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Edited by TheyCallMeHodor: 10/22/2014 1:06:21 PM

Im too old for this shit?

Im 29 turning 30 in Feb and I feel like im too old to be playing, I have a wife and 2 kids in which I spend quality time with and work 6-7 days a week usually. I play Destiny whenever I find the time to do so but lately I keep getting invited to do VOG (I still havent done it yet) and the other 5 fire team peeps are like screaming 12-13 year olds and that is also the reason I refuse to use a mic. Tbh, I feel embarrassed because these people are young and being the only adult just makes me feel uneasy, like if I used a mic and spoke they will probably give me shit about my age and some of the people wont let me come do VOG unless I use a mic anyways. It was like when I played mw2 when it came out and the lobbies filled up with screaming trash talking kids and it spread like a cancer so I quit and haven't touched a CoD game since lol. I bought the game to enjoy it,not to listen to kids yell at each other going on about being molested by their dad or gay this and gay that. I just dont know what to do? I think I might just stay at level 29, any other adults here that feel like they can somewhat relate to this? [EDIT] So much positive feedback, I was not expecting so many replies and you can believe me when I write that I have read every single comment in this thread and it warms the heart knowing just how many others are just like me. Thank you so much everybody. Oh and I noticed a few people asking what console im on, im on the PS4 and I will be sure to check out the mature clans out there that were suggested.

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  • I'm 29 this year and got responsibilities too (long term girlfriend who I can't afford to get married too and a 9 year old son) Haven't been able to play properly for weeks as I've been drinking while getting creative in the kitchen, which is a lot less boring than you might think. I feel slightly odd playing this game too sometimes, it's great don't get me wrong, but my tastes in gaming have started to change dramatically over the years. I can't get immersed like I used to and Destiny in particular is the only game I've played where I've fallen asleep while on patrol Just waiting for Metal Gear and Bloodborne as they're my types of games, I think after that I'll put gaming down for a few years and focus on bettering my life even more

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  • Your never to old man. I'm 36 with a career and a wife and kids. I still play and I have friends that range from 18 to I believe my oldest friend on there is 46 lol

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  • Don't tell yourself that you are too old to play games. You get old when you stop playing games.

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  • 31 and I am currently in the waiting room while my wife receives her epidural. First baby woot!

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    1 Reply
    • Hit me up I'm 25 and I'll run you through raids and strikes without little kids haha Add Mr-_-Oizo

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    • Don't think all 12-13 year olds are bad, my team and I are around that age yet we are mature enough to not scream and have a fun time. For you, dads of destiny is what you're looking for.

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    • I've honestly met a 40 year old high school teacher in this game. There is no such thing as being to old for games.

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    • 37. Wife. 7yr old son. 2 yr old daughter. Bun in the oven due in May. Work 40 hour a week job plus ot. Still play at least an hour a day.

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    • Im 26 in march people I do vaults with are mature. And seem roughly 20's I will do raids with *squeaks* but won't use mic. As I always do what I know which is normally the sane everytime

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    • Go join Dads of Destiny

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    • Edited by MonkMilitant: 2/21/2015 11:19:10 AM
      45yo 23yr serving vet, also retiring soon. Still haven't done a raid in this game. Stationed in Germany and not a lot of time, considering work/wife/daughter (son just enlisted). I, like many, play just to have fun. I've seen both types of young people in this game...don't let it get to you or stop you from enjoying yourself.

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    • Not all kids you meet online are like that, and you're never too old to play. This is our generation. Our parents still hold on to all that shit that made their childhood great, why can't we?

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    • I'm getting ready to retire from the military, been around the world in both directions, dome some bizarre and wild stuff, have a wife and kids,and stay active and fit; still love to and make time to play Destiny. No shame.

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    • Edited by TexaShark_AcesUp: 2/21/2015 10:39:04 AM
      Just relax and breathe deep. I work right now from 14 days straight up to a month. But about to move to help run a company. Got into a VOG just before DB. It was same mistake as you. I stayed silent and just laughed at them. After several wipes I just left. I also got in a Crota End but leader left after getting his shards for 32. I play mostly ROC, bounties, daily. The solo stuff. Got some exotic drops and think I have 350hrs max since Oct or November between 3 characters. I just play and have fun. One day maybe I will go through the Vog and Crota fully. If not no big deal my real life has always been better! PS4 also.

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    • I'm 25 so sorta stuck in the middle age gap here. Give me a buzz in game and we'll do VOG !

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    • Lol - I'm 54 and have played 1,1000 hours of this - don't tell me your to old at 29...

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    • Nah man. I'm 30 with a wife and kid, I'm a store manager for a retailer and work 50+ hours a week. Video Games are timeless, do what you enjoy. There are a lot of us out there, just look for more mature people to play with. Hit me up some time I'd help you out and raid with you.

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    • Dude. Married at 27. No kids yet. Your good to go buddy. I can't stand the 12 yr old squealers either... I just mute em.

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    • I think you will find a lot of people your age ( and roughly mine) play this game

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    • Dude your never too old for fun! Just try to find people a little older bro. There everywhere, just keep looking.

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    • Edited by Syklops67: 2/21/2015 4:22:02 AM
      Son I have kids older than you and I still raid weekly. Your never to old for fun. I'm a shift worker so Destint/gaming helps me to relax and sleep.

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      4 Replies
      • I'm not on as much as I used to but if you wanted to play sometime I'm 26 and in a mature clan

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      • "The blood in your veins, the perect instinct for battle, there is no denying what you are, reach down deep feel the pain of those of us who fell, your bretheren were all decimated, your home was lost, does it not enrage you to stand before the man responsible for driving us to extinction? my father, your father both gone, dead killed by him lord frieza, you're the last of our kind Kakarot, everything we were now only survives in you and he wont rest until every trace of that has vanished, cause he is haunted every day and night by a single overriding fear that the legendary super saiyan will rise up from the ashes and obliterate him, i dreamt, i yearned to be the one to avenge us, yet he battered and broke me just like the others, you cannot know the torment i died, unless you are the one to finish this, we will be lost, lost forever to the memory of time!"

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      • You think turning 30 is a big deal? Worry about 40.

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      • I have the opposite problem. I'm 13 and encounter 90% adults. They usually have no problem with me and I enjoy playing with them.

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        • Most randoms I play with are in their 20s or 30s Rarely run into squeakers and when we do they get booted before they have a chance to terrorize the group Guess Xbox just has an older more mature community

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