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Edited by FoMan123: 10/9/2014 4:35:41 AM

Gentlemen of Destiny. We need to talk.



I am really insecure and women make me nervous.




...when you put it that way...


It's really sad, some of the behavior I see toward women. I want to say that this describes a loud minority of players...but that would be a lie. It's the majority. I just don't get it. MAYBE they are just extra hormonal guys hoping to meet a cool gamer chick who would be into them. [i]But aren't we all?[/i] No seriously, I think single guys don't realize that every (heterosexual) guy kinda hopes to meet a girl who is into the same things they are. At least in passing. And yeah, it would be really cool. Yeah, I find it really hot when my fiance sets dudes on fire and giggles about it. But in knowing that, you know that [i]the way to get a really great girl to pay attention to you, who shares a hobby with you, is not to just walk up and hump her.[/i] For example... say we were both into bowling. We're both bowlers. Cool, she's a bowler! We bowl! We can talk about bowling and bowl together! Great stuff! I sure hope this girl who bowls likes me, or at least gives me a chance! Hell, I'd be okay with being friends just to shake up the sausage fest formula on my bowling team a bit! It would be NICE to have a girl or two around, because it's NICE to have girls around. I like girls! They're cool! [b]LET ME GO SHOW THIS BY SHAGGING HER LEFT LEG, CALLING HER A SLUT AND TELLING HER TO GET BACK IN THE KITCHEN.[/b] See the problem? Not only will she tell you to -blam!- off, she'll probably think twice about bowling again. Everyone loses. She loses a hobby, you lose a chance to interact with someone who isn't drowning in testosterone and maybe, MAYBE, might be willing to give you a chance on another level. Here's more truth: I don't think male gamers want to admit the fact that they [i]like[/i] playing with women. I'm taken. I'm happily taken. But I still do like playing with women as much as like gaming with the boys. For the same reason I like playing with different people at all---they're different. The same old jokes get tired. The same voices get tired. Sometimes, I just like playing a game with a girl---because a girl is another type of human, and the same old humans get boring fast. That's the point of the internet. Who really makes this so difficult? The dick measurers. The same people who call everything Over Powered, the same people who rage when they get crushed in Crucible, or rage at bosses, or just rage. See, they can tell that their repugnant attitude repels women. So they see people with women in their groups, and [i]because that is more rare[/i] they either whine about not having it OR claim that women just aren't wanted. See: The common reaction to exotics. You either get rational people who get it if they got it and are happy with it and not upset if they didn't, people who rage about not having them because they don't, or people who try to convince everyone that no one needs them because they can't figure out how to make sure that they're the one with the thing not everyone has. They don't hate girl gamers. They don't want to be the gamer with no girls in their group, and can't figure out why they're the reason for that problem. Somehow it becomes a status thing, like almost everything else, while the rest of us out here who are reasonable are just like... Lolwut? ~Ricochet EDIT: Respondent said this needed a TL:DR. Here it is. [quote]Here, I'll do it for you: Be nice to girls. It can be fun to play video games with girls. Don't be mean to girls. Maybe if you are nice more of them will play.[/quote] ...and furthermore, it shouldn't be a hostile environment for women to begin with. Not cool, no matter what your reasons are behind behaving the way you do. EDIT: 4pm Eastern Standard Time, I'm retiring replying to people. Thanks to everyone who participated in this conversation!

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  • I am a female Yes. A girly gamer. Who likes lady things and cute stuff. But heck, playing with guys is one of the best parts of online games I like all you dudes, you are awesome! I am proud to say that I am one of the few girl gamers who enjoys abb-shotting Hobgobblins with my Bros, and I think this post is great!!! P.s I work at a Subway, the irony!!!!!

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    • TL;DR but I get the gist of what youre saying. Keep it classy fellas!

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    • Edited by Conman: 10/8/2014 11:53:53 PM
      Greetings Ricochet, fellow gentleman, Destiny player, and expert of women everywhere *tips fedora*[/ Thank you for attempting to set these heathens straight. Soon, with our righteous ways and soapboxing, we will be able to impress the ladies and save the damsels from those hooligans, and finally earn ourselves the perfect Destiny waifu. Any woman would be grateful to have us rescuing them, because the internet is definitely serious business; we have loads of experience with women, and it is up to us to stick up for them because, hey, why would they be able to stick up for themselves? They need us, the gentlemanly men, to dive to the front and stick up for them. We must prove to them that we are worthy of their companionship and of their copulation. Soon brother, soon. Any jerks and rude people that e-threaten those helpless girls will face my wrath *unsheathes Hunter katana-knife-blade*. Consider yourselves warned. I know plenty of Jutsus. *sheathes hunter-katana-blade-knife-of-Destiny, tips fedora and smoothly walks away*

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    • Edited by M37h3w3: 10/9/2014 12:23:23 AM
      [quote]It's really sad, some of the behavior I see toward women. I want to say that this describes a loud minority of players...but that would be a lie. It's the majority.[/quote] Because the subjective viewpoints of you and your friends playing for a couple hundred hours is a large enough sample size to determine that the majority of gamers are assholes, especially towards women? Because going by my subjective viewpoint there's nothing. I don't play with a mic, the people I get grouped with don't play with a mic. Nobody talks. Ergo, no shit-talking about women occurs. Or shit-talking about men. Or any type of shit-talking. Or any talking. [quote]snip[/quote] Really what is your point here? That there are some gamers out there who are collossal douchebags to women? Yeah. We know. We've known since *checks imaginary watch on his wrist before looking back up* forever. They are also collossal douchebags to random people whose gender they have no way of knowing. Tired saying goes that pretty much every 13 year old squeaker on the internet banged my mom. Want to change that? Don't post to the forums about how "Being mean is bad! Don't be mean!" You're telling me what I already known and the squeakers and the assholes out there just won't care. Get parents to raise their bastard offspring better. My parents at least attempted to give a -blam!- and I turned out to not be a collosal douche online.

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    • All y'all -blam!- thirsty stop trying to find vagina on the internet sheesh..

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    • 1)Too damn busy trying to become LEGEND! 2) i'm here to be a Guardian not to hook up a hot busty girl; 3) haven't met one,lol it's hard to find a decent gamer let alone a girl gamer in this game; 4) isn't this a topic like predated! Your's truly... Ass: the guy getting wrecked at the IB

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    • Edited by Aurelia: 10/8/2014 6:16:09 PM
      [quote]It's really sad, some of the behavior I see toward women. I want to say that this describes a loud minority of players...but that would be a lie. It's the majority. I just don't get it. MAYBE they are just extra hormonal guys hoping to meet a cool gamer chick who would be into them. [i]But aren't we all?[/i] ... Who really makes this so difficult? The dick measurers. The same people who call everything Over Powered, the same people who rage when they get crushed in Crucible, or rage at bosses, or just rage. See, they can tell that their repugnant attitude repels women. So they see people with women in their groups, and [i]because that is more rare[/i] they either whine about not having it OR claim that women just aren't wanted. ... They don't hate girl gamers. They don't want to be the gamer with no girls in their group, and can't figure out why they're the reason for that problem. Somehow it becomes a status thing, like almost everything else, while the rest of us out here who are reasonable are just like... Lolwut? ~Ricochet[/quote] Thanks for the interesting post. as a female gamer soon to be level 30 once I get my shiny new armor upgraded, I find the destiny community far better than other ones I have been in (eg EQ/wow über guild) On the other hand I would love it if guys I raided with didn't automatically assume that because I am doing end game content that I must naturally be a guy. past that I wish gaming chat could evolve past a feeling that I woke up in a frat late on a Friday night. And no I am not available except as a friend who loves to destroy nightfalls and kick Atheon into the abyss of time:)

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      • You know, as a girl, I had more positive experiences than negative. Some guys will maaaaaaaybe acknowledge I'm a girl, but most won't care. The jackass ones I just ignore, block, leave fireteam, move on, whatever. Just my two cents. I don't know if I'm just lucky with the servers I get put in or what. I choose to think assholes are a minority. A good tip I learned the hard way is don't play with hormonal teenagers and you'll be fine. No joke, the things they say...

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        • 9
          Preach it. This man gets it. When I first started playing Destiny I was super apprehensive to get a mic for fear of a lot of the issues described here. It seemed essential to tactical Destiny play, though, so I got one. I'm happy to say every guy I've played with so far, both in my clan and outside of it, has been great to play with. No matter who you are once people see you pull your weight on the team it makes the game that much more fun to play with other people, cheer each other on, work through the challenges, and be silly and blow off steam together. In fact the only place I've seen or heard guys being assholes is on the forum. It certainly makes it obvious which people to steer clear of.

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          • I guess I'm one of the few single guys out there who don't really mind playing with female gamers. Honestly, I don't really care who I'm playing with. What I do care is that we're all enjoying the game without much of the negative stuff going on.

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          • Lol awesomez post Truth be told, those guys actually come off as virgins or insecure morons XD They make theirselves look bad, they just don't have the intelligence to notice it...

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          • tumblr pls go

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          • Preach it, brotha!

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          • I agree with OP, but he and many others are missing something. Some people seek toxicity. They want to wage war in a cyclone of venom. They feed off of it, and in return, it makes them stronger. For them, gaming is like 4Chan. Over time you turn into a hard mother-blam!-er. They don't hate women for being women. They hate them for being weak, for being susceptible to predation. I personally try to avoid spreading hate across the web, but I understand those who do. After years on 4Chan, I am a stronger person. There's nothing you can post below me that will bother me. You can try and you will fail, and the complete lack of vulnerability is a great feeling.

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          • Best post on this app! Thank you. Respect is what gamers need and deserve to have, no matter what gender.

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          • I have added quite a few girls on x-box over the past 13 years :/

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          • Just people being dicks trying to get rise out of u nothing new and it can't be that many people at all

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          • Never ran into this problem because the only girl gamer I play with in Destiny is one that I've played with for years. We joke around but keep it respectful. It must be a gamer geek machismo. It's their way of trying to establish dominance. It's pretty sad.

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          • Preach

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          • I agree with this completely. I'm tired of guys doing disgusting shit like this online. If you were offline and did this, you would get tried for sexual harassment. In my personal opinion, if you're being a misogynistic pig you deserve a ban. It's no better than racism; if I said "I don't want him on my team, he's Black!", people would agree that I'm a racist piece of shit and don't deserve to be playing with other people. It's the same thing with misogyny.

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            • They need to play less destiny and make more sandwhiches

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              • this is after that gamers gate thing, yeah i dont get the whole hate towards women, it literally makes no sense

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              • If a man is disrespectful to a girl in the gaming community, or outside of it... Then he's not a man at all.

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              • I admit I didn't read the entire post but I certainly feel I got the point in which you're trying to put across. The fact of the matter is that once the new Call of Duty comes out we are going to lose the majority of the toxic people in the Destiny community, I know it's shitty to say that but I really feel as if it's true. I've played CoD and I've been in some of the lobbies where girls feel they can't even leave their mics plugged in because of the harassment that goes on and the plain disrespect they face simply for being female, it's kind of -blam!-ed up. I hope this doesn't discourage younger generations of women, and doesn't enforce the unfortunate stereotype that "video games are for boys" because they aren't. They for people. Men, Woman, Boys, Girls, and every single race and every single shape. On behalf of the Destiny Community I'd like to personally apologize to anyone who has been harassed or put down in any serious matter. Please report any instance of this sort of behaviour when you come across it.

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              • Why the -blam!- is this a topic still, this is a -blam!-ing forum about a video game if you want to talk about god damn manners and relationships go to a different forum

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              • You can't fix stupid. Nice post but will not change anything.

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