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Edited by FalconStrike98: 11/9/2014 5:45:08 PM

What's the urban definition of your name?

[b]Step 1:[/b] Click the link [b]Step 2:[/b] Search your name/username [b]Step 3:[/b] Pick one of top 3 definitions. [b]Step 4:[/b] Share below. [spoiler]You don't need to share your IRL name if you would like, but at least share its definition.[/spoiler] Let's see if what you find is accurate. If it isn't, at least it's funny. I'll keep my name out of it, but here it is. [quote][u]"Blank"[/u] A person that is the biggest and baddest ninja you will ever meet in your entire life.[/quote] I've decided to add the first definition that actually shows up for my name and is pretty accurate. Self esteem level, [+1] [quote]The kindest and coolest person you will ever know. Known to be loved by all. known for strength and courage.[/quote] [spoiler][b]Edit #1[/b] I'll check back in the morning, but keep them coming. Some of these have provided me a very well needed laugh. Cookies for everyone![/spoiler] [spoiler][b]Edit #2[/b] Back and trying to respond to most, glad for the participation. More cookies for you![/spoiler] [b][u]Edit #3[/u][/b] I realize that step 2 is not possible for some people. If it isn't then try something similar or share something random. [spoiler][b][u]Edit #4[/u][/b] Dang, almost 450 comments! Thanks flood, it may seem like a small amount but it's my best thread so far. :D[/spoiler]

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  • Don't look up halo ;.,

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    • A guy who is really sweet and amazing. That guy is so a Samuel

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    • Something stupid because that website is for subhuman mongoloids.

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    • Bowman,archer

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      • Something about being an Egyptian Sex God.

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        • [u]Paul[/u] A common given name for males, derived from the Roman surname Paulus (Latin: "small" or "humble"). Put simply, it is the greatest name to grace the Earth. Seriously. It is the best name in existance. Why is the name Paul so awesome? Cause' Stone Cold said so.

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        • Edited by CynicalKitten: 11/4/2014 4:56:15 AM
          The best guy in the world. I love him more than anything, anyone, everything, and everyone. He makes me feel beautiful with no make-up on, sweatpants around my waist, and my hair up all messy. He's got an amazing smile, and eyes you could get lost in. Cole is the most adorable man I've ever laid eyes on. He's the one for me. The man i'm gonna marry. I know he'll always be there for me, i know he'll never let me go. Over all, he's just an amazing boyfriend. I feel like my girlfriend might have written this, but there's a LOT identical to this one. [spoiler]1. n; the onomatopoeic sound effect of bouncing boobs. 2. v; the act of boobs (or the owner of said boobs) creating this sound by bouncing. This one is my favorite though.[/spoiler]

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          • a human female posessing the following qualities: Beauty, humor, intelligence, charity, wit, sense of responsiblity, high moral values, love of family; often interested in creative and musical outlets; also known to laugh at herself and not take life too seriously. It's not just a word but an attitude. Pretty spot on.

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            • Self explanatory.

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              • Alvin: the act of placing one's balls into a woman's mouth; which causes her to look like a chipmunk storing nuts for the winter.

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                • A guy who is like a book. You can not judge a book by it's cover, looks can decieve. But not with Joshua, he is attractive but his personality is absolutely stunning and unique. You'll find yourself lost with a Joshua. He treats girls with the upmost respect. Loyal he will be, honesty is the best policy for a Joshua. Truth comes with time as long will trust. A good friend he is, he will be open and be there for you till the very end. He is a friend to keep, and a guy to love. Lieing does not go good with a Joshua. Easily hurt may he be, so watch what you say. And jeaslousy rages through his veins, but love burns and sears through him. [spoiler]copy paste dont care[/spoiler]

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                  • Edited by banj0: 11/4/2014 7:31:43 AM
                    [quote]Brad was hit in the face by Ronnie. Ronnie got him a banjo to say i'm sorry.[/quote] Nice. Or, conversely: [quote]When you ejaculate on a womans back while she's sleeping and attach a midget to her back. Therefore forming a strong bond between the midget and her. Making her and the midget resemble the characters from the N64 game Banjo-Kazooie. "She said she had a headache so I banjo-kazooied that hooker."[/quote]

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                    • Edited by Deleted235708: 11/4/2014 1:52:24 PM
                      XD I love the Urban Dictionary. First part of my username (the second part isn't defined): [quote]Dovah Proper pronunciation of the town of Dover, Massachusetts. The hardest of all the suburbs of Boston. That kid's from Dovah...he must be tough as nails. Nog: I'm from Dorchester we don't -blam!- around. Me: -blam!- that, yous a bitch dawg. me and my boys from Dovah will take ur ass down.[/quote] [spoiler]Dovah means dragon in the Dovahzul language from Skyrim. Qahnaarin is vanquisher.[/spoiler] My real name: [quote]Mark the most sexy, erotic, flirtatious, hot stuff, bootylicious 4 letter word you'll ever see. If you spell it backwards, you get kram which according to urban dictionary means smoking weed/ganja/herb; how cool is that! I know you're impressed. If you take the mark out of supermarket, all you're left with is superet and that's pretty stupid cause why would you go out to the superet, it makes no sense. Mark means warlike, especially in bed if ya know what i mean. Its definitely the coolest word/name ever cause if you spell it frontwards and backwards, its different!!! On your Mark, Get Set, Go![/quote] XD

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                    • Edited by Esko: 11/4/2014 8:13:37 AM
                      Ethan known for his good looks,whitty charm, and having a much larger penis than Colin. Ethan is such a hunk, he's' so massive. [spoiler]U mad Colin?[/spoiler] *Eats cookie*

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                      • I'm the greatest guy ever...

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                      • Someone that is of extreme greatness. Often considered as a god in some religions. Also means cool.

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                        • a sexy girl who has an amazing body. she is an awesome kisser and guys are usually all over her. That girl is deff. a (X name)! by i don't know im just me July 10, 2008 I saw the first one. I am afraid of seeing any others. halp.

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                          • My friends name means: Hotness. Has been infected with the disease of sexy. Much used as a compliment in many cultures. Calling someone "Rahat" is a benfit out of the doubt.

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                          • Edited by Juhoveli: 11/4/2014 12:00:56 PM
                            Activision: [quote] [b]Activision A company that originally broke off from Atari to become the first thrid party developer of the video game industry. Despite their leaving Atari because they didn't like the corporate monney grubbing direction that company was heading they are now every bit as evil and money driven as any other publisher out there. They are famous for releasing buggy hafl assed titles. Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines. A game so buggy I had to use cheat codes to get past doors that were sealed shut because of a bug. [/b][/quote]

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                            • Edited by Regret: 11/4/2014 1:43:49 PM
                              First name means: All around perfect man and a sexy beast. Known to cause even the most loyal of girls to turn on their boyfriends. Talented with music, words, and kills in any sport he plays. Strong like bull. Always competitive, and ALWAYS wins what he competes in. Some consider to be on the status of not only a god, but THE God. Last name means: Lame, cute, funny, wierd, nice, sexy, could be used for any definition. Copied directly from the site

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                            • School has that website blocked. My name is John Adams though.

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                            • Mine means white boy In Native American my name means he who does not tan

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                              • Edited by so true bestie: 11/4/2014 9:04:43 AM
                                I did my sirname, did not expect this. "Another word used for a kid with an extremely large penis/or genitilia." Or a longer one. [spoiler] A rare name usually given to the male gender. they have been known to carry a huge penis and be amazing at sex but do not come with the extremely annoying egos. they're caring, lovable, sexy but hard to come by. they have also been known as the God in disguise. many have lived to be over 100yrs, even with excessive abuse of alcohol. occasionally a Steele will loose his temper and do something foolish but will have huge remorse/regret the next day. A charm with the girls, very loyal and understanding. if in a relationship with a Steele do not let him/her go as they will probably be the best thing that has happened to you. [/spoiler] Oh and btw. [spoiler]They aint lying. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) [/spoiler]

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                                • Edited by Juhoveli: 11/4/2014 12:05:46 PM
                                  Desticle: [quote] [b]An office cubicle area that is defined solely by the surface area taken up by a desk. Go back to your desticle and do some work, jackass. I hate my desticle. Everyone walks by and cropdusts me. Can't I get a real cubicle instead of this stupid damned desticle.[/b] [/quote] "This is what they do at Bungie...." - me

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                                  • Both my name and username have no definitions..

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                                    • archon Some kind of nobleman in ancient Greece. I'm an archon, I don't need ta put up wit' dis shit.

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