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9/22/2014 4:52:35 AM


Because farming gives you the same amount, if not, more loot then you would in a strike or whatever. Why go through the trouble of constantly dying, leaving teammates, and bullet sponge bosses when you have an easier time getting 5 times the rewards farming the cave. Don't deny it, YOU KNOW ITS TRUE!!!

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  • [quote]Why go through the trouble of constantly dying, leaving teammates, and bullet sponge bosses when you have an easier time getting 5 times the rewards farming the cave. [/quote] Because it's a CHALLENGE. It take team work to bring down your so called bullet sponge

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    6 Replies
    • [quote]YOU WANNA KNOW WHY WE'RE FARMING!!?? [/quote] Not particularly... #gothroughthetroubleofplaying #lolwut?

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    • How fun can it be standing in one spot shooting the same ppl over and over again I would fall asleep farming sure it's easy but where's the fun in that u don't get any better at the game killing low lvl monsters lol farming is for the weak

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      29 Replies
      • You're not wrong.

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      • All my gear was done with hard work and being legit. I use the cave to farm mats for upgrades

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        2 Replies
        • Farming is part of the game.. FPS Players have a hard time understanding that.. As you see no one is getting banned for it.. Js

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        • It's part of bungie's Masterplan. You got caught up in the hype and they took your money! And because because of that they let you farm and bitch about pvp balance, the thin storyline, unlocks and what not. Another 30 days tops and you'll be done with destiny. And all be nice and quiet around here.

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          • Your explanation is exactly why people have a problem with it. Quick translation: Why bother playing how the game is meant to be played, whilst getting better and developing higher-level teamwork/cooperation (with the eventual goal of taking down Nightfalls/Raids/etc), when I can just sit on my couch, with the gun pointed at a hole and pull the trigger over and over and over, for hours? Everyone understands that you can get loot faster. Everyone has turned in multiple Legendary Engrams and had them come out as a rare, level 16 piece, infuriating them and pushing them towards finding a farming method. Everyone who has complained about farming has tried it and put at least 3 hours into it.....but the truth is that it is -blam!-ing lame, and you're just not going to get the experience your supposed to get. Getting that piece of exotic/legendary loot will mean less and less, when it's supposed to happen only a handful of times. Being unable to beat a Strike/Raid will he addressed with, "I just need to farm more," instead of, "we need to play better." The main point here is that it can be seen as an "exploit" to some and fair game to others. The one thing that cannot be argued is that you're cheating yourself in some way or another by sitting there and spraying a hole for 3 hours when you can be doing something more challenging/fun.

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          • I got all my gear from crucible and vanguard marks. I farm the cave for materials to upgrade that gear.

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          • Here we go again. Are you going to edit your post in a few hours and act like you were trolling the entire time again? Most of us who don't approve of it realize that, yes you get way more stuff. And we're well aware that you don't actually have to do anything, but those are the reasons we don't do it. Those of us who play the game how it is intended (and no, I don't care what you say, standing at a hole and shooting at it for hours, was not Bungies intentional way for you to play their game) are actually getting some fun out of the game. Those of us who play strikes and story missions, do so because we don't want to stand and shoot at a cave for hours. Those of you who do this cave loot crap may do as you please but I'm going to play it how it's intended to be played, and I'll have a little deeper connection with the items I carry.

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            48 Replies
            • Edited by BOBBY digital31: 9/22/2014 2:53:07 PM
              I've spent literally days grinding strikes and missions to find a few blue drops with the occasional purple drop, only to have that -blam!-tard cryptark troll give me greens and blues from them. I recently turned in 15 blues and 3 purple engrams to the cryptark and got absolute garbage and no legendarys from those 3 purple engrams. So to hell with wasting my precious time, ive got a 2 year old at home and wife and a business to run so farming the loot cave is much more effective. In a couple of hours I will find more blue and purple drops in there than I would have found grinding strikes for days. Honestly, farming the cave keeps me and my friend playing this game because its worthless and a complete waste of time trying to earn decent rewards anyway else. I'll do it legit if Bungie fixes the broken loot system and fixes the broken cryptark, I'm not alone in this though because you can literally find this sentiment echoed by major gaming website everywhere, they're the ones helping frustrated players by giving them the information about this cave.

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              6 Replies
              • I've got legendaries & 2 exotics. How much farming you ask? None.. i worked for my gear. Saved up my currencies & earned my gear. My gear means something to me. Wasn't that what bungie was aiming for? I know people shooting a cave arn't aiming at anything. Go and play the game! If legendaries & exotics drop for you great! If not then you still have 10 years to get the best gear..

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                6 Replies
                • This is the result of parents not telling their kid, "NO!" enough. People have this ridiculous sense of entitlement and a need for instant gratification so anything that doesn't meet those needs is instantly wrong and MUST be changed or else! At this point they should reduce the drop rate of engrams off open/shared world environments to get people back into the strikes and discourage farming.

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                  3 Replies
                  • My only problem with loot cave is people getting op gear to soon it makes iron banner less fun and more of a who farmed loot cave longer seems kinda lame other then that I don't see the impact to anyone so people need to relax then flame once iron banner opens and were all 2 shooting each other

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                    8 Replies
                    • Another bonus to farming that I don't think people realize, is that with all the engrams you decode, your cryptarch rank is going to skyrocket. So now you've got the chance to find legendaries from drops, but also to receive them in the mail. It's actually a pretty good system if you ask me, at least from level 20-25.

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                    • I don't complain about farming, but I do enjoy dancing in the cave. Neither is ban-able, therefor you cannot complain about my activities either xD.

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                      11 Replies
                      • i dont get all that whining about how loot is random and no fking guarantee is given even if you get a legendary engram maybe im just a noobish adventurer but i rather drop a thousand engrams which are completely random than 10 engrams which have a 100%chance for legendaries

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                      • I will not farm because it breaks the game/fun for me... i rather do strikes for marks and coins to be able to buy stuff because earning them is more satisfying. But yes, I do think that the random drops and unsure outcome(rewards) of some high level strikes are just pushing some people to farm. Hope Bungie could find a good mix between random drops and some sure rewards for strikes.

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                        8 Replies
                        • I triec this for 5 mins. I wanted to die. It was so boring. So went back to doing fun stuff.

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                          1 Reply
                          • I’ve found my legendary gauntlets in earth going around doing bounties.

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                          • You wanna know how to turn off Caps lock?

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                          • No, I don't want to know why. I don't care. I choose not to farm, you do choose to farm. It's up to you how you play the game, and it affects me not at all. So you do your thing. Enjoy.

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                          • Edited by GandalfTheBald: 9/22/2014 5:00:56 AM
                            Constantly dying? Are people that bad at strikes? Every strike besides the nightfall strike is pretty chump. Fun, but they just melt like butter. And I dunno. You have like one legendary. I have 5 exotics and more legendaries than I can wipe my ass with and I got all of them by actually playing the game. Don't get me wrong. I don't care what you so. But just so you know you're sitting there doing nothing, getting nothing for minimum payoff. You can probably get more stuff faster and have more fun by doing other things

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                            18 Replies
                            • I don't farm the cave because its boring. I would rather go work on an assembly line. But if you wanna do that, I don't judge.

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                            • I need Plasteel Plating to upgrade my armor. I get plasteel by dismantling lower level armor.I get large amounts of lower level armor by farming. Hence, I farm. It's all about efficiency.

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                            • I do the cave for the time it takes to get the public event and move on, I agree about the loot drop rate compared to other activities but it's so dull. I love how Bungie moved the Warsat drop area to nuke farmers.

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