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Edited by TheBeezNeez81: 11/25/2014 8:07:37 AM

Control is NOT Domination

There seems to be a lot of confusion about how this game mode is played. First of all, this isn't domination. You DO NOT gain points(over time, like in domination) for having flags captured. You do, however, gain more points per kill based on how many flags are captured. You also gain points for neutralizing(Edit: It seems as if we don't get points for this anymore o.O ) AND capturing a flag(75 points per player in the zone), however this should not be your teams only strategy. Your main goal is to focus on defending your capped flags as the kills are where the bulk of your points come from. You DO NOT have to capture all three flags. You don't even need two, if you have a good team that can keep a better k/d spread than the other team. That being said, the best strategy is to cap TWO FLAGS (not three, you CoD/BF alum) and defend the lanes leading from/to those flags. This is not camping ladies and gentleman, it's a strategy. Anyone that claims "camping" is just bitter and butthurt. Don't like that? Tough! It wins games. I don't know about you but I play to frakking win! I don't care about my K/D as long as my team gets that W. With fire team chat, alert your team to the enemy trying to flank a position. Too many times I have seen a team focus all their fire down one lane and not even notice the flank. It takes one nova bomb to destroy a cluster frak. You need to know your maps. If you do not, stuff your pride and take a few matches to familiarize yourself with ALL of the map. I could tell you (heh) how many times I've seen teams fight over a single lane, as if they aren't even aware of an outside lane to go around and behind. Sometimes capping the back flag is better than fighting over B flag. It takes the pressure off the B and then your team can strike hard and get back on the defense. Also, when on the offense for that second flag cap, you do not need to rush in and die for the cause! That's NOT helping. Take your time and let them have the flag for a minute. Again, this isn't domination. They aren't getting points for having the cap, but they are getting points for every single one of you throwing your lives away by rushing in. Regroup and flank and/or back cap. Again, back capping takes the enemies team attention away from B flag giving you time and position to attack hard and from two flanks, allowing you to go back on the defensive. When you control two flags, don't be that guy that runs for the backcap and causes the enemy team to start spawning in your zone. Just draw an artificial line on the map and defend it! Edit(2): With quite a few more rounds under my belt and based on your feedback I have realized that a good start of round strategy is to have your entire team capture the first flag together. This adds to your overall score of course and is a nice boost of points at the beginning. Typically, the enemy team breaks off into groups. Some cap their home flag while the others (more often than not) head for B flag. While this isn't a terrible strategy to gain a second flag early on, I have come to realize that this is another major difference between control and domination. In domination games, where flag control equals points over time, the first team to grab two flags as soon as possible tends to have the advantage. This does not seem to be the case for control. Since pretty much everything you do adds points to your score you want to maximize that as much as possible. This does not, however, mean that you want to throw your life away to capture a flag. When on the offensive, you get bonus points for killing people in the control zone. However, the same goes for defense. If you rush in and try and cap that flag and the enemy team kills you (and your team mates) in the control zone, then they get bonus points for each kill. This is why control matches can change direction so quickly. When you go to capture a flag you and anyone with you need to be watching the radar and areas that have direct line of sight on the flag. Know your terrain and try and predict where the enemy will come from based on what flags they may have captured, where your team is concentrated and which spawn the enemy is most likely at. These are things you need to have go through your mind at all times whenever your attacking OR defending a position. If you don't have active radar while ADS, be sure to back out and take quick glances at your radar. If you see a red WEDGE the enemy is very close in that direction. If the capture isn't completed and an enemy is close, GET THE FRAK OUT OF THERE! A FoH, Nova Bomb or even a happy Hunter slicing his way to a blood bath will not only end your life, but will add bonus points to the enemy for those kills on the zone. Deal with the attackers that are an immediate threat and then finish the capture. When you leave a zone before the capture, it takes time for your progress to go back down, so don't worry! You may not have to start completely over. Also, more people on a zone means a faster cap. Another thing to watch out for is team mates solo-capping. If you notice a team mate capping and the radar is clear, hop on that flag! That's an extra 75 points(or 100 if you also neutralize) for each person on the capture. This is a serious post meant to contribute to the community and help bring your A game. Don't be a douchebag. Feel free to contribute, fellow gaurdians. If my post has weird pacing it's because college football. Roll Tide! Edit: I've made some changes to the post, moved paragraphs around, expanded on certain points and added a little bit of numbers here and there. Forgive any redundancy as I'm doing this on my phone. Later this week I'll move to a larger screen and work out a larger draft (on a bigger screen) that will hopefully be an easier read. Again, I apologize if it isn't the most well written wall of text. Happy Hunting Guardians!

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  • How many times do we need to hear this argument? Blah blah blah, camp camp camp. Newsflash, the game shows you flags that are being captured, the game announces when flags have been neutralized and captured, and of course don't forget the "all seeing eye" radar. This argument is getting old and tired, this game is designed to be run-and-gun, this isn't ArmA. People will still suck and you still will lose regardless of this "strategy." if you're that concerned with winning, team up with some guys and you can steamroll the competition, otherwise deal with the fact that not everyone is amazing at playing this video game.

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