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Edited by Phantom139: 10/24/2014 6:47:51 PM

Why you SHOULD consider buying the Destiny DLC.

So by now, most of you have seen some people come onto these forums and make fools of themselves with these wild theories and post their silly "messiah's" video as their only proof to these theories, and I've honestly been having a cakewalk of laughter here in terms of this, and then they attacked me with words, so now it's time to take the gloves off here and punish them with the truth. They cite a video of why you shouldn't buy the DLC, so it's only fitting that you read my post on why you should buy the DLC packs. So let's get to it. First off, that introduction you read there will be the only bashing I do in this post, I'm done with long rant filled posts that usually catch the attention of some people as pure negativity. This post will have absolutely none of that, I'm only going to present the facts, and discuss them and I'll let common sense take over from there. Personally, I would have done better with my own counter-video, but to be honest, most of you I believe are tired of seeing go to 'x' Youtube page, watch, like & subscribe, so no, I don't want you to do that, just give this a good read. :) So most of you have at least seen a few of my posts or have read them, and some of you may not know everything about me. I run my own independent game development company. I have numerous years of programming experience, as well as experience in design and implementation from some small projects I have worked on or with, so you can trust me when I say that I know how games "work" internally. So, let's start with breaking down the most "shot at" point, which is Destiny's currently lacking story. Some of you know, and others don't know, that the lead writer of the story for Destiny left Bungie shortly after the first E3 trip that Bungie took, where they revealed a video of gameplay and talked about some mechanics in the game. Why he left is unknown to us, but what we do know is that during that time, and the time of the alpha/beta, the story as well as numerous game mechanics were changed. This is something that happens all too much in video games, let's not all forget the days of Halo 2 where we had a trailer of an awesome mission, and that wasn't in the final game. Content and mechanics get cut due to all sorts of reasons. Mechanics such as Trading, Gambling, and others were cut from the final product. The reasons, can only be told to you by Bungie, so I cannot provide it to you, just know that they may have been present before, but are gone now. As for the "amount" of story content in the game, this is where some frustration comes into play by people, but you need to also realize that Bungie had to change the story in about a Year's time, so they may have been running out of said time to get everything they wanted done, this is also something that can happen when you have big name titles, so the developer will polish up as much as they can to release to you. This is where the DLC packs enter the picture. How this works is when a game is nearing completion, the team behind the design will start working on the DLC packs for the game, this is how it always works, and sometimes this content may be put on the game's disk as a placeholder or a template to upcoming content (See DestinyTracker for info), in fact, many of you have already found some of this placeholder content, but if you've actually looked carefully, you'll notice it's not done yet. I think the best example I can provide is the upcoming "awesome" new gun Necrochasm, which is a reward for completing Crota's End on Hard. Have a look [url=]at this beauty[/url], but if you look closely, you'll see the noted [b]Cursebringer[/b] perk has a template icon in it's place, and there is no 3D model present for this gun. This tells us that the concept design and base stats were placed in the game prior to it going gold, but the actual implementation isn't actually done yet, IE: It's being worked on, sound familiar? [quote]People are working on this content right now at Bungie. It's not finished.[/quote] Also, if you personally haven't actually explored some of these areas that have been found, please do so, and tell me what you actually find in there. You'll find a lot of glitches, non-working elements, and even placeholder or template art which is obviously not finalized, so again, as DeeJ best said, the content is being worked on. So all of these threads and hate messages about "Disk Locked Content" are not valid my friends, all MMO style games use the tactic of prior implementation to cut on the design work of the developers, IE: They're making it easier to deliver the content to you, sooner. This isn't to scare you, or some corporate bullcrap, these "pre-designed" areas are in place to get the content to you much quicker. WoW uses this tactic for every expansion they make, and that game is still going strong, and the people don't complain about those areas. So, why are you community, doing the same to Bungie, when they're using this tactic to [b]HELP YOU[/b], the player? It just doesn't make sense to me. The last thing I'd like to address here is something very cool, the fact that those are "placeholders" in the DB of the game files tells me that there's definitely a lot of cool new stuff actually coming to the game. I believe fully, that the "leak" or "rumor" of the third subclass and the content of Crota's End from the anonymous tester is 100% true, in fact, if Bungie was dispatching their Ninja's to "delete it or face a ban", then it kind of points to the fact that it's probably true. So people please, chill out. This is a MMO-Style game that is very early in it's life. We need to be helping Bungie give us the experience we want to enjoy here. They don't want to read hundreds of rant posts and hate all day, they want honest feedback to help bring the experience to you. Bungie employees are also Guardians, they want to have the exciting journey that you're taking part in. Don't take in these hate filled videos with silly theories as truth. Unless the information is directly confirmed as truth by means of Bungie telling us that it is, or by means of us actually seeing it for ourselves, it is nothing more than a personal opinion, which is not true information, which is why we finally reach the end of my discussion, and why I think you'd be missing out on an awesome experience to let one 30 minute video ruin what would be a wonderful expansion to your game. Game on Guardians, and I'll see you in Crota's End in December! [b]Edit: My note on the upcoming content part has been clarified ash55, the post/thread was deleted due to it breaking the rules of the forum, genuine leak or not[/b] [b]Edit 2:[/b] [b]Too Long Didn't Read[/b] People who are posting videos on youtube attacking your decision to buy the DLC are not legitimate because there is no solid proof to what they are providing you with, IE: they're lying to you, or pushing an agenda of their own. You should at least consider buying the DLC's due to the cool stuff we've already seen some templates for in the game's database, and finally, the DLC isn't done yet, it's being worked on right now, so these threads and theories suggesting otherwise are wrong. [b]To All:[/b] I do appreciate the select individuals who have provided constructive comments, however the most of you are obviously too hooked on negativity to resort to attacks on me and anyone who disagrees with you, which is honestly an attack on your own credibility. Your "Self-Entitlement" behavior will not be tolerated any more in this thread, if you have nothing constructive to provide, don't bother posting as you will simply be ignored. Opinions the other way will be completely ignored without a solid piece of evidence to back up your claim (Posting a youtube video will not be treated as such). Finally, in no way or form am I required to post a video to make my own point, if you're too lazy to read or at least form a reasonable opinion based on facts, then don't bother posting either. Finally, to anyone who thinks attacking my credibility is a good idea, I guarantee you that it will only hurt you when I press that shiny report button for misinformation, I have provided my credentials many times before, so I don't need to do so again.

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  • One thing that is bugging me is people saying they don't want to pay for the DLC and that it should be offered for free. Well, I have a season pass to get the first 2 DLC expansions for free that came as a bonus for pre-ordering the game. So, it actually was offered for free if you pre-ordered the game, but if you missed that opportunity you will have to pay the $15 for it or not play it. Simple as that.

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    16 Replies
    • Don't tell me what I should or should not do. DLC no thanks I'll pass, I have a brain and can make up my own mind thanks.

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    • Edited by Garin, Apostle of Memory: 10/24/2014 8:29:36 AM
      While I agree with you, I don't feel this thread is necessary. Let those paranoid asshats rant, those who want more will buy more.

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    • Bungie's going to have to earn my trust back. I'm not just going to rush out and buy DLC, I'm going to wait and it's going to have to be worth it.

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      12 Replies
      • So what if Bungie made mistakes? I'm tired of complaints, I love this game anyways no matter how much 'the big man is putting me down' as the complainers say.

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      • Thanks guys for the overwhelming support for this topic, and thanks again to ask55 for clarifying a mistake I made in the original thread post regarding the "leaks" that were removed. There have been numerous posts with great conversations taking place bringing up valid points from both sides here, and I've placed my own replies in places where I felt it necessary. I especially want to thank the ones of you who have kept your replies constructive and not filled with any form of negativity towards the post, you've gotten a thumbs up from me there. I can only hope that the discussion continues here to try to get people away from these wrongly formed opinions about a game that had a major change in direction a short 8 months before it's release, and that people can spread the true information through constructive posts without any negativity. I'm going to be signing off of this thread for the evening, but keep on going Guardians! I'll be back tomorrow to read what you all have to say on the matter.

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      • Nice to have an explanation of any sort, even if its not from a Bungie employee. Thanks

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      • What gets me is the fact that I clicked on the profile of almost all the whiners and most of them have Grim scores of 2k+ and 3 maxed out toons.... Acting like their not going to download the shit out of the upcoming DLC's,lololok.

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      • Holly wall of text! Can I have some footnotes?

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      • Edited by ODEED: 10/24/2014 12:51:18 AM
        I hope there is a lot of DLC and that it is expensive, perhaps $40 per DLC. This may get rid of the peasants that come to this forum and complain.

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        1 Reply
        • Well said

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        • I get it for free :)

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        • I was merely posting a video that had some good theories. I didn't expect it to get so much hype

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        • Edited by Silverhawk: 10/24/2014 1:01:30 AM
          This forum needs a hazmat team, way too much toxic sludge flying around. Tin foil hats are specifically designed to repel facts so I doubt this post will affect the theorists much.

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        • DLC-smoke, don't breath this.

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        • Why should we pay for content that was already in the game? why support this corrupt company? Why pay for a couple of missions and a raid that will be done within 3 hours at the most?

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        • Judging by how boring and repetitive destiny is right now,i highly doubt that the expansions are gonna save it from mediocrity.

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        • Well damn. You didn't even personally insult anyone and you are getting flamed for it. I really need to find another forum with less inconsiderate users that are perpetually trapped in their angsty teenage years.

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          4 Replies
          • I agree that the DLC arguments are just insane: 1) We haven't seen an official list of all content, just stuff found scattered on the disk; and 2) People have willingly paid as much for a comparable amount of content in other games That being said, Destiny is a shadow of what it seems it was intended to be. I'd be perfectly willing to purchase content down the road, but not if it ends up being more of what I've already done. A few more dungeon-areas in the Cosmodrome? A handful of story missions? A couple of strikes? One raid is the only part of the (alleged) content that sounds about right. In fact, if they were to start changing the enemy locations/groups/etc. in the different patrol areas, as well as provide a few more patrol mission types (maybe a defend mission, multi-part/planet missions, unique instanced areas, etc.), I'd probably go pre-order the DLC right now. But until I see some tangible, in-game, non-bug-or-nerf-related content, I'll wait until it's been released and reviewed.

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          • Not going to read this entire story you felt like posting. But, if we don't support the game we will never get anything new. People do not understand this, they think these games are easy to make and cost nothing. Nobody is stealing money from anybody, if you don't want to buy the DLC play another game.

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          • So I have to pay additional money for a game not fully finished for it to be finished? Game was fun when it came out but I play mostly because it's te only game I have I bought the xbox one hoping this game was going to be the shit but sorry my opinion and many other people too, this game is a hunk of crap and what next the dlc gives you 2 maybe 3 new missions and 2 new raids for 20 bucks a piece of you didn't by the expansion pass. Yea sorry but personally id rather buy the mastercheif collection and almost another game or any other game that has a finished story

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          • Bungie had to change the story in 1 year? They decided to change the story, they didn't had to. So if fans are pissed at them for the shortcommings of their story it's their own fault. I for one would have loved to see more cutscenes, that would have made me happy. Further more I do love this game, but if you want to release DLC so soon after launch at least make it look like the DLC isn't (partially) on the disc. You can just walk up to these new regions but you can't enter them yet, still you see the name of the region on your screen. Just make those regions inaccesible. Example: You can just walk towards the doors with the huge windows that lock you out of the Kings Watch, but before those doors you have to walk past multiple corridors. Bungie could easily have closed of the region sooner, they could have closed the region off at the rocketyard and nobody would have know it was there. And the same goes with other regions that require DLC. On a side note, the Kings Watch has already enemies in it, and looks done. Why can't we play it?

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            2 Replies
            • I dont believe in the 10 years plan...for the sake of the argument let's say five or six( a Destiny game every 2 years)... seem reasonable. So... In those five or six years, expect to see a shitload of DLC. We are not done with those 3 letters DLC. I do think that the entire story of destiny can not be told in one game. Expect more DLC, a Destiny 2 with more DLC and if things go the way BungiVision have planed maybe a Destiny3 with a shitload of...guess what? DLC This franchise may actually set a precedent in the history of videogame DLC release. Nothing change the fact that we got caught by the ''Hype'' Shame on us and on Bungie/Activision for that mater. But for an entire Destiny experience expect to buy A LOT of DLC. I already preordered mine so i guess i will see for myself if its good or not. If it's good il stick around, if it's not i have a list of videogame i want to jump on... Time will tell!

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            • Edited by ash: 10/23/2014 11:29:03 PM
              [quote] I believe fully, that the "leak" or "rumor" of the third subclass and the content of Crota's End from the anonymous tester is 100% true, in fact, if Bungie was dispatching their Ninja's to "delete it or face a ban", then it kind of points to the fact that it's probably true.[/quote]Um... what? Citation needed. We haven't been told to target any specific leaks... Bear in mind, the Ninjas have no insider knowledge about Destiny or the upcoming DLC, so it would be impossible for us distinguish between genuine and hoax rumours. If you ever see us remove anything, it's because posting any alleged leaks (whether genuine or not) is against the forum rules.

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              2 Replies
              • Well, I already got the season pass, and I personally can't wait to play these areas. I enjoy reading posts that say we were cheated content, and I think they are actually funny. I hope you'll enjoy the DLC as much as I think I will, which is alot.

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              • I like how people fervently argue that it was original content because there are areas you can access already. They supposedly spent 5 years making this game, and you expect then too knock out the dlc start to finish in less than 6 months? My bosses would laugh you right out the -blam!-ing door. The reality of any software/game development is that future content gets staged in the live product well ahead of its actual release. If we have the resources to do it now, why not make the eventual release that much easier by staging portions of it? Release weekends are insane, I'll take any break I can get.

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