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Edited by Nightshrike: 12/7/2014 2:42:21 AM

How to Fix Supers for PvP and PvE (Constructive Criticism and Suggestions)

I agree with most or all of these suggestions.


I disagree with most or all of these suggestions.


I have no opinion so far.


[b]DISCLAIMER:[/b] [spoiler]Are you one of these? [u]Desticle Type 1[/u] You are an apologist for Bungie and Destiny and you refuse to accept or contemplate [i]any[/i] criticism toward Destiny, no matter how the argument is presented to you and no matter how reasonable the suggestions are. Instead, you label [i]anyone[/i] who suggests anything to modify certain aspects of Destiny a "crybaby" who should "go play Call of Duty instead", like you saw several other people do. [u]Desticle Type 2[/u] You absolutely abhor Destiny, regardless of whether or not you've spent over a hundred hours playing Destiny, and this also somehow makes you hate everyone who likes Destiny. You are prone to spamming the forums with "Nerf [i][Insert Something Here][/i]" threads, sometimes without providing any good reasons why (probably because you got your ass kicked in the Crucible) and insulting anyone who disagrees with you. You are the reason Type 1 Desticles exist. If you [i]are[/i] one of these types of people, please leave this thread [i]immediately[/i]. Thank you. Now for the rest of you guys, please keep it civil and respect one another.[/spoiler] [[b]Feel free to skip past this wall of text for the actual changes to the Supers][/b] [b][TL;DR at the bottom][/b] I've made this thread hoping that Bungie notices and implements a few changes that could make Destiny a more enjoyable experience overall. This is genuine constructive criticism, not blind bandwagon hate. In fact, the very reason I'm writing this is because I love Destiny. I love the concept behind the game, and I only seek to improve this experience for everyone... [spoiler]Or at least for most people, since you can't please everyone (there'll always be [i]some[/i] people whining about [i]something[/i][/spoiler] This time, I'd like to talk about Supers in general, both in PvP and PvE. Supers are fundamental to warfare in Destiny and play an extremely crucial role in turning the tides of battle. They're demonstrations of a Guardian's raw power and prowess at wielding the Traveler's Light. Supers have caused a lot of controversy and sometimes even hatred among the community. We all have seen those threads complaining about how a certain Super is OP, and that it should be nerfed. There are so many of them out there that by now, and I have seen nerf threads for [i]every single[/i] Super already (although threads complaining about Ward of Dawn are rather rare). I have a level 29 Warlock, a level 29 Hunter, and a level 25 Titan. As someone who has spent quite a lot of time with every single subclass (except Striker) and has quite a lot of experience in the Crucible, I feel that I am qualified to give suggestions and talk about how to tweak the various Supers. Without further ado, let's dive right in. Super should kill Super. If used strategically, a Super should be able to take out another. However, this is not always the case. Voidwalkers and Strikers get ridiculous amounts of damage reduction while casting their Supers. In fact, they can survive a Golden Gun shot or an Arc Blade slash. I've tried using Golden Gun to kill a Warlock about to cast Nova Bomb, but he survived the shot with a sliver of health and still managed to kill me. I've tried using Arc Blade to take out a Titan about to slam the ground with Fist of Havoc, but he also survived and I died. However, Golden Gun does kill Bladedancers with Arc Blade active, and vice verse. This makes Nova Bomb and Fist of Havoc perfect panic buttons. The downside to both of them is the limited kill potential. They rely on their targets to be clustered together to get multikills. Hunter Supers, on the other hand, have way more kill potential than Nova Bomb or Fist of Havoc, although they can be avoided more easily. While you barely have any time at all to react to Nova Bomb or Fist of Havoc, if you hear Golden Gun or Arc Blade get activated, you can just run away and hide. Hunters also receive significantly less damage reduction (Gunslingers receive none at all), making them pretty easy to kill mid-Super, and lose [i]all[/i] of their Super energy if they are killed while activating or using their Super. However, Hunters still have way more Super kills than Warlocks or Titans. Hopefully the following changes will address all these issues with the Supers if they are implemented. [u][b]General Crucible Changes[/b][/u] The killfeed notifies you of people who have just become Supercharged (e.g [b]xNightshrike[/b] is Supercharged). The edges/outlines of the sections of the Radar will pulsate yellow (like how the sections pulsate red if an enemy is crouching) when an enemy who is Supercharged is nearby. For example, all enemies, Supercharged or not, are currently only displayed as red sections on the Radar. With this change, an enemy who is not Supercharged will still be displayed as a red section only, but an enemy who is Supercharged will now be displayed as that same red section but with a pulsating yellow outline. Killing enemies mid-Super will generate an Orb of Light. Maybe even introduce new medals for killing enemies mid-Super. [u][b]Golden Gun[/b][/u] [b]PvP only[/b] - Reduced hitbox [b]PvE only[/b] - Increased damage - Ability to deal critical damage [u][b]Arc Blade[/b][/u] [b]General[/b] - Increased activation time - Receives increased critical damage (one headshot from a Sniper Rifle will kill a Bladedancer mid-Super) [b]PvE only[/b] - Generates more Orbs of Light - Increased damage - Increased damage reduction [u][b]Nova Bomb[/u][/b] [b]General[/b] - Cooldown reduced by slightly less than half - Lose a third of Super energy if killed mid-Super - All enemies struck by Nova Bomb's explosion (and Vortex effect) cannot use their abilities for ten seconds (identical effect to the Defender's Suppressor Grenade) [b]PvP only[/b] - Remove damage reduction [u][b]Radiance[/u][/b] [b]General[/b] - Increased movement speed - Increased weapon reload speed - Song of Light's effective radius is increased - Song of Light gives teammates Radiance's visual effect when they are within its effective radius - Fireborn's self-resurrect blinds nearby enemies briefly (similar to the Striker's Flashbang Grenade) [u][b]Fist of Havoc[/u][/b] [b]General[/b] - Cooldown reduced by slightly less than half - Lose a third of Super energy if killed mid-Super - All enemies struck by Fist of Havoc's explosion are briefly blinded (similar to the Striker's Flashbang Grenade) [b]PvP only[/b] - Remove damage reduction [u][b]Ward of Dawn[/b][/u] [b]PvP only[/b] - Able to withstand Nova Bomb To complement the changes to the Supers, I've also thought of several changes to several subclass perks. [u][b]Gunslinger[/b][/u] Replace [b]Circle of Life[/b] (killing an enemy with Throwing Knife while Golden Gun is active extends Golden Gun's duration) with [b]Encore[/b] (killing an enemy with Golden Gun extends its duration). I think we can all agree that [b]Circle of Life[/b] is utterly useless. [u][b]Bladedancer[/b][/u] The energy wave generated by the [b]Razor's Edge[/b] ability is now faster, wider and taller than before. [u][b]Voidwalker[/b][/u] Nothing needs to be done here. [u][b]Sunsinger[/b][/u] The hover ability granted by [b]Angel of Light[/b] lasts twice as long. I've already mentioned the changes to the other few perks. [u][b]Striker[/b][/u] [b]Unstoppable[/b] now does not grant damage reduction, but instead regenerates health and grants overshields if an enemy is killed by Fist of Havoc. [u][b]Defender[/b][/u] Nothing needs to be done here. [b][u]TL;DR[/u][/b] Gunslingers, You need to be more accurate with Golden Gun. Your Golden Gun is also much more powerful in PvE. Bladedancers, Arc Blade takes more time to activate, and you take more damage from headshots while Arc Blade is active, but damage reduction is left mostly unchanged. Voidwalkers and Strikers, No more panic Supers for you (damage reduction removed). However, your Super now recharges [i]twice[/i] as quickly to make up for your relatively low kill potential (compared to Hunters) and applies a debuff to those who take some AoE damage but had enough distance to survive the explosion. Sunsingers, Your Super gets an overall buff. Defenders, Your Super has been left alone. It's fine the way it is. So, what do you guys think? I would love to hear any suggestions that you guys have. Feel free to state what you agree or disagree with and why. And as I said, keep it civil. I'm not looking for any trouble.

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  • I play all three, and I must say that without damage reduction the titan super would be awful. since you have to be in close range to use it you take a lot of hits just advancing on a group or even a single guy. Essentially it would be shoulder charge with splash damage, and If you have ever tried shoulder charging from the front you know that you get taken down most of the time. Also One thing I'd like to point out about the striker and voidwalker supers is that while their super does not reset upon death, it is often wasted. I consider myself to be a fairly good player and I miss with those supers all the time, where as with golden gun if you miss once you get two more tries (three with the helmet) and bladedancer if you miss the melee you also get more tries. These are just some things that you should consider when you see strikers and voidwalkers not losing super upon death. Also like you said hunters usually get more super kills anyway (I do as a hunter too) so overall I don't think novabomb or fist of havoc should be made harder to use.

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