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Edited by TheyCallMeHodor: 10/22/2014 1:06:21 PM

Im too old for this shit?

Im 29 turning 30 in Feb and I feel like im too old to be playing, I have a wife and 2 kids in which I spend quality time with and work 6-7 days a week usually. I play Destiny whenever I find the time to do so but lately I keep getting invited to do VOG (I still havent done it yet) and the other 5 fire team peeps are like screaming 12-13 year olds and that is also the reason I refuse to use a mic. Tbh, I feel embarrassed because these people are young and being the only adult just makes me feel uneasy, like if I used a mic and spoke they will probably give me shit about my age and some of the people wont let me come do VOG unless I use a mic anyways. It was like when I played mw2 when it came out and the lobbies filled up with screaming trash talking kids and it spread like a cancer so I quit and haven't touched a CoD game since lol. I bought the game to enjoy it,not to listen to kids yell at each other going on about being molested by their dad or gay this and gay that. I just dont know what to do? I think I might just stay at level 29, any other adults here that feel like they can somewhat relate to this? [EDIT] So much positive feedback, I was not expecting so many replies and you can believe me when I write that I have read every single comment in this thread and it warms the heart knowing just how many others are just like me. Thank you so much everybody. Oh and I noticed a few people asking what console im on, im on the PS4 and I will be sure to check out the mature clans out there that were suggested.

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  • Edited by PerturbedCatFish: 2/20/2015 11:19:51 PM
    I am 49 and I play everyday. I haven't done any raids either and just did first nightfall with a couple of young guys. No one ever asks my age, I just play. When you play try to forget your a parent and just do your thing. I am on ps4. Add me and us old timers will hold our own.

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  • If you're on ps4 add me. 28, wife,3 kids, and a career.

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  • You're a grown man. Who cares what anyone thinks.

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  • Edited by THE420LIFE710: 2/20/2015 11:17:57 PM
    Keep playing, find a more mature player. Base. I'm in my 20's and really chilled out. If your on ps4 throw me an add. PSN is The420Life710. Id love to take you through vog/CROTA raids. Even weeklys and nightfalls. Edit: join dads of destiny delta! Great clan of older dads with full time jobs ect just like us.

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  • youre never too old. i am 15, and i wish my dad would play destiny with me. dont be embarrassed, i think its cool a dad plays video games. wish you were on xbox

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  • I play, 38 wife and 3 kids youngest being 5 months. Work 40 hours and go to school

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    4 Replies
    • 28 and work full time...I play almost every night probably longer than I should and am tired almost every day because of it. Am I too old for this? Who knows...all I can say is that I have met some cool people and playing is a release from the everyday grind.

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      • Everyone in my clan is between 21 and 30. Come join the Supreme Jerkfaces if you want a good clan to hang with.

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      • I'm 44, married 11 years, my wife and both play destiny You're never to old to have fun! My clan has mostly adults, so I don't run into the young guns much, Just enjoy it, have fun!

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      • Have you heard of the dads of destiny clan ? Ull find youll be one of the younger ones as theres dads in there 40s and 50s that ive played along side also

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      • When I was 15 I thought Id quit games when I would get older. Im now 30 and its going to happen. I have trouble picturing me as a 70 years old playing.. Lol Anyways, keep looking our group is 25-47 years old and we are about 10 players. If you keep digging you will find older players, they exist. Personally, I think it yields a MUCH more enjoyable play experience. No squeaking, no LEET kid talking trash. Im having a blast doing raids even with our most casual friends; we help and carry them until they get good enough.

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      • My friends and I play mostly on Friday night.. get a bottle of whiskey, play xbox and drink til we can't feel feeling anymore.

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      • You are not too old. I'm 45 and that's pretty old for this game so you have years left yet! I did join a nightfall Tuesday and two kids talked non-stop for about 40 mins (we failed 3 times before doing it). That was a bit much but normally I'm fine with it but I don't talk a lot just when I have to.

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      • Dude my 40 year old dad plays this game almost as much as me and has to run his own restaraunt Your not too old to enjoy technology And if anything at your age should give you a hit more insight or intelligence as to how you guys should do things I raid with people your age all the time and no one gives them shit

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      • Never too old to get your butt kick by some 11 yr old kid. LoL

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      • All of my friends that I raid/play destiny with are 28-38. You're good man.

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      • LOL, Im in the same boat as you. Its funny, because gaming is my "me time" so I don't really want to socialize with team activities like raids... still its nice to do from time to time. In any case, there are lots of different types out there to play with. This week I did my first raid: one guy has a young son, one girl is married and I i didn't learn the personal details of the others, but it was a nice team; no pressure, no bs, not too much chatter... but a few jokes and some innocent teasing.

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      • Late 20's here. 50 hour weeks, so I get the struggle. My last VoG HM run was filled with squeakers screaming racial slurs every time they died. Was extremely close to leaving. Then boss goes down and I get my Mythoclast as do 2 others in the raid. Turns out RNGesus rewards hatespeech.

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      • Check out the recruitment page and browse some clans, there are many out there that accept adults only. I'd suggest mine, but I see you are on PS. Our group runs with people ranging from 25 to 47, many of us with similar family and work situations.

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      • 29, wife and kid. Grind everynight. Your just getting started. If you want to do the raid you will need a mic. You need to be able to communicate with each other to do it.

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      • I play with my father-in-law and he can never figure out his mic I got him for Christmas. So we end up calling each other and playing while on speaker phone.

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      • 34 here, work 60 plus hours a week, have gf that plays with me...always been a gamer. Youngest person I play with is 26, as old as 50s...age is just a number. Cool thing about online gaming is that it unites people that otherwise wouldn't have anything to do with each other due to distance or what have you. All the guys I play with all good friends now...I've made more friends in this game than anytime in my life and I'm typically a hardcore/MMO player.

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      • I'm 19 and in college, all of the friends I play with regularly are between 22 and 40, many of whom have families. Age is just a number! I would much rather play with them than annoying kids anyway haha

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      • 26, nearly the youngest guy in the group I play with

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      • I'm sure it's been said already but Dads Of Destiny are a great group of like minded folks. Met plenty of mature and fun guys, even made best friend status with one (or until I decide to have him share play with me to delete all of his shit). PS4 has plenty of screaming 12 year olds, but mostly during the morning /afternoon. A shame you have to play at that time. Late nights are fun nights.

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      • Edited by Shadow Artiste: 2/20/2015 9:36:47 PM
        I'm 36 this year, and I have friends online that are in their 50s and some in their 20s. One of my best friends is a 22 year old tattoo artist living in Germany. Isn't that the beauty and the point of online gaming? You become United because of a shared interest. Think about it. Offline, your friends are likely to be a pretty specific dynamic or demographic of age, race, affluence or social standing. But online, it doesn't matter how rich or poor or black or white or fat or skinny or old or young you are. What matters the game, calling out enemies and reviving each other etc; real life prejudices be damned. Suddenly you're mixing with all types of people from all over the world that you wouldn't offline. I have 2 kids and a partner as well, and I mainly game on "raid night", Tuesday evening in Australia. So my gal knows that's my night with the boys. I don't go to bars or things like that, so that's my one night to play the shit outta destiny till all hours of the morning.

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