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Edited by Austacker: 10/31/2014 9:25:15 PM

Destiny's HALLOWEEN 'event' - Are you KIDDING ME?

So let me get this right. Destiny does Halloween... - A pumpkin head consumable (bugged) - A respawn asthetic consumable (random drop from hive?) - A few new speeders (same model, new flaming skins and a barrel roll?) [b]EDIT : [/b]Apparently, not even the Speeders are part of said event (Thanks to Skryblz for the links) : [b]Is THAT it?[/b] Are you people freaking KIDDING me? Okay, okay... let's just take a look around at what other big online social games are doing for this event, shall we? Start with the big daddy... [b]World of Warcraft[/b] Yeah, yeah I hear it. But that's a subscription based game! It's not fair to compare!!! Fine, let's go check out what [b]Guild Wars 2[/b] is up to then. Same as Destiny - Once off purchase + occasional paid DLC... Still no bites eh? Okay, okay... let's get down to the bottom then on the sliding scale. A FREE to play MMO in [b]Neverwinter![/b] Are you embarrassed yet Bungie? Because you god damned well should be. This is again a clear, shining example of what is WRONG with your game. THERE IS NO CONTENT! Your efforts here are so lazy, you shouldn't have even bothered. Yeah, to those who are starving out there for content, your cracker was considered a welcome addition. But to gamers who are used to better, this is just flat out a pathetic disappointment. You promoted the crap out of your game as this living, breathing ever evolving world with a 'reason to login' every day and continual flow of content that you 'never get bored' This is just ridiculous. Yeah I get that you're not this big MMO experience... you're a 'shared world shooter' and all that. But you have taken so many design elements from the MMO genre that people seriously cannot tell the difference. A game experience is a game experience and you can say 'we're not X' all you like, if you play down the line like a MMO that's what people are going to compare you to and compared directly to even the most modest shared world social gaming experiences out there, this is yet again just another clear example of how poor your implementation is. Given that and your own claims on what level of content we [i]should[/i] expect I'm embarrassed for your team that you still just cannot get the basics right. Oh, I have those expectations wrong? Yeah, some might claim that. People have short memories (especially fanboys who think Bungie can do no wrong) but the weight of your legacy only carries you so far to an objective mind. 'To have enough variety that you'll never get bored' - Christopher Barrett (Art director) Yeah, your developers. Your claim. Even free to play games out there on the market are outright EMBARRASSING you on content design and delivery at the moment and even though you are getting masses of 'feedback' here, you keep making the same mistakes, over and over again. Well yeah... I'm 'over' it as well. Your effort for Halloween [b]SUCKS.[/b] There's 'feedback' for your team. Happy Halloween.

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  • Edited by SOLIDTROY77: 10/30/2014 10:16:00 PM
    Dude....the world is being threatened by Darkness and Monkey Errors, balancing and bug fixing is in full swing, and now you are pissed that Bungie didn't give you some confetti to fart out your mouth hole on a holiday that most of the adult world doesn't care about (admit it people over 21, halloween isn't about dressing up).... Everybody for grief reporting this ungrateful turd and sending him back to the darkness from which he came say AYE!!!

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    5 Replies
    • Edited by MagneticZ33: 10/30/2014 10:42:45 PM
      I just got a 7day free game time for Wow, I might have to check back into how my guild is doing :) I love Wow events, heck I might just fire up the triple screen setup tonight lol at least we got "something"

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    • People like you make me realize how great my life is, you don't have to expect your whole life to come through video games, it's the season mother -blam!-er, you don't have to expect bungie to go the full nine for damn Halloween, there people too that like to go to a Halloween party and get wasted and maybe get there dick wet, smoke a joint and relax, have a beer and enjoy the game for what it is or stop hating on it so damn much. Get a job or a girlfriend you need it. If you don't like the game simply don't play and go return it. Personally I love the damn game, may not be perfect but it's a whole new genre and new world that me and my buddies get to hop on and shoot some people haters in the face.

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      8 Replies
      • Great post.

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      • Perfect mate. I am on the verge of never playing this game again. I have wrote feedback a number of times and have never had any reply. I am preparing to say goodbye to BUNGIE, and so are my friends.

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        5 Replies
        • Edited by Paul6230: 10/30/2014 10:30:08 PM
          It's not bad but yeah you raised a good point

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        • Hey guys calm down, they're fixing the major problems look check it out...

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          4 Replies
          • It's spoiled brats like you that make me feel better as a person.

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            6 Replies
            • Edited by str8_kilinf00ls: 10/30/2014 10:17:43 PM
              The pumpkin head doesn't even work for me. Used a few of them and no pumpkin head :(

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            • Servitors should be pumpkins

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              6 Replies
              • Stfu

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                2 Replies
                • Hey wait a second. Where do I get the sparrow?

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                  9 Replies
                  • Dude its their first year with this mmo. did WoW have a super badass thing for Halloween their first year? Serious question I started playing wow when BC came out.

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                    9 Replies
                    • I believe that they had a full holiday event lined up but realized that it wouldnt be up to par so they canceled it Sort of like how blizz canceled titan. I am surr christmas will see a much more fleshed out experience. They just threw the pumpkin head and stuff in there to at least give us something.

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                      10 Replies
                      • yeah worst thing they could have done...

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                      • Edited by MightyJonE: 10/30/2014 8:08:07 PM
                        I guess destiny is set on a devastated far future earth where local traditions, even European-derived ones, no longer exist

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                        2 Replies
                        • Better than nothing. They have plenty of other stuff to deal with. I'm happy they did anything at all.

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                          1 Reply
                          • I have yet to see these speeders. Where are they being sold?

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                          • Wow chill out lol. Go celebrate haloween in real life .

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                            • Bump

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                            • Yeah.... honestly if they hadn't released anything it would have been better than completely half assing the whole thing

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                              2 Replies
                              • My pumpkin no work

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                              • Don't use the Jackolyte, it's a trap.

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                                2 Replies
                                • [quote]So let me get this right. Destiny does Halloween... - A pumpkin head consumable (bugged) - A respawn asthetic consumable (random drop from hive?) - A few new speeders (same model, new flaming skins and a barrel roll?) [b]Is THAT it?[/b] Are you people freaking KIDDING me? Okay, okay... let's just take a look around at what other big online social games are doing for this event, shall we? Start with the big daddy... [b]World of Warcraft[/b] Yeah, yeah I hear it. But that's a subscription based game! It's not fair to compare!!! Fine, let's go check out what [b]Guild Wars 2[/b] is up to then. Same as Destiny - Once off purchase + occasional paid DLC... Still no bites eh? Okay, okay... let's get down to the bottom then on the sliding scale. A FREE to play MMO in [b]Neverwinter![/b] Are you embarrassed yet Bungie? Because you god damned well should be. This is again a clear, shining example of what is WRONG with your game. THERE IS NO CONTENT! Your efforts here are so lazy, you shouldn't have even bothered. Yeah, to those who are starving out there for content, your cracker was considered a welcome addition. But to gamers who are used to better, this is just flat out a pathetic disappointment. You promoted the crap out of your game as this living, breathing ever evolving world with a 'reason to login' every day and continual flow of content that you 'never get bored' This is just ridiculous. Yeah I get that you're not this big MMO experience... you're a 'shared world shooter' and all that. But you have taken so many design elements from the MMO genre that people seriously cannot tell the difference. A game experience is a game experience and you can say 'we're not X' all you like, if you play down the line like a MMO that's what people are going to compare you to and compared directly to even the most modest shared world social gaming experiences out there, this is yet again just another clear example of how poor your implementation is. Given that and your own claims on what level of content we [i]should[/i] expect I'm embarrassed for your team that you still just cannot get the basics right. Oh, I have those expectations wrong? Yeah, some might claim that. People have short memories (especially fanboys who think Bungie can do no wrong) but the weight of your legacy only carries you so far to an objective mind. 'To have enough variety that you'll never get bored' - Christopher Barrett (Art director) Yeah, your developers. Your claim. Even free to play games out there on the market are outright EMBARRASSING you on content design and delivery at the moment and even though you are getting masses of 'feedback' here, you keep making the same mistakes, over and over again. Well yeah... I'm 'over' it as well. Your effort for Halloween [b]SUCKS.[/b] There's 'feedback' for your team. Happy Halloween.[/quote] Ya I'm moving to guild wars or wow pretty soon, I am finding more frustrated then enjoying Destiny anymore.

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                                • People still play Warcraft?!?!

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