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originally posted in: 6 things real gamer girls hate
10/3/2014 2:49:04 AM
I put it to you the you are not a "GAMER" as you say. i point out this as my reason for saying so. you stated this in #3 "3. We don’t always want to talk about videogames Great, you met a girl who plays videogames – now you can ALWAYS talk about videogames with her! False. Just because we share a common interest doesn’t mean we don’t have other interests, too, and we know you also have other interests." pointing out this leads me to doubt everything else stated even wonder if you are a girl at all. A true gamer ALWAYS wants to talk about games. thats all i have to say about this.

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  • Edited by Le Bonne Vie: 10/3/2014 2:29:45 PM
    I agree with this response. If you say you like games then why is it such a big deal to talk about their lore? The story should be one of, if not the number one reason to play a game in the first place. Like Dragon Age's story for instance or the complexities within the lore of Dark Souls. I see nothing wrong with conversing your thoughts on the subject matter. That is what "gamers" do. What's wrong with nerding out every now and then? I feel as if the girl from the original post has a misconception about gaming and guys in general. Yes, there are assholes, everywhere, but there are also guys that enjoy playing games...with girls/women because of their views on the story and the change of pace from having to game with narrow-minded, cynical d-bags all the time. The "gamergirl" stigma is non-sense and from the original post sounds as if she is just a casual player., which is no biggie. But, the original post blocks out all communication between her and other games. -RANT TIME- What are we suppose to talk about while PLAYING A GAME? Life? I am playing a game for a reason and will deal with that once I get off, so what else is there that will not make the girl feel as if I am "hitting" on her? Cooking? Well, now I am just an asshole. How effin dare I mention cooking. I am such an insensitive, piggish, asshole that does not deserve to breath for having mentioned cooking due to the assholes that make fun of women for cooking. But, wait, I am a man, vegan and quite enjoy cooking. Well, Le-Bonne there's sports? I am playing a game with an interesting story or with implications to a deeper, more intriguing story (Destiny's Grimmoires), so why ruin that with "dumbed down" conversation pertaining a topic I am not interested in. Pets? Ooohhhh, I love my husky. DONE! What next? Movies? Could care less about any at the moment. After watching Under My Skin with Scarlette Johanssen I am done with movies for a while. Ummm, something personal? PAAAASSSSSS. TV shows. Haven't watched "TV" for the past 5 years for a reason. Errmm... ... -How about games? --Games? Yessss, for the love of all that is holy, yes. Pick a game, any game. I am down to discuss it. All the other crapful conversation starters are irrelevant, but I would gladly talk about games. :-) -Rant concluded- *Takes a bow* Thank you everyone for reading and I hope you have a great morning/evening (depending on the time of day you read this). :-)

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  • Agreed. When i go out with my gamer friends we usually end up talking about games for hours. Maybe at some point we also talk about movies or tv series, but if there is a new cool game in beta or just released it becomes pretty much the entire topic.

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  • I definetely agree with your comment. Jumping to a different conversation for a second, I wish I would have signed up for the Bloodbourne beta when it was still available to sign up. I think that game will be great. I like what they did with the weapon system. So, does me presenting a different game into the conversation and discussing simple characteristics of said game, like I did above regarding Bloodbourne, make it unreasonable or unbearable to mention in conversation to a girl while playing a game? I mean, when you are doing Raid missions or Strikes (more than one) in a party, what are you going to talk about for 2-5 hours? Nothing or just remain silent when not engaged in combat? I just do not fully understand that reasoning, is all. Not all guys are assholes or too "nerdy" to talk. It is just casual conversation to get you through the mission(s).

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  • Damn, grilling it much? Calling yourself a true gamer just makes you seem pretentious, I enjoy playing and talking about lore but that doesn't make me any better than those that don't. Enjoy the experience any way you want, if you love the game and playing whether it be casual or hardcore don't hate on the little differences.

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  • Which part was I pretentious in calling "myself" a true gamer opposed to other people being casual? Please point that out because tyay was not my intention and I will edit that. But, I do not see how I am "grilling" anything outside of my vegan patty for the burger that I will consume for lunch before I get back to work. :-) I was simply point out that from the aspect of true "gamers" (plural) there is a level of conversing about the story. Of course, everyone has their individuality concerning how they enjoy their game. From my understand of your reaponse it seems as if you took a small portion of what I mention and used it out of context. I was addressing the self-proclaimed "gamer" title that she granted herself without understanding what that title represents. Thank you for your response, though. It is good to converse maturely about expressed ideas or concerns. I wish more people would do so.

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  • Which proves my point, by using the label true gamer it makes me not take the rest of your statement seriously, I wasn't saying you were pretentious btw I was merely stating that calling yourself a 'true gamer' gives off a bad impression right from the start. I agree with most of your points and I also love to talk about lore in games and the game in general. I also love that you pointed out one of my favorite games of all time DA:O for a great example of a game filled with lore. But if you start off so strong it pushes those you really want to read the whole thing away.

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  • Edited by Le Bonne Vie: 10/3/2014 3:55:46 PM
    You are using two types of fallacies which make up your argument towards a small section of writing to "prove" your point. The first is Straw Man and the second is an Abusive Ad Hominem. I see there is no logical way to reason with you pertaining the use as you are misinterpreting my response and bending my words to your own conception. The Abusive Ad Hominem aspect is you stating your disregard to what I say based on my use of "true gamer" and your admittance that you "couldn't take me seriously" once you read that, which leads me to believe that is the reason your angst. I would challenge you and others to think logically about what I wrote and not cynically because you are attacking small aspects of what I wrote instead of of looking at the whole. I am glad we could come to an agreement o some aspects though. Dragon Age has solid story as does Dragon's Dogma, Skyrim, Drakengard 3, Mass Effect (excluding 3's ending), and the list goes on. I would like to point out that there is a distinction between true gamer and casual gamers. I know, it might seem like a radical concept, but there is. I mentioned true gamer slightly, but there are also unbiases and the thoroughness of playing the game and trying to see it from the company's eyes. The casual gamer is more relaxed and just wants to enjoy a story or gameplay. I never wanted to make either distinction more important than the other as they are both personal choices, but there is quiye the distinction that individuals should not feel distressed or "up in arms" when facing that reality. This is not just for you, but others that may feel the same way. I promote positivety and would like to be quite clear in my reasoning for the words I use and the message I convey.

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  • Also thank you for not lashing back at me as well hah

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