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Edited by OnyxTheWiseWolf: 12/11/2014 4:31:00 PM

Proposed... Solution. For The Ridiculous "Rexurbishing" System

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I have a Different Suggestion (Comment below)


Hey all. vVvDARK WOLFvVv here! Ok, So I made a post a little while back on about how stupid this new "Rexurbishing" Feature is. And i gave it some major flak not because the idea itself is stupid but because they are implimenting it in a poor manner. Now I personally am not going to "Rexurbish" in the current iteration. too expensive and you are losing too much for what you are spending. So. Here is my solution to the problem. As you may already know, you can uprgrade your exotics to their next tier of attack rating with an Exotic Shard (7 strange coins) and an upgrade module (7k glimmer) of which you purchase from xur. the downside to doing this besides the obscene amount of strange coin and glimmer farming you have to do, is that it completely 100% resets your weapon stats except for the attack which goes up to 302 for all except the Vex Mythoclast. It is also worth noting that anyone who gets any Pre-DLC Exotics after this past Tuesday (December 9th), get to have the upgraded version automatically, free of charge. Now. There a few things wrong with this reset. 1) We lose all of our perks such as Mark of the Devourer on the thorn and String of curses on the Bad Juju, etc, etc. 2) It is an absolute PAIN to uprgrade exotics to the point that they are good, with the exception of the icebreaker which IMO was already good 3) as fore mentioned, anyone who gets these exotics post-DLC launch, regardless of means, does not have to pay for a "rexurbish" Now here is my proposed solution for this. For starters, lower the price of a tier-up on Pre-DLC exotics, and only take off the last 3 defense/attack rating nodes, and make them the tier-up nodes, of which take the exotic weapons to 331 and what ever the new max for armor is. And make it so with ALL pre DLC exotics not just ones found before the DLC release. that way everyone is on an even field here. because I doubt that many people are willing to pay for the "rexurbish" in the current state it is in. As always any and all feedback is GREATLY appreciated, still no TL;DR either. Comment any other ideas below. Bungie should be able to hear our voices, we simply must yell louder! SEE Y'ALL STARSIDE!

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