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Edited by Lord Yesua: 1/23/2015 4:23:23 AM

Top Tips for the Crucible

This is a post for all those who struggle with PvP. I know how you feel. I've found the Crucible to be a real challenge, but I am slowly making progress. These are the tips I've seen floating around the forums and on YouTube (and many of them learned the hard way by dying over and over in the Crucible). I am by no means an expert, just wanting to help those, who like me, find PvP challenging. Add your own tips in the comments below. Like and bump if you agree. (tl;dr: read only the words in [b]bold[/b] for a summary) [b]1. Control a space (between two capture points).[/b] It is difficult to camp in destiny because of the radar, but find space on each map which gives you the freedom to move around and find cover, but where you have control over the players entering that space. In control, defend two capture points and the space between them. Pick off the enemies who are trying to capture them from a distance, then move in to recapture if necessary. If you can’t find a good space between points, look for one near a single capture point and defend. It is called [i]control[/i] for a reason. Get a few kills from one spot, then move to another within your 'space'. This will disorientate the enemies who come looking for you. Works every time and gives you the advantage. [b]2. Don't rush in.[/b] Running into rooms/spaces is a sure way to die. Check the radar first, take it slow. In fact, avoid running too much in general. It takes time to raise your weapon and aim down sights after sprinting. Basically keep your distance and stick to the circumference of the map to pick enemies off from the outside in. In the middle hot zones, you will get sprayed with auto rifles, blasted with shotguns, punched, stabbed, and disintegrated with space magic. Most of the time it is not worth taking the risk (unless you have grenades and super charged). [b]3. Use the radar.[/b] You'll see a lot of people grumbling about the radar on the forums because the enemy knows roughly where you are. BUT, here’s the great thing, so do you. When you see an enemy on the radar, he can see you too. The next move you make could be your last. It is like a game of high speed chess. Try to think outside the box. Do something different and you will surprise your foe. Make the enemy come to you. Remember crouching briefly takes you off the map, potentially leading the other player to think you've moved away or died. If there are several enemies on the radar and you don't have a super, get out of there. [b]4. Don’t panic.[/b] This is the hardest one for me. When you are surrounded by several enemies, try not to panic and find some cover. Move from cover to cover until you get out of the sticky situation. If you can’t get out but have a grenade, use it. You might die, but there is nothing more satisfying than a post-mortem kill (especially using a sticky grenade to the enemy face). [b]5. Think before using your super.[/b] Is there only one enemy on the radar? Don’t waste it on him. Use it to take out several enemies who are grouped together capturing a control point. If you are a hunter, never power up in the line of fire. Always get to cover then power up. It is so easy to be killed as a hunter when using your super during the power up animation. I've learned this lesson the hard way on more than one occasion. [b]6. Run away.[/b] If someone has landed a few shots on you in advance, don’t hesitate to run away. As Gandalf the Grey once said, ‘FLY, YOU FOOLS’. This is probably the best tip anyone can give you. Run away, find cover, and recharge health and shields. Wait for the enemy to come to you and pick them off using distance and cover. [b]7. Crouch.[/b] Not only does this take you off the radar briefly, it also makes your hit box smaller and improves your stability when shooting. Crouching is especially effective slightly after taking fire from an enemy. Crouch and he will fire a few bullets over your head, giving you the chance to land a few shots on him. This is especially effective when fighting auto rifle users. [b]8. Keep moving. [/b]When being shot at, wiggle the control stick back and forth quickly. It will make you harder to hit and frustrate the enemy. [b]9. Use cover.[/b] Standing out in the open is a sure way to die. Try and crouch behind a box or wall. The harder you are to hit, the better. Move from spot to spot, this will always give you a tactical advantage. [b]10. Get heavy ammo.[/b] This is essential. Personally, I would advise against using rockets, get a good machine gun instead (e.g. Swarm from the vanguard and get the perk which improves stability). Shoot sparingly and you can get a lot of kills this way. Also, wait a few seconds for your team mates to get to the heavy ammo box. It gives ammo for both you and them if you have a little patience. [i]Rockets vrs. Bullets:[/i] whether you use rockets or MG depends on the team you're facing. Rockets counter MGs and MGs counter people with normal weapons. If you're facing a good team, use rockets to deny them a 10+ kill streak with their MG. If you're against a bunch of randoms then you can use an MG and go on a huge kill streak yourself, because the randoms don't have the co-ordination to wait for their whole team to pick up heavy (Thanks to FullSpe3D for this interesting point). [b]11. Don't be greedy[/b]: If you have two control points and your team has a spawn near these two points do not push the third point. It will just cause spawns to jumble and often results in losing the two points you had (thanks to x 7VOOB Magic x for this point). [b]12. Stick with your team mates.[/b] Let them take the bullets, so you don't have too. Let them weaken the enemy, then move in for the kill. Going lone wolf can be fun and challenging, but supporting the team is a great way to stay alive and finish off the enemy (Thanks to YouKnowItsKoala for this point). N.B. A post mortem reflection ... Sticking [i]like glue[/i] with team mates [i]will get you killed[/i] in the chaos. Don't go all alone into enemy territory, that's stupid. Don't stick too close to other people as you make yourself vulnerable to enemy multi kills. The golden rule: In control if you hold two points as a team don't push the third, unless it is the more tactically advantageous position. [b]13. BANG, BANG, he shot me down.[/b] Don't challenge people when using your shotgun at midrange. It is so easy to get killed while you're trying to get near your target. Use teleportation to get in close, then shotgun & melee combo and bob's your uncle (Thanks to Kid Deeflex for this tip). [b]14. It's all in the head.[/b] Always aim for the head. It is the quickest way to get kills. If you are using a weapon with high recoil aim slightly below the head to get the head shot. It may take a while to get used to this with auto rifles (thanks to Imminent Envy for this tip). [b]15. I'm forever blowing bubbles.[/b] ... When you see a Titan in his disco dome DO NOT ENGAGE! You are only feeding him kills by entering that bubble. The most effective way to end a super is with another super. In this case, Golden Gun is your [i]best shot[/i] at ending the party in the disco dome (Thanks to VinyGroundhog for this tip). Also ... Titan's smelly funny. Have fun and enjoy it.

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