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Edited by FoxhuntRadio: 12/12/2014 8:43:46 PM
i have a simple solution that should appease everyone on both side of the in game trading debate......while both sides have a valid argument, the point everyone is missing is that this game was originally designed with a trade system and that is the only reason it has RNG loot......what appears to be a broken random loot system is not broken, its just missing the vital component that it was designed, open free trade would ruin the game, and yes no trading is unrealistic based on the design of the how about this.... 1. you can only trade with clan mates 2. you must be a member of the clan for 30 days to be able to trade 3. only equal value items can be traded (exotic for exotic, raid gear for raid gear) 4. you earn a traders mark for completing the raid 2 or 3 weeks in a row 5. both trading parties must have a traders mark to trade 6. each traders mark will allow only 1 trade *EDIT* 7. All gear traded should be completely reset once it has been traded this way, you cannot trade all you want, cannot sell or trade items to randoms, cannot become friends just to sell and trade an item, none of that would be an issue at all.....and to be honest, would save a lot of customers and make the game experience more dynamic and complete in my opinion....does anybody agree?

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  • I would like to see your evidence of this game being based around a trading system.

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  • Lol let me guess your the noob that doesnt raid and just relies on turning in bounties to get you shitty exotics. Gtfo kid and stop pulling shit outta your ass. I don't know how it got there in the first place but I dont wanna know lol

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  • Haha! I have every exotic in the game except the universal remote and the Monte carlo, neither of which do i want, i have 7 icebreakers, 3 gjallahorns, 2 patience and times, 2 thorns, 2 truths, 2 dragons breath 3 mythoclasts, 3 suros regime's, hawkmoon, 2 hardlights, and quite f we more that I have multiples of. I have more raid completions on my main than you have on all of your characters put together, I have 2 lvl 32 characters AND just deleted a 3rd lvl 32 last night just to make a new one. I out-stat, out rank, and out play you and 90% of all you entitled little shit's and I want to help other people not myself how is that so hard for people to understand? I guess your just another selfish douchy bag who thinks he's the shit because of a random, luck of the draw that got you something good but took NO skill to get....and while you talk the exotic bounties are the only, ONLY exotics in the whole game that you actually even earn, so step off with that bullshit

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  • Lol stop crying baby do you need someone to change your diaper because your obviously just some loner that sits on his ass all day playing Destiny get a life, get a gf get laid. what a no life and dont say you do, you just admitted it lol

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  • I play 2 hours a day and have since release. Please tell me how that makes me a no life? I'm a grown ass man, married with 2 kids and a good job, but I'll humor you, since the only obvious place you could go with your argument is to TRY to make me look like a no life, when in reality, I'm just better than you.....oh wait, that's every noob's argument and excuse why someone is better than them ain't it, lol get good or get wrecked son, that's how it is. Just because I'm better than you in every way does not mean I have no life, just means I have more skill and better manage my time in game....but please, PLEASE , I want to hear the noob logic that lead you to that conclusion

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  • Like I said before stop pulling shit outta your ass its just making you look bad with your pitiful lies a no life and a liar GTFO here kid

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  • This is very old to respond to, I have a different view about the original subject of this topic, but I can attest to this. Fox's Skill set in battle due to the sheer amount that he has played. While he has lost his last freaking mind deleting a 32, he will or has likely already gotten it back to 30. As for his weapons, just take a peek at his characters on this site. Stats and records will clarify any questions you may have, at least on his NON deleted characters.

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  • Lol your too cute.....what are you 12? 13? 13 and a half? When you grow up son, you'll learn that people don't "make up" being married, they "make up" super hot girlfriends and lavish lifestyles, but it's nice to know that when you no longer have a leg to stand on in you "argument" if you even can call it that, all you can do is basically pull a 3 year old, and say "nah uh! You're lying" Actually, speaking of a 3 year old, my 3 year old would wreck you in an argument, lol, even she understands you gotta have facts if you want to

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  • 1
    Hmm. You got Universal Remote, i just check in..

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  • I've had it for a while, why?

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  • 1
    You said you got all exotic but no Uni Remote and Monte-Carlo. Thats was weird dude.

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  • I actually have 2 Monte carlo's now as well

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  • I giggled reading all of this, however judging by your responses and typing, you are living in either a trailer park, or your mothers basement, or both. If you played 2 hours a day and have every exotic you wouldn't be getting defense, crying like a little bitch, or so hell bent on convincing everyone your ideas are the shit and your the best. Also I am waiting in this evidence of the game being based around a trading system.

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  • I like the idea of trading and must be equal etc. But I think it should be anonymous. That way it would be impossible for ppl to pay real cash etc for trades. It would have to be controlled by bungie thru a vendor or such like xur. For example they would have to let ppl but items up for trade and whatvever other ppl put up can be swapped ex. Person one puts suros up for trade for a mida multi someone else put up a mida multi for trade wanting a suros. They swap never knowing gt or anything.

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  • No. No trade ever.

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  • Edited by FoxhuntRadio: 1/3/2015 8:33:55 PM
    Seriously guy? How about you offer an actual reason you are against trading, huh? And I don't mean that generic "it'll break the game" or "you have to earn your gear" bullshit, cause both are completely false statements and can actually be PROVEN to be false, so If you are not gonna be part of the solution to a very real problem for most gamers, just don't comment then....ok? Don't want trading? We don't care because we do, if you dont like it, don't use it when it comes out, doesn't effect you in any way so keep your negativity off of my post unless you have some facts to back up what spews out of your mouth, cause we don't wanna hear it......especially not from someone who cheese's the shit out of the raids......that shit hurts the community and game far more than trading ever would

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  • Lol you are the one not providing any facts. Also you respond to a simple sentence with a -blam!-ing book haha, I'm gonna follow you for the entertainment!

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  • I still believe you should not be able to trade raid gear. As that is something that although is all rng and is usually bull shit to get. But, that's part of the reason to raid and it makes getting that last piece of gear all to sweet. I completely agree with your idea but would make is so that trade once a reset.

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  • You really have your panties in a bunch over this, don't you? I have seen too many games go to hell because of a trading system. Those hard to find exotics will be sold one way or another for real cash. "B-b-b-but Bungie can implement a way to stop that." Perhaps. But do you really think they will spend the cash and resources to over-haul the current system? C'mon man, use your brain. If there was meant to have a trading system, don't you think it would already be in place?

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  • Name 1 single game destroyed by trading! I dare you! Just because you don't like it or don't want it doesn't mean it destroyed anything, WOW, Diablo 1, 2, 3, skyrim, ALL Wildly successful, and ALL have trading Dumbass

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  • Skyrim was never created with a trading system. It was a soft modded added later, Also only on PC.

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  • Ok, retard. It won't matter what I'll tell you, you're still going to think you are right in your way of thinking. But sorry to tell you this, kid, trading will not happen with this Destiny. Bungie will not rework everything just to appease whiny special-needs children.

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  • Ok RETARD, trading WILL happen because nothing has to be reworked! Damn people like you really are dumb as -blam!-! Bungie has said the game was designed around a trade system and it was removed at the last second. That's why the loot system even is RNG you dumb -blam!-. AND bungie has stated that they WILL put the trade system back in if called for enough by the community. Anyone with Google can find the interviews I speak of, and if it's too hard for your little brain to comprehend, I'll be happy to provide links to them for you

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  • This is fun. Trading will not happen, And there has not been a single inclination of it by bungie or any of the sort. You just talking out your ass, doing a very good job, although shit will still be shit no matter how it is presented.

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