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Edited by BaconNinja: 11/26/2014 10:34:38 PM

I'm an American - I prefer running VoG with British or other European people

Anyone else feel this way? They just tend to be more...pleasant than rando Americans. Americans are like all loud and "-blam!- ya! 'murica baby!" and Europeans are all like "greetings mate, would you care to partake in an Aetheon run?" [b]Edit 1: [/b]Sorry to the Americans that are offended by this. Honestly it didn't even occur to me that anyone would be genuinely upset. It's just an online game, and I don't think there is much room for patriotism in it. [b]Edit 2:[/b] "American", "British", and "European" are not races. In fact, I know more than one British person whose race is "asian" [b]Edit 3: [/b]Aussies are cool too :)

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  • I read that last sentence in the cutest voice ever. But I'm in the same boat. I have a group of guys in England that always seem to be running the raid at the same time as I. I don't always understand what they're saying, but even just being in their fireteam makes me feel 1000% classier. They're the nicest guys, and I've never seen a single one of them get butthurt over a silly joke or after someone stumbles and we have to wipe. Played with my other group. One guy is super awesome (his name is awesomenot) and very friendly. "Well you obviously don't give a -blam!- about me, or never did. Just shut up." I hear after one joins the party. Apparently he was going through a breakup mid-raid. Some guy kept yelling to his wife in the other room to get an update on some ball game. Some kid was attempting to order tacos (i.e., barking orders at his mom), then proceeded to try to eat said tacos while in the gorgons maze (don't try this at home folks). And then of course there's always a spout of cursing someone out for a good 2 minutes when they inevitably mess something up.

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    • I like bravery and respect no matter the origin

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    • I quite like playing with Americans, all the positivity is a nice change for us Brits. Quick tip, if you join a group & they sound like a bunch of rude & roudy Aussies, don't worry they a probably just South African ;)

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    • Play with Canadians like me and we can have a heated debate about healthcare and poutine :)

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      7 Replies
      • The American stereotype isn't often true, but when it is, it's very true.

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        • Edited by theBlindMann: 11/27/2014 12:24:07 AM
          I'd love to raid with this group.

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          • Lmao!! "Murica Baby!!!"

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          • Maybe it's my multicultural Canadian blood but I welcome everyone regardless of sex, creed, race or sexual preference. I wait until someone acts like a tool for me to pass judgement. It's swift, but it still waits....

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            • My regular group consists of myself and 2 other Americans, one male and one female. 2 Brits, one male one female. And finally, a Greek fellow whose very vocal, very loud mother is comic gold. She makes the VoG worth running.

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              • I'm british and played with some French guys once , but when things started to get heated they all gave up, then left me all alone to get the job done, I asked help from my american friends but they didn't come till the last minute .

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                18 Replies
                • I don't play with random that solves that problem.

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                • I play with one British person, and then the rest of my friends are American lol

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                • I love playing with British people. As a whole, they seems to enjoy playing the game. Laughing and joking even when they die. Unless it's BS, in which case a random "PISS OFF!!" Comes through the mic. Which is still funny.

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                • Commie

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                • Dont bother man, like, with the edits because people are calling you racsist and being upset because they want to ruin someone elses day, honestly im canadian and i know quite a few americans who are exactly as you describe and i wont even play with people like that lol

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                • This just amuses me, mostly cause half of my raid clan is British

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                • ...traitor

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                • Straya!!!

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                  • some of the British people are actually some of the most ignorant racist a holes out there same thing with french canadians. Not to say the majority are just in my experience the most extreme cases were British or French Canadians.

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                  • If it's just a game then why the thread? Yea we got you.

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                  • Well, I am American n I do love my Merican' people, but I gotta say that British are way more polite on the few occasions that I have had the chance to play with them.

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                  • Edited by lITHEOPIl: 11/27/2014 4:17:35 AM
                    It's funny cause I had an American join our 5 man Aussie squad last night and he said the exact same thing, he told me his usual team are very bossy and loud and yet we were all organised and polite in a way. He fell and died on the platforms and we all just laughed and said it's all good mate it happens to the best of us, he said he would have been blasted and mocked for falling off in his usual fireteam, lol.

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                  • I live in America and this has happened to me American players always stealing check points they kick u once they get it hasn't happened with other races

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                  • It's cool to experience other cultures - I remember back in October an Australian calling a New Zealander -blam!-wit during the entire raid. Then an American asked them if Octoberfest was crazy.

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                  • Edited by Frickin Rock: 11/27/2014 3:27:15 AM
                    My friends from the UK so he hosts for COD on SND. No matter what place in the world anyone is from little kids and teens, very rude XD

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