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originally posted in: 6 things real gamer girls hate
9/30/2014 6:30:15 PM
I'm a feminist, and I defend this post 100%. Female gamer stereotypes? Yep, they exist. Just look at the replies to this post to see them all in action. " ... you are an attention whore." - Brigonel "now go make me a sammich" - Naxx "Show us your tits!" - Xzarnu "Didn't read" - Petrolstick This is absolutely disgusting behavior. Grow the -blam!- up, little boys.

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  • You called me a little boy. That isn't cool.

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    Lmao at this fùckwit taking trolling seriously. Equivalence means people are going to be a dick to women just the same as they are to men. That's just how anonymous social media works.

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  • Listen to this guy. He gets it.

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  • You realize their replies are to upset you? They don't do it because you're a girl. They do it to anyone who whines. Not trying to put you down, just pointing out the male perspective on this. Most of us guys actually like gamer girls. And no, not in the way you think I mean "like." We welcome you. The more the merrier. We would welcome any concious entity to our gaming community be it Alpha Centauri, Venus, or Earth.

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  • ha ha ignore the jackasses they just want attention just like the person who posted this. And guess what... its working

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  • feminist are just are sexist as men.. so dont be pointing fingers at ever guy

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  • Op must not get out much if you havent learned how to mute/ignore. The shit youre describing happens in real life all the time. Youve never been hit on when youve gone out with your friends to movies? Quit crying and get over it.

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  • High 5 4 gender equality!- torgue

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  • Edited by Ghost 0f Dawn: 10/2/2014 2:59:39 PM
    Not that I disagree with this... but "didnt read" is nothing near sexist. You will see that in just about any lengthy posts here.

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  • I associate the term feminist with male racist lol it would probably be better if you just say you're a female that likes respect... you're not special neither am i we both get hated on. you for being a girl me for preferring shotguns in the crucible it's the internet it's full of hate get real used to it

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  • You two are entertaining lol

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  • they sure are

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  • You're mixing feminism with misandry. Feminism does not discriminate against men. Misandry does. Feminism is simply the advocacy of women's rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men. Equality most [i]definitely[/i] does not call for discrimination.

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  • it may be true that women get more negative attention but I would also state that I also believe it's true they get more positive attention. but I wish you luck on your white knight crusade to cleanse the internet. while you're at it can you take care of the cussing 12 year olds rage quitters forum trolls griefers and pretty much all of the other forms of negativity. I'll be holding my breath so be quick about it

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  • Fantastic assumption you made about me being a man. That just proves my point. Thanks for your immature attempt of an insult, though. It lets me know that I shouldn't waste anymore time on someone who is too narrow minded to comprehend a word I say.

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  • True, you didn't say you were. My apologies. I don't frequent the forums. This was the first topic at the top of the Gaming section. I was compelled to reply. Ignore my comments, as they are a day late, and a dollar short.

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  • It's alright. I wouldn't get worked up over something as silly as the topic OP is posting about. Feminists should focus on the more severe issues posing a threat against women (on a global basis) than chauvinism online. Which is unavoidable, and best ignored.

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  • But... there is no threat to women. Not any more than there is to any man, I'd say. I think it's all perceived threat. Wars are started over such insignificant misunderstandings. People should just laugh at each other's stupidities and ideals. Not kill each other over then. Oh, well, ce'st la vi, as they say.

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  • Edited by Amnesia: 10/3/2014 12:59:31 AM
    From what I can tell, women are sold on the streets in some countries in the middle east (this may be old news). Not once so far have I heard about a man being sold on the streets there, but I suppose it's a possibility. That's what I meant by threat: Issues that are more prevalent with women than men. Breast cancer would be one example. Sexual assault, another. Statistics cannot be ignored; yes, both may occur to men too, but they are historically (and currently) greater threats to women. Just as MRA's focused on (and improved, I believe) equal custody rights for men, for example. Feminism could, say, raise more awareness for human trafficking in other countries instead of bashing misled celebrities and posting endless rants on Tumblr.

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  • Edited by Override: 10/3/2014 1:09:49 AM
    Young men little more than children are taken from their families and forced to kill their fellow man (in some third world countries), sometimes little more than children themselves in the name of war. This doesn't often happen to females. Both genders face tragedy, it may not be the exact same, but hey, you're a girl, I'm a guy. We're just not the same, ma'am. Except we're human. Or hu-woman, if you prefer. lol

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  • Womyn, you fool! I hope you took that as a joke. But really, I see your point. It's just that I'm touchy on the subject sometimes, probably due to gender bias. I hate thinking that I'll need some form of protection for when I go off to college, for example (other than avoiding parties). And I'm not typically the paranoid type, either.

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  • I take most things as a joke. The worst things, especially. You know, I'm 5' tall. I have my own troubles. You're not alone. lol And that's just one of many. Don't let things get to you. Life sure doesn't give a -blam!- whether you do or not. It'll screw you either way if you let it.

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  • Pretty much. Good advice. Might as well take a perspective on things and go with it instead of continuously seeing the wrongs with the world.

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  • Ah, if only more people were as receptive to my advice. lol I'll have that sandwhich now...

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  • If you can spell it right, you can have one.

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