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Discuss all things Destiny.
Edited by Phantom139: 10/24/2014 6:47:51 PM

Why you SHOULD consider buying the Destiny DLC.

So by now, most of you have seen some people come onto these forums and make fools of themselves with these wild theories and post their silly "messiah's" video as their only proof to these theories, and I've honestly been having a cakewalk of laughter here in terms of this, and then they attacked me with words, so now it's time to take the gloves off here and punish them with the truth. They cite a video of why you shouldn't buy the DLC, so it's only fitting that you read my post on why you should buy the DLC packs. So let's get to it. First off, that introduction you read there will be the only bashing I do in this post, I'm done with long rant filled posts that usually catch the attention of some people as pure negativity. This post will have absolutely none of that, I'm only going to present the facts, and discuss them and I'll let common sense take over from there. Personally, I would have done better with my own counter-video, but to be honest, most of you I believe are tired of seeing go to 'x' Youtube page, watch, like & subscribe, so no, I don't want you to do that, just give this a good read. :) So most of you have at least seen a few of my posts or have read them, and some of you may not know everything about me. I run my own independent game development company. I have numerous years of programming experience, as well as experience in design and implementation from some small projects I have worked on or with, so you can trust me when I say that I know how games "work" internally. So, let's start with breaking down the most "shot at" point, which is Destiny's currently lacking story. Some of you know, and others don't know, that the lead writer of the story for Destiny left Bungie shortly after the first E3 trip that Bungie took, where they revealed a video of gameplay and talked about some mechanics in the game. Why he left is unknown to us, but what we do know is that during that time, and the time of the alpha/beta, the story as well as numerous game mechanics were changed. This is something that happens all too much in video games, let's not all forget the days of Halo 2 where we had a trailer of an awesome mission, and that wasn't in the final game. Content and mechanics get cut due to all sorts of reasons. Mechanics such as Trading, Gambling, and others were cut from the final product. The reasons, can only be told to you by Bungie, so I cannot provide it to you, just know that they may have been present before, but are gone now. As for the "amount" of story content in the game, this is where some frustration comes into play by people, but you need to also realize that Bungie had to change the story in about a Year's time, so they may have been running out of said time to get everything they wanted done, this is also something that can happen when you have big name titles, so the developer will polish up as much as they can to release to you. This is where the DLC packs enter the picture. How this works is when a game is nearing completion, the team behind the design will start working on the DLC packs for the game, this is how it always works, and sometimes this content may be put on the game's disk as a placeholder or a template to upcoming content (See DestinyTracker for info), in fact, many of you have already found some of this placeholder content, but if you've actually looked carefully, you'll notice it's not done yet. I think the best example I can provide is the upcoming "awesome" new gun Necrochasm, which is a reward for completing Crota's End on Hard. Have a look [url=]at this beauty[/url], but if you look closely, you'll see the noted [b]Cursebringer[/b] perk has a template icon in it's place, and there is no 3D model present for this gun. This tells us that the concept design and base stats were placed in the game prior to it going gold, but the actual implementation isn't actually done yet, IE: It's being worked on, sound familiar? [quote]People are working on this content right now at Bungie. It's not finished.[/quote] Also, if you personally haven't actually explored some of these areas that have been found, please do so, and tell me what you actually find in there. You'll find a lot of glitches, non-working elements, and even placeholder or template art which is obviously not finalized, so again, as DeeJ best said, the content is being worked on. So all of these threads and hate messages about "Disk Locked Content" are not valid my friends, all MMO style games use the tactic of prior implementation to cut on the design work of the developers, IE: They're making it easier to deliver the content to you, sooner. This isn't to scare you, or some corporate bullcrap, these "pre-designed" areas are in place to get the content to you much quicker. WoW uses this tactic for every expansion they make, and that game is still going strong, and the people don't complain about those areas. So, why are you community, doing the same to Bungie, when they're using this tactic to [b]HELP YOU[/b], the player? It just doesn't make sense to me. The last thing I'd like to address here is something very cool, the fact that those are "placeholders" in the DB of the game files tells me that there's definitely a lot of cool new stuff actually coming to the game. I believe fully, that the "leak" or "rumor" of the third subclass and the content of Crota's End from the anonymous tester is 100% true, in fact, if Bungie was dispatching their Ninja's to "delete it or face a ban", then it kind of points to the fact that it's probably true. So people please, chill out. This is a MMO-Style game that is very early in it's life. We need to be helping Bungie give us the experience we want to enjoy here. They don't want to read hundreds of rant posts and hate all day, they want honest feedback to help bring the experience to you. Bungie employees are also Guardians, they want to have the exciting journey that you're taking part in. Don't take in these hate filled videos with silly theories as truth. Unless the information is directly confirmed as truth by means of Bungie telling us that it is, or by means of us actually seeing it for ourselves, it is nothing more than a personal opinion, which is not true information, which is why we finally reach the end of my discussion, and why I think you'd be missing out on an awesome experience to let one 30 minute video ruin what would be a wonderful expansion to your game. Game on Guardians, and I'll see you in Crota's End in December! [b]Edit: My note on the upcoming content part has been clarified ash55, the post/thread was deleted due to it breaking the rules of the forum, genuine leak or not[/b] [b]Edit 2:[/b] [b]Too Long Didn't Read[/b] People who are posting videos on youtube attacking your decision to buy the DLC are not legitimate because there is no solid proof to what they are providing you with, IE: they're lying to you, or pushing an agenda of their own. You should at least consider buying the DLC's due to the cool stuff we've already seen some templates for in the game's database, and finally, the DLC isn't done yet, it's being worked on right now, so these threads and theories suggesting otherwise are wrong. [b]To All:[/b] I do appreciate the select individuals who have provided constructive comments, however the most of you are obviously too hooked on negativity to resort to attacks on me and anyone who disagrees with you, which is honestly an attack on your own credibility. Your "Self-Entitlement" behavior will not be tolerated any more in this thread, if you have nothing constructive to provide, don't bother posting as you will simply be ignored. Opinions the other way will be completely ignored without a solid piece of evidence to back up your claim (Posting a youtube video will not be treated as such). Finally, in no way or form am I required to post a video to make my own point, if you're too lazy to read or at least form a reasonable opinion based on facts, then don't bother posting either. Finally, to anyone who thinks attacking my credibility is a good idea, I guarantee you that it will only hurt you when I press that shiny report button for misinformation, I have provided my credentials many times before, so I don't need to do so again.

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  • ... i doubt you are an independent game dev, for the simple fact you don't list your credentials. the simple fact is this, destiny was planned YEARS in advance, we had hints all the way back in ODST that was 5 years ago, we've had numerous gameplay footage, and dev commentary from 2013, and 2012. but suddenly ALOT of information that was revealed was NOT in game, alot of information which was datamined from the beta data, IS NOT IN GAME, even the damn story IS NOT IN GAME (it's in a grimoire, something which would take a skilled writer a couple of days to write up, and a skilled programmer a small amount of time to write up the interface, hell the longest part of the grimoire cards is probably the artwork that went into them). the crow footage sure, that could be cut, the spaceship dropping off fireteam, sure, data can be cut, but the problem is not the cut data, but rather what IS included in destiny, the content is lacking, the story non existent, the gameplay is fun, but missions, storyline, plot, objectives, are all simplistic, the videos reviewing this game, the one (yea i know exactly what video you are talking about) encouraging people not to buy the expansions, they bring up VALID and CONSISTENT points, they are not "messiahs" they bring up valid points, and bring up their own opinions on a course of action, just like you, they are opposite your viewpoint, you and them are same sides of a coin, if you say their points are irrelevant, are unneeded, and that they shouldn't be listened to, then you invalidate your own view, because you are doing the exact same thing they are doing (only with a conflicting objective). the fact is simple, destiny is NOT the game it could've been, nor is it the same game that was hyped up, this is not a simple failure of overhyping the game, this is a failure far more massive than that, the gameplay, story, mechanics ALL point to a game that had underwent drastic change late in development, we were promised a game with years of work done in it to make a awesome game, instead we got a game with less than a year of work, with the obvious business model of "buy the dlc"

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  • You are honestly telling me that a huge company like Activision or bungie would not have their writer under contract so that they own all the rights to the story? Him quiting is no reason for the content and story to be cut. Makes no sense.

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    7 Replies
    • Very nice post, I've worked on a number of indie titles and I feel your pain. It is a tough pill to swallow when people don't understand how things work. Bungie is not blameless, they should have pushed the releaze date in order to launch more content, but they still delivered a very high quality, original game to us. I will most certainly be seeing you in Crotas End

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      6 Replies
      • Edited by Maxwell: 10/24/2014 9:50:10 AM
        I may get the DLC in the future but when it releases I don't think so. My main reason for not buying it is well the Content isn't worth 30$ (In my opinion). Addition: By 30$ I mean the expansion pack.

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        4 Replies
        • Im not going to buy the dlc, not because I think they're on disc, but because I do not support games being released in an unfinished state.

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          14 Replies
          • tldr; "because I'm a tool"

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          • Most of gamers are college age. College students don't understand long term projects. Everyone at destiny has a different job. Some go by faster than others. The person in charge of weapon design might get done before the person in charge of planet design. When that happens bungie can do one if two things. Lay him off or give him something else to do. Hence why there are some DLC in the game but it's not finished. I'm not going to pay employees to stand around and do nothing. Why should bungie?

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            • Edited by CinCityRedlegs: 10/24/2014 3:11:54 AM
              Too long , didn't read. #boring

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            • Edited by TheRealVader: 10/24/2014 1:33:51 AM
              You spent 3 paragraphs speaking about your insecurities before you went into topic. I stopped reading.

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              • Edited by butthurt: 10/24/2014 3:05:23 AM
                All I hear is BUY DLC

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              • One step ahead of ya, buddy. I never even bought this game.

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              • You did not persuade me to purchase the DLC content. Most of the post was like the other thread.

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              • Give yourself a huge pat on the back. you are EXACTLY the type of gamer that Bungie and Activision hoped for to achieve even a 10 MONTH plan let alone 10 year. As for a vast swathe of disgruntled gamers, sadly the only way of getting any redress for being severely duped with this shell of a game is to ensure no further monetary exchanges take place.

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                12 Replies
                • I will buy all the dlc and I will play the shit out of this game because I have fun doing it. So haters go away and play something else.

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                • Here is how decide whether to buy dlc or not. 1. Am I still playing the game? 2. Do I want to continue playing this game? 3. Am I having fun? That's all it takes. Seriously, if you don't wanna buy the dlc that is fine, but don't force me to not buy it with your theories.

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                • Wait for reviews... Not IGN crap but actual players playing the game. That will be how I determine if I buy it or not. I have hope for this game but sadly it just hasn't delivered. I do enjoy how this game brought me am my friends hours of fun times but at the end of the day a good story is really needed to make this a great game.

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                • I haven't seen any effective counter arguments to this post, good job and it's well thought out. It is remarkable how people seem to forget that content in games is cut all the time, even when said content is showcased or planned years in advance. Hell, sometimes full games that are nearly complete get cancelled! It's also not uncommon for unfinished or even unused assets to still be in the game disc. A surprising number of games have levels, enemies, animations, etc. still on the disc, sometimes these can be glitched into. Ocarina of Time actually has a functional Arwing from StarFox hidden in the game files - this was never going to be in the game, it was just there to help test the Z targeting system. Also more dungeons were planned than were released, and some can be glitched into. Even Halo 2 suffered tremendously from cuts, where too many people were doing too many different things and so Bungie had to scrap everything and rush the story through in 8 months. The last levels they weren't able to finish were expanded into Halo 3. What happened to Bungie seems to sort of parallel what happened to Oblivion with KOTOR II, where an ambitious project was gutted by publisher demands. Obviously Destiny was planned and being worked on for years, but what people seem to miss in your post is that it appears that radical changes were made late last year, causing the lead writer to leave the company and their composer to later be fired. With this sort of massive upset Bungie would have less than a year to scramble together a new story using what assets they had. What we see in Destiny indicative of this scattered, rushed re-organization. Given this evident last minute change, it seems very reasonable to conclude that the DLC content wasn't finished in time. It's not that there was a bunch of stuff taken out for DLC, but more that the whole project was turned upside down and there wasn't nearly enough time to redo everything.

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                  3 Replies
                  • Despite any shortcomings, I play Destiny more than any other game. Destiny isn't as big as I'd hoped for, but it keeps pulling me back - it's fun.

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                  • I will be buying the DLC. I enjoy playing this game, and so do me mates. I dont care what others think, i care only what i enjoy.

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                  • Uhm, no.

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                  • Hear Hear!

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                  • Already tricked into it , it comes with every edition besides standard

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                  • As I will admit I didn't read this, I'm convicted that I will buy it but I won't be happy about it. I don't want to buy it because obviously Bungie IS SCAMMING ME. I'm fully aware but I want to enjoy this game and I'm not about to pay 6/10ths of a good game to get a shitty game. I will pay 10/10 if it makes the game good.

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                  • First you're using the term "opinion" incorrectly, replace with "theory/theories" instead. Secondly, you are full of shit, sorry. When people say that Activision forced Bungie to chop the game up and resell it to us as DLC they are NOT incorrect. Using the power of probability and Activision's reputation for doing just that in the past AND the fact that the game is missing story elements we were shown 2 years ago there is NO other possible conclusion. There is a ton of cut and completed content for the game, anyone who doesn't work for Bungie OR has a brain can see the large amount of disparities between what was advertised before launch and what we have now. Go ahead, say this is ALL my opinion. It's not an opinion if it's obvious.

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                    9 Replies
                    • Before I start, I already paid for my DLC. With that being said, if you like Destiny you should buy the DLC, if you dont like Destiny you should not buy the DLC. And im pretty sure nothing anyone says is going to change someones opinion on it. So these posts, for or against, are rather unnecessary and just clutter the forum.

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                    • One thing that is bugging me is people saying they don't want to pay for the DLC and that it should be offered for free. Well, I have a season pass to get the first 2 DLC expansions for free that came as a bonus for pre-ordering the game. So, it actually was offered for free if you pre-ordered the game, but if you missed that opportunity you will have to pay the $15 for it or not play it. Simple as that.

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