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Edited by the ben obiwan: 10/4/2015 4:00:22 PM

OLD POST STOP BUMPING. Most wanted patch poll. After 300hrs play time, my thoughts and ideas. Actual feedback.

1. Explanation of end game goals.


2. In game grimoire.


4. Rewards for Story Missions on higher difficulty


5.Crucible Rewards


7. Another way to obtain materials.


8. Bounty Improvements.


11. Explanations for game mechanics.


I have played a lot of Destiny over the last month, I love it, and will be playing for a long time yet. I've fine tuned my Strike attacks with friends, learnt every crucible map, mastered every Story mode, and become well acquainted with the Raid. I love jumping online for the Daily Story, smashing out a few bounties with friends, and tackling PvP for some crucible marks. The weekly challenges are a highlight, everyone seems to be online Tuesday night to dissect the Nightfall, and clean up coins with the heroic. The thing is, I am an exception; in that I forgive Destiny's flaws. I see past the problems and try to focus on only the positive while playing. I encourage all to do this while playing any game, but this does not mean these flaws should go unnoticed. So now, after 300 hours play time, I give you my list of ideas that I believe, after discussion with many of the community, most people will agree will only improve the game. I've tried to avoid bugs, as they will surely be fixed in due time. Please select in Poll which point you agree with most, or leave comments if you disagree with any. We all want Destiny to be a better game, lets not have meaningless arguments, but try and give some constructive criticism and hope that Bungie hears us. To avoid crashing skip able cut scenes will not be in poll. Comments will suffice. [b]1. Explanation of end game goals.[/b] It seems a majority of players simply had no idea what to do after finishing the story. I know that I wanted to level my light to reach Raid level, and I figured I needed to increase my Reputation in the stores to buy legendary gear. But not everyone understood this. That is why people shoot at a cave, there was no clear objective. A proper introduction to the factions, vanguard store, and the huge role that bounties play in levelling these guys up, would give players direction after level 20. [b]2. In game grimoire.[/b] All this would take is an interactive bookcase in the Speakers room or simply a tab in the menu. I understand you would like traffic on the web page, but the fiction on these cards needs to get out there to the people demanding story. It is all beautifully written an entirely wasted. [b]3. Skip able cut scenes.[/b] Why can I not skip the cut scene I have viewed 10 times already? [b]4. Rewards for Story Missions on higher difficulties.[/b] I've heard a few ideas for this. The simplest one is a one off reward for competing each story mission, and that reward increases the higher the difficulty. Another is a Story Mission playlist that would select a mission at random, add modifiers, and rewards players on completion similar to Strike Playlist. When I finished the game I was delighted to see I could replay each mission on 20 26 28 etc. but then immediately let down by the fact that there was simply no point. Most people feel the end game content is slim, but with 20 mission and all these modifiers surely you could work something out. [b]5. Crucible Rewards[/b] Everyone knows this one too well. Bad players being rewarded great gear is infuriating. I would typically play PvP exclusively on any other game. I am decent, and enjoy the crucible, but that constant slap in the face when a bad players get the best rewards has me visiting the crucible less and less. The current loot system discourages good players, and a few of my friends have stopped playing because of this. I'm not sure if there is an easy fix, but I like the idea of point based loot drop, that carries over game to game, like this Loot drops every 2500 points, if you only get 1500 you can get 1000 points next round and get a drop. Everyone gets loot, everyone progresses, but good players feel rewarded. [b]6. Skip able cut scenes.[/b] Why can I not skip the cut scene I have viewed 10 times already? [b]7. Another way to obtain materials. *EDIT - implemented!*[/b] Collecting upgrade materials is boring. Really boring. Like taking out the trash, or washing dishes, it is an actual chore when you need 72 Helium filaments for that new chest piece. Why is there no fun but difficult way to obtain this? Maybe implemented into the bounty system or as rewards for the Story missions on high difficulties (Which would improve 2 problems at once). If I could select a mission on, say, level 26, then every modifier I put on increased the materials I received after completion, I would be so happy. [b]8. Bounty Improvements.[/b] Small changes would make a big difference here. I think I've only seen about 20 vanguard bounties plus Targets and maybe 25 Crucible bounties. If I have to get Double kills with the fusion rifle one more time, I think I'm going to turn it on myself. Have somebody make more bounties, like complete a mission with only shotguns, get 3 melee kills in crucible without dying or get 3 headshots in 3 seconds 3 times in 3 minutes. Planet specific bounties could reward materials, like Kill 200 enemies on Earth for Spinmetal reward. These are just off the top of my head, but bounties are what most players are doing daily, put some effort into making them fun. [b]9. Companion app > Destiny integration.[/b] I cannot see my new Xbox One friends on friends list or in the App. This makes it more difficult than it should be to add members to the small group that I run, and also makes all leader board statistics redundant, as I can only compare with small selection of my friends from Xbox 360. I'm sure this will be fixed eventually, but it has been an ongoing problem since I bought my Xbox One. [b]10. Skip able cut scenes.[/b] Why can I not skip the cut scene I have viewed 10 times already? [b]11. Explanations for game mechanics.[/b] I played the weekly this week (Oct 12th) with a friend who has been playing since launch, but not nearly as much of me. When he joined I pointed out that Void Damage Modifier was on, to which he replied "What is that?". I explained about modifiers and what they do, he was thankful, but then said, "I was actually asking about Void Damage, what is that?". Now this person had been playing the game for about 40 hours, and he is not an idiot, it is just that nowhere throughout the game had it been explained what the damage types are, or that shield colour is effected by same colour damage type. There are other important game mechanics that just seem to be in the game, but never explained. I didn't really mind in the beginning, because I enjoyed learning how everything worked, but I've explained that exact mechanic so many times that I feel like I should be on the Bungie pay role. There is a lot of depth in Destiny, and it requires more explanation. [b]12. Skip able cut scenes.[/b] Getting old yet? So are the cut scenes. Thank You for taking the time to read, please comment, and select option in the poll, I would really like to hear what people think, and hopefully Bungie will hear us too. Edit- It looks like some more interesting bounties are on the way with the DLC, along with extra bounty slots. Edit- Also a lot of the cut scenes can be skipped by going to orbit during 30 second count down after mission, you still get rewards, but a simple 'press x to skip' has been around for a decade, please add this. Edit- The latest patch (Dec 1st) added other ways to get upgrade materials! You can now purchase from the quartermasters (fair price-20 material for 10 marks), patrol bounties give 10, and daily mission on lvl 28 gives 16. This removes what most people would agree is the most boring part of Destiny- the material farm. This is far better than a forum response, thank you for listening to the community Bungie, how about knocking a few more things off this list?

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  • Edited by PUAthelas: 10/13/2014 11:06:05 PM
    what about trading/crafting ? and adding a btter way to communicate in between players and usefull NPCs? a fast travel feature so as not to go to orbit each damn time Saying that I support everything you mention in this post.Props man PS:Oh and be able to store bounties would be nice since I have currently three exotic bounties activated and feel very lazy to do them now...

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    • Edited by Mr Pontiac421HO: 10/14/2014 6:14:39 AM
      Why do I play Destiny? Simply I enjoy the combination of some MMO elements in a shooter game. I have much more experience beta testing and playing MMO games like Star Trek Online, Star Wars the Old Republic, and Marvel Superheroes. I have played some first person shooters with my favorites being SW Battlefront II(if it is even considered a FPS) and Rainbow Six Vegas. I did not follow this game prior to launch so I had no particular expectiations for the game. I bought it because it looked interesting and I did not enjoy Call of Duty or Halo. (turned in CoD Ghosts and one of the newer Halo games to buy Destiny) Destiny appears to me to be a game that they tried to incorporate many elements into one game but were not really able to do any of those features 100% correct. The game does have a good core, excellent graphics, music, and environments. The combat both shooting and melee is very good, but it does lack a good story and if you are a hardcore gamer, the type that blitzes the game and plays day and night, you will get to end cap and through the available content in the game in a week. Like most new MMO games it needs a constant influx of new content to keep the hardcore gamers happy or they will be at end cap and bored. Skill tree development: this is very weak in its current design. Each character seems to have an attack and defense version and the defensive version becomes available at lvl 15. There should be two detailed trees where we can work our character to be either attack oriented or defensive from the beginning. (Star Wars the Old Republic does a good job of this for its character classes) Missions: NPC characters on the maps to give us missions. They can be simple missions or maybe more involved like a short story type mission with multiple objectives to complete. (similar to Star Wars the Old Republic) Tower: possible class specific missions from class specific NPC characters. More variance in bounty missions, add kills with specific weapon to become a weapon specialist giving you a small bump in the basic stats of that particular weapon. Exploration missions/search and rescue missions, again more variance in mission type than what we have now. Attack enemy HQ missions. The bad guys have all of this technology but they do not have a base of operations on any of the planets/moons? They are just hanging out in the human ruins waiting to be shot? Where are their ships coming from? Develop space content and add space missions where we need to use our ships to asault an enemy space station or base. Maps: more maps per planet/moon, I mean only Russia on Earth. There are 6 other continents to create maps for. Planets that are gas giants like Jupiter and Saturn. Have old human space stations or even add enemy space stations that need to be stormed. More moons like the large moons of Jupiter, Io, Europa, same for Saturn like Titan. Pluto would add a nice icy wasteland environment in the game that does not exist now. A lot of room to grow the game with new locations from what exists now. Their needs to be more life to these planets, NPC characters to interact with, other animals besides the birds, etc. Right now the maps seem very lifeless. Weapons/Armor: allow for more individual design by allowing more specialized upgrades. Upgrades can be focused on particular parts of the weapons, damage, range, recoil, etc. This sort of exists in the game now but needs to be expanded upon. Allow the ability through bounties to obtain a weapons specialist certification on a particular weapon giving you better basic stats on that particular weapon type. Allow upgrades to armor that are beneficial to the user. Right now the upgrades are preset without any imput from the user. Example is ammo. Why have the ability to carry additional ammo for a weapon type I do not use? More customization of the armor in general. Ships: very underutilized, should be more than loading screens. Allow for upgrades and mods. Different ship classes, maybe a troop transport for your fireteam, add basic space combat, assault missions on enemy space stations. Lots of expansion possibilities here. Enemy AI: overall it is good but it would be a nice addition if they did things to try and flank you, more strategy by the AI. I like that they try and use cover, but a little more intelligence and variance to their attacks would be good. Surprise attacks would be nice. In the first mission one comes up through the floor, but I have not seen that happen again. All the enemies are usually right there waiting for you. Not trying to steal obiwans thread but if you have posted game ideas elsewhere, cut and paste them into this thread. I have seen other posts on game improvements and I think we should try and keep all of the ideas in one thread so if they do read what we would like to see in the game, it can be found in one thread. Lets keep adding to it and bumping it periodically to keep it in front of the game devs. Trust me constructive criticism and game suggestions can find their way into a game. It has happened with Marvel Superheroes many times but suggestions have to be put in a good way. Being combative and saying the game sucks is not going to get it done.

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    • Dude I wish you worked for Bungie. These ideas are brilliant. I feel like the last city on earth needs to be more involved. We are supposed to protect it and we can't even go there.

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    • Bump need option to choose all

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    • Agree.

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    • I agree 100%. Even with the restating of the cutscenes. I personally just log out when those pop. Sorry bungie, but your cutscenes are not good enough to watch dozens of times. Should be rewarding us with free legendaries for the literal hours I have wasted watching these mediocre cutscenes

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    • If only Bungie had sided with another less greedy publisher... My god this could have been such a good game....

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    • The crucible loot issue while common is not overly debilitating in my opinion. In all the time I've played I've seen 2 exotic rewards and maybe 10 legendary engram rewards. Most of the time it's just junk blues

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    • Another method up getting upgrade materials would be excellent! I'm only level 25 and have not upgraded my equipment all that much yet but I definitely see the need to implement another way of getting materials. I spend most of my time doing bounties and strikes, it can be a little frustrating going through the strikes and having nothing to show for it. Materials wod be a good way to fi those empty boxes.

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    • I went with Rewards. I haven't gone past level 20 on my main character, and I'm only level 4 on my second one (at the time of writing) but I found for my first character that I get a lot of useless, underlevelled loot as "rewards" when completing a PvE level. I just end up discarding most of what I get. I'd love to see actual numerical counters on things. It's great that when I kill an enemy, it tells me how much experience I'm getting, but unless I missed it there is no way to view my actual experience amount. I can guess based on the green bar, but I would prefer a number. Also, damage seems to be something that makes no difference. It takes just as many hits for me to kill a level 4 enemy when I'm level 4 as it does when I'm level 20. With the difference in damage that my weapons are supposedly doing, I feel like I should be able to shoot it in the toe and have the enemy die.

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    • Edited by Transientmind: 10/13/2014 9:29:06 PM
      I'm surprised at how popular point one is. I really didn't think it needed explaining - just improved variety. Knowing what the end-game goals are doesn't make them any less boring.

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    • +1fir No. 7 too -- you should never get nothing but experience for completing any activity. Providing materials of upgrade parts should be a minimum at every level -- no more blank reward boxes!

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    • Hey did you mention anything about skipping the cut scenes. Whats even worse, I have watched countless cut scenes and I still have no clue whats going on with the story.

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      2 Replies
      • You know how you can report in-game for good behavior? An honor system, really, to say a person is being helpful or friendly or just a really good person, to alert bungie of the good players in the game? Where's the Report Thread For Being Amazing option here on the forums?

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        • Farming for materials!!! I can't believe that they shut down the loot cave saying it's not their idea of how the game should be played but they have NO problem with us mindlessly running in loops around a map farming materials. Don't get me wrong, I don't want them to make this harder to do. I just can't believe that the player experience they wanted for us involves mindlessly searching for chests, running in circles with a pack of other players collecting relic iron. The same respawning enemies, the same dozen caves/tunnels over and over again. THIS is how the game was meant to be played? REALLY? How is that any different than shooting blindly into a cave? And yet the game design leaves us no choice. We have to farm materials. Of course we are going to figure out the most efficient way to do that. We can't wait on the game to supply those things for us I the normal course of events or we would never level up our gear. So we farm and grind. ARG!

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          • [url][/url] Came up with something as in an in game thing and tryign to get some feedback on it as an idea.

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          • Nice ideas, but you actually only have around 200 hrs played.

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            • Sure is great to read a well thought out post. How come you're not demanding to nerf Xür, or buff hand cannons? Or my favorite #Destiny post, "Shotguns are OP!!!1!1!!" I think I'll have to vote for the mission replayability, but all are great points.

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              • Great post. Thumbs up!

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                • Nice ideas. Although about #5, I doubt the worst players get the best rewards MORE often. Have you run an experiment to confirm this? I thought it was random. I've see the best players get top rewards too. I think this is just a case of cherry-picking (counting the hits, ignoring the misses). Anyway, I don't have much of a problem with random loot drop in crucible. Although maybe that's because I'm just average. If I were getting 2-3 K/D all the time, maybe I'd feel cheated too. I dunno.

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                  3 Replies
                  • You know...for the lack of exploration part I have to toss my hat at the fact DLC zones aren't supposed to be explorable or even accessable. Yet players can easily find a way around them. Who the heck alpha/closed beta tested this game?

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                    2 Replies
                    • You hit the nail on the head with point 4. I have played a lot of mission on a harder level. Only to get nothing.

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                      • I'm with this guy. This is well thought out and straight to the point. Bungie please read. Thanks for the post.

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                        • Volume options!

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                          • I agree with the op and hope to hear dev response.

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                            2 Replies
                            • I just hope Bungie actually reads all these ideas and feedback the we write in here, as I have done many times in the "feedback" forum

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