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Edited by Ez: 10/24/2014 6:11:11 PM

So.. you're like a Bungie employee, and you get paid on royalties from DLCs so you feel you need to talk people into buying it? First off, the "locked" content on the disc is irrelevant to any of this. Destiny should be judged on what was delivered, not what is locked away and may or may not be finished - or may or may not have been intended to be included in the initial release. The only relevant question one should ask themselves, is whether they are happy with what's been delivered. The rest is just noise. Ignore it. Bungie made a mess of Destiny. For whatever reason, the entire story line was changed shortly before release. That in and of itself is not an issue, the issue is what they delivered was cobbled together. It doesn't matter that the story "changed", it mattered that the story they delivered was crap. Bungie, through their marketing materials, E3 videos, etc. either implied or came right out and stated certain things which led people to believe they were getting something they did not, although it also wouldn't be fair to say they didn't deliver on anything. There are many aspects that ARE well done, and the gameplay IS fun (if not repetitive - can you count how many times you've killed Sepiks Prime?). VoG, despite its faults, has given me much enjoyment. This gives me hope that the DLC will offer some more enjoyable gameplay, and hopefully clean up the mess they made with the story, at least to some degree. Destiny, despite its faults (and it DOES have some glaring faults) is still a decent game, and the potential is still there to make Destiny something special. But don't tell me - or everyone in general - to buy the DLC and give me all the reasons why (or to not buy it, for that matter). You haven't played it; you have no idea and no expertise whatsoever. The DLC should be judged in and of itself, and the content should speak for the reasons whether it's worth it or not.

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