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Edited by the ben obiwan: 10/4/2015 4:00:22 PM

OLD POST STOP BUMPING. Most wanted patch poll. After 300hrs play time, my thoughts and ideas. Actual feedback.

1. Explanation of end game goals.


2. In game grimoire.


4. Rewards for Story Missions on higher difficulty


5.Crucible Rewards


7. Another way to obtain materials.


8. Bounty Improvements.


11. Explanations for game mechanics.


I have played a lot of Destiny over the last month, I love it, and will be playing for a long time yet. I've fine tuned my Strike attacks with friends, learnt every crucible map, mastered every Story mode, and become well acquainted with the Raid. I love jumping online for the Daily Story, smashing out a few bounties with friends, and tackling PvP for some crucible marks. The weekly challenges are a highlight, everyone seems to be online Tuesday night to dissect the Nightfall, and clean up coins with the heroic. The thing is, I am an exception; in that I forgive Destiny's flaws. I see past the problems and try to focus on only the positive while playing. I encourage all to do this while playing any game, but this does not mean these flaws should go unnoticed. So now, after 300 hours play time, I give you my list of ideas that I believe, after discussion with many of the community, most people will agree will only improve the game. I've tried to avoid bugs, as they will surely be fixed in due time. Please select in Poll which point you agree with most, or leave comments if you disagree with any. We all want Destiny to be a better game, lets not have meaningless arguments, but try and give some constructive criticism and hope that Bungie hears us. To avoid crashing skip able cut scenes will not be in poll. Comments will suffice. [b]1. Explanation of end game goals.[/b] It seems a majority of players simply had no idea what to do after finishing the story. I know that I wanted to level my light to reach Raid level, and I figured I needed to increase my Reputation in the stores to buy legendary gear. But not everyone understood this. That is why people shoot at a cave, there was no clear objective. A proper introduction to the factions, vanguard store, and the huge role that bounties play in levelling these guys up, would give players direction after level 20. [b]2. In game grimoire.[/b] All this would take is an interactive bookcase in the Speakers room or simply a tab in the menu. I understand you would like traffic on the web page, but the fiction on these cards needs to get out there to the people demanding story. It is all beautifully written an entirely wasted. [b]3. Skip able cut scenes.[/b] Why can I not skip the cut scene I have viewed 10 times already? [b]4. Rewards for Story Missions on higher difficulties.[/b] I've heard a few ideas for this. The simplest one is a one off reward for competing each story mission, and that reward increases the higher the difficulty. Another is a Story Mission playlist that would select a mission at random, add modifiers, and rewards players on completion similar to Strike Playlist. When I finished the game I was delighted to see I could replay each mission on 20 26 28 etc. but then immediately let down by the fact that there was simply no point. Most people feel the end game content is slim, but with 20 mission and all these modifiers surely you could work something out. [b]5. Crucible Rewards[/b] Everyone knows this one too well. Bad players being rewarded great gear is infuriating. I would typically play PvP exclusively on any other game. I am decent, and enjoy the crucible, but that constant slap in the face when a bad players get the best rewards has me visiting the crucible less and less. The current loot system discourages good players, and a few of my friends have stopped playing because of this. I'm not sure if there is an easy fix, but I like the idea of point based loot drop, that carries over game to game, like this Loot drops every 2500 points, if you only get 1500 you can get 1000 points next round and get a drop. Everyone gets loot, everyone progresses, but good players feel rewarded. [b]6. Skip able cut scenes.[/b] Why can I not skip the cut scene I have viewed 10 times already? [b]7. Another way to obtain materials. *EDIT - implemented!*[/b] Collecting upgrade materials is boring. Really boring. Like taking out the trash, or washing dishes, it is an actual chore when you need 72 Helium filaments for that new chest piece. Why is there no fun but difficult way to obtain this? Maybe implemented into the bounty system or as rewards for the Story missions on high difficulties (Which would improve 2 problems at once). If I could select a mission on, say, level 26, then every modifier I put on increased the materials I received after completion, I would be so happy. [b]8. Bounty Improvements.[/b] Small changes would make a big difference here. I think I've only seen about 20 vanguard bounties plus Targets and maybe 25 Crucible bounties. If I have to get Double kills with the fusion rifle one more time, I think I'm going to turn it on myself. Have somebody make more bounties, like complete a mission with only shotguns, get 3 melee kills in crucible without dying or get 3 headshots in 3 seconds 3 times in 3 minutes. Planet specific bounties could reward materials, like Kill 200 enemies on Earth for Spinmetal reward. These are just off the top of my head, but bounties are what most players are doing daily, put some effort into making them fun. [b]9. Companion app > Destiny integration.[/b] I cannot see my new Xbox One friends on friends list or in the App. This makes it more difficult than it should be to add members to the small group that I run, and also makes all leader board statistics redundant, as I can only compare with small selection of my friends from Xbox 360. I'm sure this will be fixed eventually, but it has been an ongoing problem since I bought my Xbox One. [b]10. Skip able cut scenes.[/b] Why can I not skip the cut scene I have viewed 10 times already? [b]11. Explanations for game mechanics.[/b] I played the weekly this week (Oct 12th) with a friend who has been playing since launch, but not nearly as much of me. When he joined I pointed out that Void Damage Modifier was on, to which he replied "What is that?". I explained about modifiers and what they do, he was thankful, but then said, "I was actually asking about Void Damage, what is that?". Now this person had been playing the game for about 40 hours, and he is not an idiot, it is just that nowhere throughout the game had it been explained what the damage types are, or that shield colour is effected by same colour damage type. There are other important game mechanics that just seem to be in the game, but never explained. I didn't really mind in the beginning, because I enjoyed learning how everything worked, but I've explained that exact mechanic so many times that I feel like I should be on the Bungie pay role. There is a lot of depth in Destiny, and it requires more explanation. [b]12. Skip able cut scenes.[/b] Getting old yet? So are the cut scenes. Thank You for taking the time to read, please comment, and select option in the poll, I would really like to hear what people think, and hopefully Bungie will hear us too. Edit- It looks like some more interesting bounties are on the way with the DLC, along with extra bounty slots. Edit- Also a lot of the cut scenes can be skipped by going to orbit during 30 second count down after mission, you still get rewards, but a simple 'press x to skip' has been around for a decade, please add this. Edit- The latest patch (Dec 1st) added other ways to get upgrade materials! You can now purchase from the quartermasters (fair price-20 material for 10 marks), patrol bounties give 10, and daily mission on lvl 28 gives 16. This removes what most people would agree is the most boring part of Destiny- the material farm. This is far better than a forum response, thank you for listening to the community Bungie, how about knocking a few more things off this list?

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  • All extremely good points, especially the cut scenes. Dealing with story modes, why not allow us to choose our own modifiers as Halo did in the past?? Being a long time Halo fan, I was discouraged to find that was not the case. Also no rewards for replaying story on a higher level astounds me. Having at least a materials bonus or currency reward would encourage players to replay the story missions other than the daily missions or grinding bounties. Also, why is there no firefight, last stand, horde, etc... In my opinion it was the most successful additions to the Halo franchise. More so, I would like a game that respects my time. Working full time and classes sap the time I have for gaming. I should not have to slog through crucible hoping for something good or grind a loot cave to get gear while it seems the current system 'luck of the draw' seems to take precedence over skill. Lastly, it seems like there is no established direction Bungie wants to go in, I could be wrong, but clue your fans into what you are working on would be a nice touch: finishing up loose ends from the story, new pvp maps, more/different weapons, etc... Well, that's my two cents. I just hope we can get some answers.

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  • [spoiler]12. Skip able cut scenes. Getting old yet? So are the cut scenes.[/spoiler]

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  • Beautifully crafted and written, I'm all for it. Support this all the way to Bungie mannnnn...

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    • i like all your points. number 8 is by far the best in my book though.

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    • LOL 12. Yes. Very old. Can they at least be disabled on strike lists? Do we really need the background story for the Sepkis prime fight on any strike lists? I think we've seen it before... Just maybe.

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        Sir, hats off to you yous ideas are simple yet brilliant hope the dev team read this.

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      • Awesome man, couldn't of said it better myself, hopefully they will listen!

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      • wow you hit the nail right on the head. I also love playing the game, I love the look and the feel, but as an experienced MMO guy I pretty much noticed all the things you listed. I chalk it up to inexperience.

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      • I agree with all of the above. Very nicely thought-out and respectful feedback and surprisingly coherent for this forum ;). Had a chuckle at: [quote]Getting old yet? So are the cut scenes.[/quote] :D Keeping my fingers crossed in hopes that constructive feedback like this reaches the devs. kudos Ben!

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        • I completely agree with all this. I think it should be made easier however to obtain Vanguard Rep, it is repetitive to complete the same strikes over and over again.

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        • Wish there was an "all of the above" option

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          • Edited by DrNavelpluis: 10/14/2014 8:12:17 AM
            I would like to add that all these improvements should be for every player, don't put it in a DLC. This should have been in there already, and as I understand it should have, if they didn't cut half of the game out before launch Edit: oh and for a game with such long load times, I would like a mini game or something with your spaceship. Now it's pretty useless.

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            • Agreed 100%.

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              • Missing the point Destiny should have a coherent story

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                • Thank you for this post! Well said sir!

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                • [quote]3. Skip able cut scenes. Why can I not skip the cut scene I have viewed 10 times already? 6. Skip able cut scenes. Why can I not skip the cut scene I have viewed 10 times already? 10. Skip able cut scenes. Why can I not skip the cut scene I have viewed 10 times already? 12. Skip able cut scenes. Getting old yet? So are the cut scenes. [/quote] I viewed them 12 times already. I know your pain.

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                • i agree with almost all of it except the crucible rewards. i think they are perfect as is. it encourages all players to keep playing it. if only the best were rewarded then the amount of players would start to dwindle to nothing. if only the best and best equipped get rewards then why would anyone at a lower calibre even try? the way it is now pretty much gaurantees that there will almost always be enough people on to get a match going quickly. if you are one who complains about poor players getting rewards you are an idiot. anyone who is that poor at the crucible will eventually stop playing anyway. rewards or not... no one likes to always lose. they will most likely move on to another part of the game that suits them better. and those who are good at crucible will keep playing and thus the chance to get that exotic reward will increase due to all the time playing. the way it is now is awesome cuz it assures that there will always be a fresh batch of "sh!tty" players for you egomaniacs to satisfy your inflated sense of entitlement. keep crucible as is. that is all

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                  4 Replies
                  • Give this man a 🍪, why is he not working with bungie they could fix all their problems if they followed what he stated.

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                  • I agree with most of your suggestions - as if you were reading my mind while I was playing the game. 2. Totally agree. There were lots of time where this would be useful. A lot of times one of my friend had to go into tower to get something before we do a strike and I'm waiting in Orbit doing nothing. If I was able to read the grimores in-game I wouldn't mind my friends spending 5+ minutes in the tower! 4. Story mission rewards. Agree. I don't do high level story missions because.. frankly there's no point. But I kind of understand why they don't reward players with a random loot because some of the story missions are very short and thus would became Loot Missions (a.k.a Cave). Maybe have bounties for this? 5. Crucible Rewards. Disagree. There will be people out there that will never be as good us the top 5% players in Destiny. If Destiny reward players for doing good then those who don't do well won't be bother playing anymore. As a result of this, we won't have any noob-ish players to shoot up. Having random loots can actually hook players into playing Destiny with a hope that they might get one. I think the loot system should stay in place but have another reward system for players that do well. i.e. reward top two player with materials which would assist towards #7. 7. Totally agree. Lots of grinding.. 8. Agree. Bounties lacks creativity and is often repetitive. I have one suggestion would also like to add.. Engram drops. It is just not logical that Destiny drop level 20 engrams from a low level mob. I suggest restricting the level of engrams relative to the mob levels. For example. Engram drops from level 6 mobs can yield a level 4-8 Common / Uncommon / Rare Engram Engram drops from level 12 mobs can yield a level 10-14 Common / Uncommon / Rare Engram Engram drops from level 18 mobs can yield a level 16-20 Uncommon / Rare Engram Engram drops from level 20 mobs can yield a level 18-20 Uncommon / Rare / Legendary Engrams Engram drops from level 24-25 mobs can yield a level 20 Rare / Legendary Engrams Engram drops from level 26+ mobs can yield a level 20 Rare / Legendary / Epic Engrams And the higher level / rank the mob is, the more chance a Legendary engram gets dropped. i.e. a normal level 20 mob has a 0.001% chance of dropping a Legendary engram vs a level 28 Elite (yellow) has a 0.1% chance of dropping a Legendary engram. Or something like this anyway. Because if this is implemented in a way that one have a better chance of getting a good drop the higher level the mob is then players will think twice about choosing which level strike / mission to do. At the moment there is hardly any point of doing a level 28 strike compared to doing a level 20 strikes as it seems to me that the reward is same in the end. And who would want to farm on earth if they only drop level 4-8 engrams?

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                    2 Replies
                    • Good thoughts . I have more: - more inventory and vault space - more people in the tower - matchmaking for raids, heroic weekly - a clan interface - make reputations visible in game - reduce loading times

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                      5 Replies
                      • I agree with everything you said but would like to add a suggestion: in matchmaking strikes it often happens people stay behind just to grind the field and not actually participating with the other 2 players. It's so annoying that someone is not helping the other 2 players. I would like to see people being removed from a strike if they're inactive to long or having spawn points so people can't stay behind to grind the field and have to participate.

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                        • Another thing I feel like they have taken away is the different styles to approaching the gameplay. With no assassinations (like in halo), I become really infuriated when I work hard to play in a more stealthy approach, however cannot kill the guy with a knife strike from behind. More often then not the opposing player will turn around with a shotgun and kill me even before my melee reloads!! Although one can customize weapons... it is near impossible to play the game any other way then just run and gun. If you could put in small things such as assassinations or "beat downs," it would really add to the different ways a player can approach both the PVP and PVE parts of the game.

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                          • How do i like this post more times like a million time jesus you would thinkg retarded children work at these game companies how do the miss these things.

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                          • I agree in every point you made. I especially would like to see rewards for doing story missions on high difficulty. A playlist for story missions would also be great! Something that really bothers about Destiny is that really all of these ideas are no brainers that a great many people here have realized this game needs after only playing a short time. Bungie has been working on this game for 4 years and in all of that time no one on the staff thought up any of this stuff???

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                          • Oh my god, number 1. I get that the plan is for the game to expand over time, but... Some kind of cohesion. Personally I wish that, instead of the crucible being a kind of sporting event in the story, they'd just kept it as part of the battle, and made it so when you play, each team sees the other team as alien enemy models. PVP on an earth level? Enemy team looks like Fallen. On the moon? Enemy looks like Hive. Vex on Venus, etc... The whole pvp experience would feel fundamentally linked to the pve experience, and provide a natural middle ground between expansive content. As it is... Guardians killing each other over and over again while their ghosts revive them doesn't feel particularly like the forging of a legend.

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                          • O M G !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO EFFING WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! An intelligent person with intelligent feedback!!!!!!!!!!! I am SOOOO tired of hearing people calling the game BROKEN because people with more skill but less rank are beating them or because they don't get an exotic item after EVERY game they play in the crucible. It's nothing but a bunch of spoiled cry babies! Then I came across this post and wanted cry because I was so happy someone has something relevant and useful to suggest! So to you sir I say, THANK YOU!!!! For being a gentleman and a scholar! That being said, my feedback to your feedback is this: 11. I am just like your friend. Someone who has been playing since launch but only recently fully understood what modifiers are/meant. I knew there were different types of damage but I thought it was only useful against certain "types" of enemies. (kinda like how Pokemon has "types" of creatures with strengths and weaknesses) I had no idea the color of the shield showed what type of damage to use to take it down. I thought blue shields were "normal shields", purple shields were "slightly stronger shields" and red was "max shields". Obviously I never used Fire weapons. lol. You can imagine how insanely easy the game became once I understood this all. But finding this all out IS part of the game. Just like figuring out the best strategy to beat the raid or any strike. The game would be pretty boring if your ghost showed you all the best locations to take down strike bosses or told you which weapons to equip before going into a new area of the map. Take the current weekly strike for example: I start the strike as a gunslinger with a void fusion rifle (for the minotaurs) but by the time I reach the boss I switch to a bladedancer and equip my Plan C with does Arc damage (for the Captains). Both the Nightfall and weekly heroic became VERY easy once I figured that strategy out but until I did they were pretty challenging.

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