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Edited by Sine Cera: 11/27/2014 6:04:56 PM

everytime I see "last guardian standing"

All the game is telling me is "you have an audience, do something awesome". Edit: another personal favorite is "don't revive me there's too many of them!" Challenge accepted.

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  • Me: "dude what happened?" Friend: "knights! Knights everywhere!" (Nightfall) Me: "i got this" *start running to him* Him: "no! Dont do it! Youll f***ing die!!"(full panic mode) Me: "" Him: "no you dont their ever-" Me:*fist of havocs the knights...they all disintegrate" Him: "..." Me: *revives him and runs from eyebeam* Other dead team mate: "i guess he did have it.." Him: "shut the f*** up >:("

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    • That moment when it says last gaurdian standing, so you look to see where your teamates orbs are. Then you find one surrounded by 4 wizards, and the other one is right next to the boss. Then you're just like: "F*ck you guys..."

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    • OP knows what's really important. It's all about those Style Points.

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    • Edited by STAR-L7RD: 11/29/2014 4:30:22 PM
      I just go into "sh*t just got real" mode.

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    • I had something like this. Archon Priest on Nightfall, both Teammates are dead, one is surrounded by nothing but stealth vandals and Captains on an Arc Burn Lightswitch. I activate BladeDancer, and go Invis and grab my teammate. He never saw me, so all he sees is him getting revived into a shitload of enemies. Needless to say, much screaming ensued on his part and much laughing on mine

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    • I always got the chills

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    • I usually teabag a dreg

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    • It's time to look at the situation, if it's a salvageable situation then you find a corner to hide, equip the maxed Ghallahorn, throw some rockets in, take a breath, and let em fly.

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    • Edited by CodyRychrds: 11/29/2014 10:31:24 AM
      If it isn't nightfall? "Hah, -blam!- you guys, I'm gonna' sit in a corner over here and wait for you to respawn." If it IS nightfall? Time to pull out everything I've got. Which means I will sit in the corner, again, until my cloak gets to work. Although, if it's the Raid, then I just run up and hug Atheon.

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    • It's a weird feeling when someone randomly comments on you going ham in a high-stakes situation since they're dead. Sorta comes out of nowhere while you're busy kicking ass and using every ability at once, then breaks your focus completely. Me, I'm a pretty good revival guy. I almost never misjudge whether or not I can safely revive and I'm proud to be adept at the art of the Rope-a-Dope. Almost makes me want to let my teammates die if I'm having a bad day so I can get the cheers when everything goes to shizz and I pull it back.

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    • Getting killed in a nightfall and watching the last guardian standing desperately try to stay alive is one of the most stressful things any gamer will ever go through.

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      • not if it's the nightfall. Last week took 3 tries. I just skipped it this week. I didn't want to deal with phogoth. Here's to hoping it's The Nexus next week!

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        • 3
          We were on the hard raid on 3 got teleported and 2 back with me died and I was the only one left outside the portal. Atheon had a sliver of health left and all I had to do was keep a portal open.. No problem right? Wrong. I thought I was on my hunter and I ran off the edge to get to the middle platform to go around the supplicants. I was slightly below the platform and I went to double jump but instead glided down to my death.

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          • Being a sunsinger I always get really close to one of my teammates to revive them, then fake a die, hear them scream of how I'm useless, activate fireborn, revive them, and feel like a boss

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          • I hold my ground until Gandalf comes with his army to support.

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          • Yep. Last guardian standing = showtime!

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          • Nightfall Dead guy- "oh shit be careful" Me- "smh you wanna come back to life or not" Dead guy- "..yes" Me- "don't tell me to how to live my life"

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            • That happened one time in the Raid, Atheon was almost dying and then i see "last guardian standing". Killed Atheon with my last Gjallarhorn shot, almost blind and using a Hunter. The best was shuting up a lv30 Titan that talked shit all the Raid about how the hunters are useless.

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              • "No! You'll never make it to all of us in time before they kill you!" Well why the -blam!- do you think I'm playing defender with the Alpha Lupi chestpiece? Of course I can revive you!

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              • Last guardian standing? FIST OF HAVOC PHOGOTH!

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              • When that happens I show off my incredible dance moves for a good 15 - 20 seconds so they can really take it in and enjoy it.

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              • Quote from InvasiveWheel24 "Htrooper10 don't revive us there's to many enemies" me "ok then *bladedances to them and revives them" too many huh" unquote

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              • I scream, throw my controller in the air, and then run to my bed and curl up into a ball under the covers.

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                • Edited by Bipolar Carrot: 11/28/2014 11:34:55 PM
                  That's one reason I like my sunsinger warlock. If I'm the last alive and I die on the nightfall, I listen to everyone go "Aww, -blam!- you, you suck, why's you have to die?!?" then at 1 second I'll be all "JESUS JUST REVIVED ME MOTHER -blam!-ERS!!!" and then they are all like "OOOHHHH SHIT!! THAT AWESOME!!" and then I'm like "NOW WHO'S READY TO WIN THIS SHÍT??!!?" then I die due to increased void damage. But the 5 seconds of insane stardom is worth it.

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                  • I crouch and hide in a corner.

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                  • I'm like, oh crap, now I gotta be a hero.

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