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Edited by Banned Tyger x2: 10/19/2014 4:41:58 PM

reminder that bungie lied

E3 2k13 never forget Let's take time to look through the trailer and pick out the lies and content that was cut 2:20- "all of this is playable space" "we could go there now" 3:23- ship flies in from orbit, dropping off player rather then just spawning in the designated spot 7:42- bosses drop loot 8:25- guns have actual talent trees 10:15- skybox gets changed by incoming ships 12:30- beginning of trailer showing a bunch of the cut story

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  • I just wanted

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  • if you enjoy the game for what is there....and not what you imagine should be's just fine =)™

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    • You say "lie", Activision says "monetize". That area they said is playable? I'm sure it still is playable, it's just not in the core game. You don't honestly think they'd take playable map real estate they paid a team of level designers good money to make and throw it in the trash do you? No, of course not. They set it aside for future monetization. Say it with me now [b]M-O-N-E-T-I-Z-A-T-I-O-N[/b]. Good, good. Now keep your wallet nearby if you're looking for a Destiny that is beyond a minimum viable state. Consider the core game an open ended feeler program designed specifically to gauge what the player base wants in specific so they could prioritize and optimize future development time in line with the interests of their fanbase to maximize profitability. You want it? You screaming at the internet about how it'll make Destiny the perfect game? Well you can bet your ass that's what they're going to wrap up in neat little packages and sell you over the course of the next decade. Game development is a business boys n girls, and business is gooooooood! ...that said, I think its a shitty thing to advertise stuff you aren't selling... You tell me you're selling a bacon cheese burger, I'm probably going to expect bacon and cheese on a burger, even if you have a tiny fine print disclaimer stating "burger toppings subject to change". Yeah that doesn't [b]require[/b] them to include bacon and cheese, but even an idiot would expect a customer not to be satisfied with a plain burger when they were expecting bacon and cheese on it. ...yes, I just compared the content missing from Destiny to bacon and cheese...

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      15 Replies
      • Edited by azlewood: 10/21/2014 5:20:07 AM
        who cares anymore? just stop playing, if you're so butthurt.

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      • And your point is?

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      • yes...and no story

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      • Dont remind me *sniffs*. It hurts too much... *loads hand cannon* *kills self*

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      • I dont trust bungie anymore

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      • [quote]E3 2k13 never forget Let's take time to look through the trailer and pick out the lies and content that was cut 2:20- "all of this is playable space" "we could go there now" 3:23- ship flies in from orbit, dropping off player rather then just spawning in the designated spot 7:42- bosses drop loot 8:25- guns have actual talent trees 10:15- skybox gets changed by incoming ships 12:30- beginning of trailer showing a bunch of the cut story[/quote] 2:20 "all this is playable space that we would like to take you there some day" get your quotes right. Your very first "lie" they listed was taken out of context. He mearly showed that the area is programmed in as a playable area already.

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        5 Replies
        • Edited by Triggerman1000: 10/20/2014 11:47:51 PM
          Why is it that a new COD being released is the ends all answer for people who defend this game? People seem to believe that every person who has ever complained about a game or said something negative is a pure COD fan and that is the only game they like. The people who bought Destiny were mainly huge halo fans and followers of Bungie. Its the people who are true bungie fans that are upset at this game, cod fans really dont care as much. I have yet to see COD fans posting and raving about how COD is better on these forums. People who defend this game need to say why it is a great game rather than just ignore the opinion of those who don't think its a good game. Start listing reasons why this game is not just good for you but rather why this game is great as a whole and should be looked on as a prime example of what a good game should be, that is how you should defend a game.

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          3 Replies
          • In all honesty though.. This is the Destiny I fell in love with.. I do like the game, a lot.. But this short clip is what I expected the game to be like, and to be completely honest, this clip is virtually nothing like the game.. It has the same look and components, but not the same feeling of a living, vibrant world that this shows us.

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            1 Reply
            • Edited by Zackai: 10/21/2014 12:59:28 AM
              This is what I expected from Destiny, and what I thought I was getting when I purchased it. However, I got something completely different. Plus, Dinkle-bot sounds like he actually has life and emotion behind his dialogue... Unlike the crap we have now...

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            • I'd kinda wish that Bungie just explained what went wrong from E3 2013 to well the Beta.

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            • Their have been more negative comments about this game than positive ones. That really dose say a lot for all the people who will throw themselves in front of a bus to protect this game. The game got a 6/10 for a reason and the people who bought this game are upset for a good reason as well. My hours on destiny have declined to the point where I am only on for about 5 hours a week and that is just to make my friends happy, but every time I play destiny it always make my other games seem that much more fun so I can always say thats a positive for this game.

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            • This was the first video game I bought full price in a long time cause my cousin said it would be awesome. I love it but after seeing that video I'm kinda disappointed in what could have been.

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            • What I find most interesting is Dinklage's VO in this. Notice how he sounds more animated and has longer, better written stretches of dialogue? I've long been of the opinion that he was contractually obligated to come in and waste his time rerecording VO when Bungie scraped its original plans. I think that's where we got classics such as "That Wizard came from the Moon". You can almost hear it in his voice. Peter Dinklage is telling his producer to go shove the entire edited script right up his asshole.

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            • Wow now that I've watched this, it brings back memories and the "real" reason why I was excited to play this game, my question is this, WHY IN THE WORLD DID THEY CHANGE THE DESIGN, THE USER INTERFACE WAS ALOT MORE COOL LOOKING, THE SKILL TREE ON WEAPONS WAS GORGEOUS, THE COLOR OF THE FALLEN TEAMMATE WAS AMAZING, THERE WAS AN ACTUAL EXOTIC DROP!!!!!!!!!!! WHY!?!?!?! I'm sitting here, in disappointment, this game could have been so much more, and did you see that drop ship that brought a teammate in?! That was just spectacular, but why get rid of it?!? What HAPPENED to all of the PLAYABLE SPACE?!?!? And yes, I do have the Thunderlord, and it looks a slightly different from the above video, I'm just in utter disappointment. The game I'm now looking forward the most is "The Division", but guess what? In e3, The Division demo looked just liked the one Destiny performed, it looked gorgeous and breath taking, however, I'm literally scared now, what if it turns out to be another game that has nearly all of it contents changed and missing just like it happened in destiny?!!?!?!?!?!?!?! My rant is done.

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            • Hopefully with DLC and such these things could be added. More planets More playable space for each planet More of those cutscences etc etc. Hopefully in 2 years the game will be amazing when I get back

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              1 Reply
              • Don't forget this quote - on the latest update coming up.. “There should be no single answer for how to win in Destiny.” Yet they keep patching the other ways the gamers are finding to win. There is only 1 way - The Bungie way.

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                11 Replies
                • Wow this game looks great! When's the release date?.....oh wait

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                  • I do like destiny but I'm also aware that they did lie about things. I used to trust bungie completely but not so much anymore.

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                    • also "Each planet is the size of the entire size of Reach." Each planet is actually the size of 2 missions in reach. Maybe.

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                      4 Replies
                      • Edited by Jake: 10/21/2014 2:07:55 AM
                        Don't forget that enemies like the devil walker seemed to be able to be brought in anywhere by ship. Not just in devil's lair. Which makes the old queen bounty for killing the walkers make more sense Edit: I've already been corrected people lol thank you for pointing it out to me but once is enough

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                        4 Replies
                        • Bosses should drop loot... still cant believe they got rid of that.

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                        • Wait Tyger you got Banned.

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                        • 1
                          I can't even finish watching this Just depressing me and pissing me off

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