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Edited by Aurik Kal Durin: 11/4/2014 3:34:57 AM

The Ghost's Resting: DLC Expansion Idea...

I like this idea! Make it happen!


I don't like this idea...


I like this idea! Shame it'll never happen... :(


My idea is called "The Ghost's Resting"; this story takes you to the moons of Europa an Io. The two most recognizable moons of Jupiter, the former a dark, frigid wasteland with Golden Age structures hidden beneath frozen seas, the latter a unstable volcanic world home to many active volcanos and rivers of molten lava. It begins when you travel to Europa after picking up a distress signal from another Guardian exploring the moon's icy surface; but upon tracking down the signal, you discover it is a trap set by the Cabal based on the moon. In the ensuing battle, you and your Ghost are separated, and your Ghost captured by the Cabal. Upon returning to the Tower, you receive dire news from your Vanguard mentor (Zavala, Cayde-6, or Ikora depending on your class); if you do not retrieve your Ghost in 7 days, or should you Ghost die at the hands of the Cabal, then you will die as well. Your Vanguard mentor volunteers to accompany you the moons of Jupiter to help retrieve your Ghost. From there, you tackle a series of vehicle-heavy Story missions as you battle both the Cabal and the Fallen across Europa and Io. Altogether, this expansion would include [b]10 new Story missions[/b] (including a space mission and a chance to drive a Fallen Devil Walker), [b]2 new Patrol missions[/b] on two new planets as big as those in the base game, [b]2 new Strikes[/b], and [b]a new Raid[/b] which will reward the player with Fallen-themed Exotic & Legendary weapons and armor. Finally, you would get 4 new multiplayer maps; two large vehicle-heavy maps, and two small maps set on Europa and Io. [b]Story Missions[/b] [i]-Guardian Down (Odin Basin, Europa) -Level 20 Story[/i] A distress call can be heard from the surface of Europa, in the Odin Basin; a Guardian is pinned down by the Cabal, and in need of rescue. Track down the signal and help him to fend off the Cabal. [i]-Rewards: Legendary Armor Upgrade Dead Ghost (Story)[/i] [i]-Picking Up the Trail (Odin Basin, Europa) -Level 20 Story[/i] The Guardian's distress signal was a trap, and now your Ghost is in the hands of the Cabal. You have 7 days to get him back, or both of you will die. With the help of your Vanguard mentor, scour the surface of Europa on stolen Pikes and search for Cabal activity; find out where they have taken your Ghost. [i]-Rewards: Legendary Primary Weapon Upgrade Cabal Communications Data (Story)[/i] [i]-Into the Depths (Odin Basin, Europa) -Level 20 Story[/i] Information retrieved from a Cabal outpost in the Odin Basin has revealed that your Ghost is in the possession of Valus Po'Mata, the Cabal commander on Io. He's hiding in an old research facility under the ice of the Frozen Sea; find a way in, and stop Po'Mata before he can flee with your Ghost. [i]-Rewards: Ascendant Materials Io Coordinate Data (Story)[/i] [i]-The Landing (Osiris Peaks, Io) -Level 20 Story [/i]Valus Po'Mata escaped, but coordinates retrieved from the underwater facility in the Frozen Sea hint at the location of a heavily fortified Cabal stronghold amid the Osiris Peaks on Io. Guardians have already set up a command post on Io; head for the CP and use the defensive Turrets and stolen Interceptors to help them defend it against a Cabal attack. [i]-Rewards: Interceptor Link Override** Vanguard Battle Report (Story)[/i] **This mission grants you the Interceptor Link Override, a consumable item that allows you to summon an Interceptor in Patrol mode instead of a Sparrow wherever the Cabal are present; this includes Mars, Europa, and Io. It is a one-use item that lasts only 5 minutes, but more can be purchase from Banshee in the Tower after completing this mission. [i]-Power Trip (Osiris Peaks, Io) -Level 20 Story[/i] The Guardians have located Valus Po'Mata's base of operations, a place they call "The Ghost's Resting"; a research facility where the Cabal are studying captured Ghosts. Standing in your way is a geothermal power plant under Cabal control. To get past their defenses, seek out the docked Fallen Ketch near the base of the volcano and commandeer a Devil Walker; use it to break through the Cabal's defenses and capture the power plant. [i]-Rewards: +25 Weekly Limit Increase (Vanguard Marks) Devil Walker Schematics (Story)[/i] [i]-The Ghost's Resting (Osiris Peaks, Io) -Level 20 Story[/i] The Vanguard has the Ghost's Resting surrounded, and Valus Po'Mata has nowhere to run. Enter the facility and rescue your Ghost before it's too late. Defeat Po'Mata once and for all. [i]-Rewards: +25 Weekly Limit Increase (Crucible Marks) Valus Po'Mata's Helmet (Story)[/i] [b]Side-Missions[/b] [i]-Lord of Devils (Osiris Peaks, Io) -Level 20 Story[/i] The Vanguard has learned that the Kell to the House of Devils, Noksis, has been hiding on Io, and is preparing to leave for Earth to rally the Fallen after the demise of Sepiks Prime. He cannot be allowed to reach Earth; the Devils control an old orbital defense station on Io. Get in and override the controls for the stations cannons, then take control of one of the Mass Drivers and use it to blast Noksis's fleet out of the sky. [i]-Rewards: -Pike Link Override** -Defense Station Access Codes (Story)[/i] **Upon turning in the Defense Station Access Codes to your Vanguard mentor, they will reward you with the Pike Link Override. This is a consumable item that allows you summon a Pike instead of a Sparrow in Patrol wherever the Fallen are present; this includes the Cosmodrome, the Moon, Venus, Europa, and Io. These items last only 5 minutes, but more can be purchased from Banshee in the Tower upon completing this mission. [i]-David and the Goliaths (Odin Basin, Europa) -Level 20 Story[/i] The Vanguard reports that the Cabal on Europa are bringing in heavy artillery in hopes of driving the both the Guardians and the Fallen from the moon. Steal an Interceptor and search the frozen wastes for the 3 Goliath tanks they've deployed on the surface, and destroy them. Be on the lookout for a Fallen Devil Walker and a number of Pike patrols in the area as well. [i]-Rewards: Legendary Engram[/i] [i]-The Prototype (Odin Basin, Europa)* -Level 20 Story[/i] Amanda Holliday has a request. As Jupiter and it's moons are right in the midst of the Darkness, Guardian jumpships have difficulty navigating the outer reaches of the solar system. Before the collapse, scientists on Europa were trying to reverse-engineer Fallen ships and reportedly built a prototype jumpship with Fallen technology that could fly through the Darkness without sustaining damage. Look for the prototype jumpship in the old docking facility on Europa, and bring it back to Holliday. -Rewards: [i]Fallen Keriks-Class Jumpship** Rare Sparrow Upgrade Prototype Jumpship (Story)[/i] **Basically a unique Fallen-themed Legendary jumpship. [i]-Point Defense (Debris Field, The Reef)* -Level 20 Story[/i] Amanda Holliday has completed her work on the prototype, and made some upgrades to the Guardian's ships. Now it's time to put those upgrades to the test. Take Amanda's upgraded LRv1 Javelin and head for the Reef to assist the Queen's forces in repelling a Fallen attack. See how the prototype holds up in space combat. [i]-Rewards: LRv1/X Vanguard Javelin Prototype Jumpship Black Box Recording (Story)[/i] *Requires you to have completed "The Ghost's Resting". [b]Patrols[/b] [i]-Patrol:Odin Basin, Europa -Level 20 Patrol[/i] Scour the frozen wastes of Europa for valuable materials and investigate reports of Cabal and Fallen activity. [i]-Rewards Helium Filaments Vanguard Reputation[/i] [i]-Patrol:Osiris Peaks, Io -Level 20 Patrol[/i] Explore the volcanic moon of Io in search of the Cabal and the Fallen, and gather vital materials for the City. [i]-Rewards Relic Iron Vanguard Reputation[/i] [b]Strikes[/b] [i]-The Frozen Sea (Odin Basin, Europa) -Level 28 Strike[/i] Rumor has it the Cabal have captured a Vex Gate Lord, Xerdrion, and are holding it in the old research facility under the Frozen Sea. What they intend to do with the captive Gate Lord is unknown, but whatever it is, it can't be good. Fight your way through the Vex and the Cabal, find the Gate Lord, and destroy him. [i]-Rewards: Legendary Engram[/i] [i]-The Underworld (Osiris Peaks, Io) -Level 28 Strike[/i] The House of Devils makes its home beneath Mount Hades, an active volcano amid the Osiris Peaks on Io. The Vanguard has reports that the Fallen down there are working on building an enhanced version of the Devil Walker, an Infernal Machine which they hope will aid them in their inevitable attack on the City itself. Descend into their lair and find the prototype, and destroy it before they can unleash it. [i]-Rewards: Legendary Engram[/i] [b]Raids[/b] [i]-20,000 Leagues (Odin Basin, Europa) -Level 26 Raid[/i] At the very bottom of the Frozen Sea, in one of the lowest trenches on the ocean floor, lies the Triton Facility, an ancient research complex from the Golden Age that once studied the exotic undersea life of Europa... now home to the Fallen, where the hide an lie in wait for the Darkness to return. Venture into the depths of Europa's great ocean and put an end to whatever it is the Fallen are doing down there. [i]-Rewards: Raid Set Gear** Ascendant Materials[/i] **Includes Fallen-themed Legendary weapons that often deal Arc damage (including Primary weapons) as well as Fallen-themed Exotic and Legendary armor.

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  • Make sure u copyright this and then go and sell it activision u should get a 10 year contract with them and $500 million budget to write the full game lol

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