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11/5/2014 3:54:06 AM

More PVP

I loved halo. I still play on a weekly (if not monthly basis) against my roommates and other friends on their original Xbox. Nothing like slaughtering them in a fun game of halo 2. That being said, I loved every second of Destiny. Sure it was frustrating at points, and I wish there was more of a story line but what sincerely was a let down for me is PVP. I'm not talking OP weapons, but more the lack of variety of maps and gametypes! I've always been a huge fanatic of GTA series, and one thing that I loved about the newest installment was their content creator. Bungie you already has had their hand in this type of stuff with halo 3's forge. I think we could get a lot of use out of a similar type deal here. Content creator similar to forge would be great with an addition to custom games, but since we don't have custom games (hopefully in the future?) I would settle with more PVP maps in general. With the worlds you have already created there could be many of maps made for us to play against each other. This is something that wouldn't take much reworking at all as the content is already there, just allow me to slaughter other guardians in my favorite spots from PVE! That being said the other area of improvement I'd love to see is gametypes! Halo 3 team objective was my shit!! Where are the CtF/bomb type games? What about a similar variant to SWAT? Control, free for all, and tdm is fun an all but I would love more variety in gametypes and maps to play on!

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