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Edited by Austacker: 10/31/2014 9:25:15 PM

Destiny's HALLOWEEN 'event' - Are you KIDDING ME?

So let me get this right. Destiny does Halloween... - A pumpkin head consumable (bugged) - A respawn asthetic consumable (random drop from hive?) - A few new speeders (same model, new flaming skins and a barrel roll?) [b]EDIT : [/b]Apparently, not even the Speeders are part of said event (Thanks to Skryblz for the links) : [b]Is THAT it?[/b] Are you people freaking KIDDING me? Okay, okay... let's just take a look around at what other big online social games are doing for this event, shall we? Start with the big daddy... [b]World of Warcraft[/b] Yeah, yeah I hear it. But that's a subscription based game! It's not fair to compare!!! Fine, let's go check out what [b]Guild Wars 2[/b] is up to then. Same as Destiny - Once off purchase + occasional paid DLC... Still no bites eh? Okay, okay... let's get down to the bottom then on the sliding scale. A FREE to play MMO in [b]Neverwinter![/b] Are you embarrassed yet Bungie? Because you god damned well should be. This is again a clear, shining example of what is WRONG with your game. THERE IS NO CONTENT! Your efforts here are so lazy, you shouldn't have even bothered. Yeah, to those who are starving out there for content, your cracker was considered a welcome addition. But to gamers who are used to better, this is just flat out a pathetic disappointment. You promoted the crap out of your game as this living, breathing ever evolving world with a 'reason to login' every day and continual flow of content that you 'never get bored' This is just ridiculous. Yeah I get that you're not this big MMO experience... you're a 'shared world shooter' and all that. But you have taken so many design elements from the MMO genre that people seriously cannot tell the difference. A game experience is a game experience and you can say 'we're not X' all you like, if you play down the line like a MMO that's what people are going to compare you to and compared directly to even the most modest shared world social gaming experiences out there, this is yet again just another clear example of how poor your implementation is. Given that and your own claims on what level of content we [i]should[/i] expect I'm embarrassed for your team that you still just cannot get the basics right. Oh, I have those expectations wrong? Yeah, some might claim that. People have short memories (especially fanboys who think Bungie can do no wrong) but the weight of your legacy only carries you so far to an objective mind. 'To have enough variety that you'll never get bored' - Christopher Barrett (Art director) Yeah, your developers. Your claim. Even free to play games out there on the market are outright EMBARRASSING you on content design and delivery at the moment and even though you are getting masses of 'feedback' here, you keep making the same mistakes, over and over again. Well yeah... I'm 'over' it as well. Your effort for Halloween [b]SUCKS.[/b] There's 'feedback' for your team. Happy Halloween.

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  • Great post!

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  • Bump

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  • Thanks for this. I'm moving to GW2.

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  • It'd be cool if equipping the pumpkin started a detective quest of sorts. You look for clues you can only find with the pumpkin on then eventually it leads you to a miniboss or something that gives you a cool item ( sweet limited time legendary anyone?).

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    3 Replies
    • Im avid defender of destiny because I love hear games and that's how I personally view destiny At the same time I have to agree I'm really disappointed with the lack of seasonal content I know it's practically off the shelves new compared to other MMOs currently out Still It's something they should have planned on considering they kept delaying it and should have expected to give us something in return Maybe not something huge but something all the same

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    • Guild wars 2 has no paid dlc.

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      6 Replies
      • I would rather them be hard at work fixing the problems the game CURRENTLY has, than trying to add new seasonal events. So I could care less if this event was shallow.

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      • Edited by My Name is Jav: 10/30/2014 6:01:47 PM
        Somebody give this guy a hug and some candy. He loves Halloween. It's his passion. That's why he purchased the game.

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      • Are YOU kidding me? This is what grinds your gears? Your pumpkin head isn't cool enough? People like you draw attention away from actual bugs that need to be addressed. For instance, I flawlessly raided to Atheon last night with no deaths, but 0 people teleported in the time stream and we succumbed to oracles. But yeah definitely Halloween content is important.

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        2 Replies
        • This game just came out, at least they gave us something. They are working on server issues, patches, upcoming dlc and "maybe" a few other things. God forbid they don't drop whatever they are doing just to bring a decent maybe 3-day event, that you will most like still complain about anyway

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          3 Replies
          • I agree that they haven't done a great 'event' for halloween, but to be honest I'd rather they hadn't even bothered at the moment. I would rather Bungie focussed on fixing all the bugs and server issues in the game and worked on proper content to add to the game instead. Don't get me wrong. I like events in MMOs. They enrich the game socially and provide a distraction to the grind (though usually with a slightly different, themed grind). The problem is there isn't really a social aspect to speak of in the game currently as we can't speak to each other very easily. Improve the game first Bungie. Then add stuff like this.

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            1 Reply
            • [quote]A few new speeders (same model, new flaming skins and a barrel roll?)[/quote] Don't doubt the barrel roll

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              1 Reply
              • In city of heroes we had multiple events that over the years stacked on top of each other, but nothing beat actually trick or treating lol. Miss that game *sniff*

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              • Holy -blam!-ing shit! This game is two months old! They have players whining about weapon balance, patches, the DLC, the story, how the game is -blam!-ing them over and you're worried about the god damn Halloween event? And then you compare it to well established games that have been around for significantly longer times than Destiny?! Grow the -blam!- up! We should be happy they did anything at all with the type of players on the forums. The fact that people even agree with you is worse! Get your priorities straight!!

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                20 Replies
                • I didn't even know there was more than the head

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                  3 Replies
                  • This game sucks its not going to get any better these people these people think we're sheep. And to all the people that are screaming about how they're going to play Call of Duty instead Activision made that as well you idiots.

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                  • Where do I get the sparrow?

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                  • Minus the expletives and hostile ranting, I do generally agree. RPG Content is sadly missing from this game and I think that's what many of us were expecting to be huge... On the scale of Skyrim or beyond, only as an awesome Halo style fps. It's no Halo. It's definitely no Skyrim. The shooting is fun, but the looting sucks. I guess my biggest question is why did this take so long and cost so much to develop? It's seems pretty much a basic PVP arena shooter with a little bit of half baked side story for color. It's not the epic game we all expected from Bungie in 2014. Oh well, it is what it is. No biggie.

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                    3 Replies
                    • I don't know what you're talking about. The Halloween event was exactly the quality you should expect from Destiny. At this point, expecting more is your fault when Bungie has clearly shown they give 0 f**** about delivering.

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                      2 Replies
                      • Halloween event was a joke! The helmet doesnt even work. There should have been huge pumpkins all over the tower at least.

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                        1 Reply
                        • Hey I happen to like invisible pumpkin heads

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                          2 Replies
                          • Bungie tends to think reskinning something gives it different qualities... We're not 2 yr olds we know when our intelligence is being disrespected

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                            • What are they gonna do with a generic winter holiday. (Based on what religion you belong to)

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                              1 Reply
                              • Usually I whole heartedly agree with whoever complains about this game's lack of content but here I would have to disagree with you. For one you're comparing a game that's been out for 2 months to games that have been out for years. Next your comparing this game which ISN'T an mmo per say, to incredibly big budget MMOs that have been around for years. Please stop comparing Destiny to mmos, especially well established ones, because for one Destiny is on a console! All your listed MMOs are on computers! Have you even considered to take into account the platform limitations? On top of that these MMOs you've listed have had months to years to plan for seasonal content, Bungie has had less than a month. In fact I wouldn't doubt that these big time MMOS even have the staff to have an entire team to dedicate purely to seasonal content. Seriously I mean did you even take into account any of the factors that would affect this event. We can complain about the outcome of Destiny because it's safe to assume that Bungie had an incredibly large time frame in which to make the game, but I'm not going to shoot them down for something they probably had a months time to prepare for. If you're going to make some comparisons at least compare it to games on the same platform. Let's do this. - Call of Duty: Double XP all through Halloween (wooooooowwwwwww) - The Michael Meyers dlc was released in January of this year so I'm not counting that - Battlefield 4: Some easter eggs within the multiplayer content Do I even need to continue? With comparisons to actual games that are on the same stage as Destiny, it feels to me like this content is right on par with other console games. Seriously if you want to complain because a console game doesn't live up to a big time MMO then with all due respect, please just quit Destiny, throw your console away, and go play WoW.

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                                6 Replies
                                • My pumpkin head didn't work.

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