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Edited by Banned Tyger x2: 10/19/2014 4:41:58 PM

reminder that bungie lied

E3 2k13 never forget Let's take time to look through the trailer and pick out the lies and content that was cut 2:20- "all of this is playable space" "we could go there now" 3:23- ship flies in from orbit, dropping off player rather then just spawning in the designated spot 7:42- bosses drop loot 8:25- guns have actual talent trees 10:15- skybox gets changed by incoming ships 12:30- beginning of trailer showing a bunch of the cut story

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  • If you join a friend you spawn in near them instead of the main spawn, so they didn't lie about that.

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    • Makes me sad to watch this!!!! This game could have been so much more than it is. WTF happened Deej?

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      • Edited by FenHarel: 10/20/2014 9:22:34 PM
        This deserves [b]likes and trending[/b] status, and should probably be in feedback, but who cares... It should also feature important comments edited in to the OP, like this lovely gem. [quote][b]Nintendogma[/b] You say "lie", Activision says "monetize". That area they said is playable? I'm sure it still is playable, it's just not in the core game. You don't honestly think they'd take playable map real estate they paid a team of level designers good money to make and throw it in the trash do you? No, of course not. They set it aside for future monetization. Say it with me now M-O-N-E-T-I-Z-A-T-I-O-N. Good, good. Now keep your wallet nearby if you're looking for a Destiny that is beyond a minimum viable state. Consider the core game an open ended feeler program designed specifically to gauge what the player base wants in specific so they could prioritize and optimize future development time in line with the interests of their fanbase to maximize profitability. You want it? You screaming at the internet about how it'll make Destiny the perfect game? Well you can bet your ass that's what they're going to wrap up in neat little packages and sell you over the course of the next decade. Game development is a business boys n girls, and business is gooooooood! ...that said, I think its a shitty thing to advertise stuff you aren't selling... You tell me you're selling a bacon cheese burger, I'm probably going to expect bacon and cheese on a burger, even if you have a tiny fine print disclaimer stating "burger toppings subject to change". Yeah that doesn't require them to include bacon and cheese, but even an idiot would expect a customer not to be satisfied with a plain burger when they were expecting bacon and cheese on it. ...yes, I just compared the content missing from Destiny to bacon and cheese...[/quote]

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      • -The "we could go there now" can still happen if they put things in those areas for us to have a purpose to go to.If it's just empty space then why go there at all? -I would like to see the return of the ship just because it makes the game world more alive. -Weird that bosses don't drop sweet loot right? C'mon Bungie this needs to happen.

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      • He is carrying 2 primaries, using a knife melee, using solar type grenades and nova bomb all as a warlock lol All the AI controls are different

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      • "Out here in the wild, this is how we talk."

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        • Edited by Ammboz: 10/20/2014 8:30:33 PM
          Sad now. So beautifull glimpses of a story. Would have made this game so much more awesome IMO.

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        • Edited by TomJD91: 10/20/2014 9:10:36 PM
          This is what I thought i was buying. I had the impression the areas were going to be on a scale similar to fallout or skyrim. Watching this again makes me sad. Don't get me wrong I do enjoy Destiny, I play it regularly but the invisible walls and long passageways that lead to dead ends really dull the experience.

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        • Edited by IMark3rZ: 10/20/2014 8:57:22 PM
          Thank you for posting this!

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        • Edited by bobblehob: 10/21/2014 3:28:55 AM
          1. Not a lie, the space obviously has collision, see grenade hitting it. Its not finished, content ready space, but unless you can somehow prove that he couldn't go and walk on it, its not a lie. 2. Not a lie, the ships dropping people off were cool granted, but no one promised it would be in the final game, not a big deal in the end. 3. Not a lie, no one ever promised it would work that way in the final game either. 4. Not a lie, the upgrades changed from the video to the final game, but every gun has one. The only real difference is the UI they are put in. 5. Not a lie, Go back on a new character and play the first mission again, and watch when the Ketch warps in, the same towers do indeed fall. 6. Not a lie, cut story, story changes, get over it. They never promised this would be the same as the final game. In the end, you are whining about nothing, no lies. Sure content was cut and changed, but thats the same way it is with any game from a demo at E3 to the final product. All demos before release come with the conditions, "CONTENT MAY CHANGE IN THE FINAL PRODUCT" This is the same again for EVERY GAME, and Destiny is no exception. Especially considering this was over a year ago.

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          • "all of this is playable space" .....

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          • anyone else curious about how he was able to use a pulse rifle and a hand cannon at the same time?

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            • I have never seen this video before and I am now even more depressed about this game.

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            • Speaker - "I could tell you about the places you could go before the release."

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              • Man, this just made me sad... this is what I thought I was buying :(

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              • This is depressing as hell. That "all this is playable space" It still it but they have cut it off from us, how cool would it be to explore out there and find enemies we've not yet known before

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              • So depressing...

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              • One problem with loot not dropping from bosses... Getting 95% through a strike to get DC'd and have zero reward for what you did.

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              • Edited by Funkbrotha10: 10/20/2014 10:00:27 PM

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              • This why im buying Advanced BullShit, for that shader baby and return.

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              • While I love destiny, this does make me sad to know what could have been.

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              • Edited by toasted bacon : 10/20/2014 7:55:51 PM
                I almost traded this in but i spent almost 200 bucks on the ghost edition which in my opinion was not worth that much its only the ghost on my shelf that keeps me from trading it

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              • Edited by Funkbrotha10: 10/20/2014 7:57:52 PM
                Yes. Something major absolutely happened during the development of destiny. The game we got is not the game that bungie was making all along. Bungie knows it. We know it. It's still a pretty fun game but the letdown was massive and it sucked. Yet bungie still tried desparately to sweep it under the rug. We need to keep posting these threads and raise awareness. I am absolutely not going to pay another penny for anything related to this game. Seriously get your shit together. Right now bungie is at a turning point. They are either going to get shitty and become irrelevant. Or they will recover from the mess they made. I invite everyone to make an exact copy of OPs thread to raise awareness.

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              • I think the reason they got rid of the lootsplosion is because people weren't getting all their loot. Guns don't have actual talent trees, the have a linear progression with a few choices, same as they have now, just they are diagonal lines in the video. the cut story is no excuse, I totally agree with you on that

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                • You [b]do[/b] realize the map is more open than people say so. It's not like we're given a tiny cube to work in. I'm kinda mad that bosses don't drop loot like in the video...

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