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Edited by the ben obiwan: 10/4/2015 4:00:22 PM

OLD POST STOP BUMPING. Most wanted patch poll. After 300hrs play time, my thoughts and ideas. Actual feedback.

1. Explanation of end game goals.


2. In game grimoire.


4. Rewards for Story Missions on higher difficulty


5.Crucible Rewards


7. Another way to obtain materials.


8. Bounty Improvements.


11. Explanations for game mechanics.


I have played a lot of Destiny over the last month, I love it, and will be playing for a long time yet. I've fine tuned my Strike attacks with friends, learnt every crucible map, mastered every Story mode, and become well acquainted with the Raid. I love jumping online for the Daily Story, smashing out a few bounties with friends, and tackling PvP for some crucible marks. The weekly challenges are a highlight, everyone seems to be online Tuesday night to dissect the Nightfall, and clean up coins with the heroic. The thing is, I am an exception; in that I forgive Destiny's flaws. I see past the problems and try to focus on only the positive while playing. I encourage all to do this while playing any game, but this does not mean these flaws should go unnoticed. So now, after 300 hours play time, I give you my list of ideas that I believe, after discussion with many of the community, most people will agree will only improve the game. I've tried to avoid bugs, as they will surely be fixed in due time. Please select in Poll which point you agree with most, or leave comments if you disagree with any. We all want Destiny to be a better game, lets not have meaningless arguments, but try and give some constructive criticism and hope that Bungie hears us. To avoid crashing skip able cut scenes will not be in poll. Comments will suffice. [b]1. Explanation of end game goals.[/b] It seems a majority of players simply had no idea what to do after finishing the story. I know that I wanted to level my light to reach Raid level, and I figured I needed to increase my Reputation in the stores to buy legendary gear. But not everyone understood this. That is why people shoot at a cave, there was no clear objective. A proper introduction to the factions, vanguard store, and the huge role that bounties play in levelling these guys up, would give players direction after level 20. [b]2. In game grimoire.[/b] All this would take is an interactive bookcase in the Speakers room or simply a tab in the menu. I understand you would like traffic on the web page, but the fiction on these cards needs to get out there to the people demanding story. It is all beautifully written an entirely wasted. [b]3. Skip able cut scenes.[/b] Why can I not skip the cut scene I have viewed 10 times already? [b]4. Rewards for Story Missions on higher difficulties.[/b] I've heard a few ideas for this. The simplest one is a one off reward for competing each story mission, and that reward increases the higher the difficulty. Another is a Story Mission playlist that would select a mission at random, add modifiers, and rewards players on completion similar to Strike Playlist. When I finished the game I was delighted to see I could replay each mission on 20 26 28 etc. but then immediately let down by the fact that there was simply no point. Most people feel the end game content is slim, but with 20 mission and all these modifiers surely you could work something out. [b]5. Crucible Rewards[/b] Everyone knows this one too well. Bad players being rewarded great gear is infuriating. I would typically play PvP exclusively on any other game. I am decent, and enjoy the crucible, but that constant slap in the face when a bad players get the best rewards has me visiting the crucible less and less. The current loot system discourages good players, and a few of my friends have stopped playing because of this. I'm not sure if there is an easy fix, but I like the idea of point based loot drop, that carries over game to game, like this Loot drops every 2500 points, if you only get 1500 you can get 1000 points next round and get a drop. Everyone gets loot, everyone progresses, but good players feel rewarded. [b]6. Skip able cut scenes.[/b] Why can I not skip the cut scene I have viewed 10 times already? [b]7. Another way to obtain materials. *EDIT - implemented!*[/b] Collecting upgrade materials is boring. Really boring. Like taking out the trash, or washing dishes, it is an actual chore when you need 72 Helium filaments for that new chest piece. Why is there no fun but difficult way to obtain this? Maybe implemented into the bounty system or as rewards for the Story missions on high difficulties (Which would improve 2 problems at once). If I could select a mission on, say, level 26, then every modifier I put on increased the materials I received after completion, I would be so happy. [b]8. Bounty Improvements.[/b] Small changes would make a big difference here. I think I've only seen about 20 vanguard bounties plus Targets and maybe 25 Crucible bounties. If I have to get Double kills with the fusion rifle one more time, I think I'm going to turn it on myself. Have somebody make more bounties, like complete a mission with only shotguns, get 3 melee kills in crucible without dying or get 3 headshots in 3 seconds 3 times in 3 minutes. Planet specific bounties could reward materials, like Kill 200 enemies on Earth for Spinmetal reward. These are just off the top of my head, but bounties are what most players are doing daily, put some effort into making them fun. [b]9. Companion app > Destiny integration.[/b] I cannot see my new Xbox One friends on friends list or in the App. This makes it more difficult than it should be to add members to the small group that I run, and also makes all leader board statistics redundant, as I can only compare with small selection of my friends from Xbox 360. I'm sure this will be fixed eventually, but it has been an ongoing problem since I bought my Xbox One. [b]10. Skip able cut scenes.[/b] Why can I not skip the cut scene I have viewed 10 times already? [b]11. Explanations for game mechanics.[/b] I played the weekly this week (Oct 12th) with a friend who has been playing since launch, but not nearly as much of me. When he joined I pointed out that Void Damage Modifier was on, to which he replied "What is that?". I explained about modifiers and what they do, he was thankful, but then said, "I was actually asking about Void Damage, what is that?". Now this person had been playing the game for about 40 hours, and he is not an idiot, it is just that nowhere throughout the game had it been explained what the damage types are, or that shield colour is effected by same colour damage type. There are other important game mechanics that just seem to be in the game, but never explained. I didn't really mind in the beginning, because I enjoyed learning how everything worked, but I've explained that exact mechanic so many times that I feel like I should be on the Bungie pay role. There is a lot of depth in Destiny, and it requires more explanation. [b]12. Skip able cut scenes.[/b] Getting old yet? So are the cut scenes. Thank You for taking the time to read, please comment, and select option in the poll, I would really like to hear what people think, and hopefully Bungie will hear us too. Edit- It looks like some more interesting bounties are on the way with the DLC, along with extra bounty slots. Edit- Also a lot of the cut scenes can be skipped by going to orbit during 30 second count down after mission, you still get rewards, but a simple 'press x to skip' has been around for a decade, please add this. Edit- The latest patch (Dec 1st) added other ways to get upgrade materials! You can now purchase from the quartermasters (fair price-20 material for 10 marks), patrol bounties give 10, and daily mission on lvl 28 gives 16. This removes what most people would agree is the most boring part of Destiny- the material farm. This is far better than a forum response, thank you for listening to the community Bungie, how about knocking a few more things off this list?

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  • Bump! Well said dude!

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    • Well said, a constructive argument that i mostly agree with. And no whiney bitching ☺😉

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      4 Replies
      • Bump post! Grimoire integrated By the speaker. Then he can show some fancy scenes through the hologram in the middle of the room

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        • And pls fix the drop rate.

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          4 Replies
          • Agreed for all. Don't mind too much if we don't get better gear for higher level story missions, would love an exp/more if light bonus though!

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            • Edited by Salt_AU: 10/13/2014 6:07:28 AM
              1. Agreed, players getting some direction would be welcome. 2. Absolutely. The Grimoire is, in a way, similar to an Achievement list for other games. It should be part of your UI, just like it is any every other game. 3. Cut scenes should be skipped but they aren't any where near as intrusive as you or other people make out. I saw them when I first played the story and haven't seen them since. If you replay a story chapter, do it on a heroic version. No cut scenes and the heroic versions are far from difficult. 4. Definitely. Rewards should be greater at higher difficulties. Not sure why this isn't the case, maybe because heroic is incredibly easy as it is. Make it a challenge and make the rewards appropriate. 5. Why should this only apply to pvp? Having to carry lazy people in pve is also a problem. Having a K/D ratio of less than 20 in strikes is next to useless and there are many. 7. Definitely. The 'world' needs a crap load more items and unique things to find. Its boring because you keep receiving the same bloody thing. Mix it up, put more thought into the world Bungie. Tell your designers to DESIGN! 8. Bounties I like but they suffer from #7, they get boring fast. Again put some thought into different and interesting bounties. Make some bounties with incredibly good rewards but require you to play hard content well. Some things I'd like to see - Player Housing. An apartment, or choice of apartments in the Tower would be great. Display your weapons, mannequins displaying armor, unique and rare trophies to display (found as rare drops from mobs, in chests, or simply well hidden on a random spawn). Player Housing also gives the player a sense of belonging to a world. This is severely lacking in Destiny. - Glimmer sinks (see Housing) - Leaderboards. For both pvp and pve. Implement a well designed scoring method where you are challenged to improve on your own record or beat others. - Death penalty in pve. Promoting poor gameplay by not having any penalty isn't the best idea. - An open world! This is the number one thing I am disappointed in from Destiny. Patrol needs to be a seriously large open world. Not a restricted area in a circular shape. Put an open world pvp option in also. - Improve the story and NPCs. Make us care. - A better 'dye' system for your equipped gear. Guild Wars 2 does a good job in this regard. - More interesting 'World Events'

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              7 Replies
              • i love you.

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                • well thought out post. I agree with all your points, for myself however, the grimoire not being in the game itself is a huge issue. The lore it provides is essential. I wouldve loved to see ANY character development for the vendor NPCs as well as factions. Destiny's world and lore is like a deep pool that wont let you tale off your water wings and dive down deep into it.

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                  • Almost 100 Votes! thanks guys, share with friends and don't forget to leave a comment to bump thread please.

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                  • FInally some good suggestions instead of suggestions people make without logic sense. this sounds like a bible to me obiwan :P

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                    • Pvp for surly needs to be fixed first.

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                      • I would like to see some form of trading

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                        • Thanks for the likes guys, leave a comment if you can so we can bump this up above the "nerf x" posts.

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                        • Brilliant post. All sensible suggestions. I am only 30 hours into it and am a level 23 Hunter. The story was pretty bare bones and I spent the first few hours going to all these vendors in the tower with no idea what they were there for and what I was supposed to do. I am still in two minds on whether the ambiguity is deliberate or a by-product of the lack of story. Even now everything I know about the game I sort of picked up on the Internet or here on the forum. Therefore I chose option 1 for my vote. Loving the game mind you. I feel there is a proper sense of community here. Admire you for 300 hours. That's dedication. :-)

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