time, these weapons are also more powerful than their halo counterparts due to perks and increased range, damage and RoF. And lets not even get started on fusion rifles. Solution: All guardians should start the match with no special ammo. Special ammo crates should also be more scarce and have longer respawn times, maybe they could even be announced by Shax. Also when someone kills an enemy that has special ammo it drops for them and they can pick it up, the enemy then respawns with no special ammo.This would severely reduce the number of shotgun/fusion rifle spammers. Grenades: I think grenades are pretty well balanced atm. You can only respawn with them using unique armour pieces and even then they're not always effective, fusion 'naders have never been a problem for me. Supers: We've all been there, you're one kill away from completing the Iron Wrath bounty when some scrub rushes in with the intention of wasting their super on you and you alone, it's like they know! I like the super as an idea to help losing teams even out the odds but some games it feels like they come at you non-stop. Solution: Reduce the amount of super bar you get from killing guardians because it favours those who do well, giving them even more advantages than they already have. Supers should really be a once a game thing, that way it encourages you to save it for the right moment rather than wasting it on the next unfortunate person to pass you by. Orbs of light in crucible need to go as well for this to work. Running out of time here so I'm gonna leave it at that. Post your ideas and opinions, lets make crucible a more balanced arena.

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