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11/26/2014 9:42:35 PM

Sick of 30 only runs

I don't understand the point of people not letting 29's into hardmode VoG. I'm sick of not getting into groups and not being able to do hardmode. I only need the helmet to get to level 30, but none of my friends are ready to do hardmode so I have to resort to finding random groups but people won't invite me cause I'm only level 29. Does anyone else have this problem?

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  • U could just keep raiding until u get the raid chest piece and then rock out an exotic helmet instead of the armamentArium chest piece. That's what I had to do with my hunter. Not entirely the 30s fault for not taking u. It is a ton easier to do the raid with 6 30s. It's still do able with 29s just harder

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  • Not like they're easy to get or anything, but a 29 with a maxed Ice Breaker or Gjallahorn is more valuable than a 30 without. These are IMO the best raid weapons and really up your chances to get picked up by people for raids.

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  • You can get to 30 without doing hard

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  • If your sick take some medicine and suck it up.

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  • Said this as a lv 29, and I'll say it again. A lot of lv 29s suck, simple as that. They're not as reliable as 30s when it comes to carrying relics either.

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  • Buy an exotic helmet and go for the normal mode raid chest piece. Once you max them and get to 30, do hard mode for the helmet and switch back

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    • For those of you chiming in. To give you an update you can either scroll down to my previous post and full story or this brief one. He only has 1 raid gear, using his exotic on the chest, 1 iron banner and this that AE sucks and would rather use a hardlight. To finish off he has only done the raid TWICE! Point heard, point made.

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      • Not so much about 29 as it is about having a proper load out. I run VOC, Praydeth, and either Corrective Measure or Unfriendly Giant (void). All maxed gives me as much DPS as the 30's. Only problem I have is being a Hunter. No support or soft ability to bail me out of tight spots.

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        • It's all about the player, I ran a hard raid last night with 5 30s and a 29, it took 2 hours. I ran another hard raid this morning with 3 30s and 3 29s it took 1:15 min.

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          • You should be 30 by now... IB made it easy.

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            • You'll love them once you're level 30.

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            • Why don't you do a 29 only run, that way you can get people like you and understand why people don't want 29's. You'd be amazed just how long it's going to take you ;)

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            • spend some time to max your raid weapons and u will be fine

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            • I'm not trying to be a dick, but I wouldn't take you on a hard raid with me. It's NOT because you're level 29, I don't care about that. The problem is none of your weapons are maxed out and that's a big problem. When I was a 29, I wouldn't expect anyone to take me on the hard raid unless everything I was using was maxed out. The Attack damage is important if you're going to be fighting enemies of a higher level than you. So at 300 (ie maxed out, you can do decent damage to a lvl 30 mob) but all of your weapons are in 260-267 range which means not only are you going to be taking more damage, you're going to be doing the lowest amount of damage possible. Unfortunately, you are a liability to the team. Max those weapons out and I'll gladly take you with my group for the hard raid, seriously.

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              • You can EASILY get into a raid with some 29's and 30's you just have to make your own group. Is it just me or are alot off 29's crying about not getting a 30 in there group while they arent even trying there best. And maybe get some gaming friends? Protip: do NOT leave a message with your gt on a forum that doesnt help. Search them up on your console and go into party chat or send then a message or just atleast try!

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              • As long as you only have 2 29's, there really isn't an issue since you'll always have a lvl 30 to carry a relic on atheon. That is as long as the 29's have good maxed out weapons that is.

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              • -blam!-in gayeeee

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              • Never been a part of a 30s only run.. even tho most people I play with are getting there now

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              • it does make waaaay easier tho

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              • Go do it with a team full of 29s then?

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              • Maybe you should make a 29 only run. That'll show 'em!

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              • you could have purchased the boots and arms from IB. You would only need an exotic helmet and the raid chest (from normal vog) to hit 30.

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                • Start your own group?

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                • You just gotta organize it yourself. 3 29s and 3 30s is fine. 4 29s is doable. More than that and it will be rough. And everyone needs their weapons maxed out of course.

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                    Alot eazer.... U can get to lvl 30 on normal raid.... Sorry I would let 29s in but it would keep me from getting rewards... Atheon is hard with a good amount of lvl 29s And to anyone reply to my post with i did it with full lvl 29 group... Then y do you want to be in a lvl 30 group.

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                  • 29 is good enough to run the raid on hard when you are a team player and have good team players as well. To many people out there that are terrible team players and need lvl 30 players to carry them . I have run raid on hard with two 29 characters for few weeks and have not received my last vault gear, luckily I've met some good players but have run into a share of selfish players. I have a level 30 also and I have helped some new raiders on easy. Many 30s say they have experience on hard but fail to execute and stick with it. Do not stop trying eventually you will find a group of good raiders. Last point Bungie needs to find a way to make it easier for first time raiders to find helpful people and just find players to raid with in general.

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