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Discuss all things Destiny.
9/21/2014 12:20:28 PM

Angry Review is up

And i think Joe is absolutely right. There are so many aspects of the game where destiny is as good as we would expect from bungie, but the story doesn't even start before the end credits roll. They totally sold us an incomplete game, with a DLC card in the package. I defended bungie wherever i could when people said the activision alliance isn't a good idea, but look what they have done. Do you guys think they planned on shipping the game with this introduction story to destiny in mind? Do you really think they thought this would be enough? I don't.

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  • Why are people failling to see that they are adding more story gradually. For an example aren't we getting more missions next week?

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      You didn't play Halo 1 did you? Incomplete? Of course it is, it's a persistent world PVP/PVE FPS in it's second week. Why would you expect the story to be finished by now, it's barely the first act. Here's a thought, go play CoD or BF4. No? Maybe give it a few months and see what Bungie does with this thing, rather than pissing and moaning. Kids these days.

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      43 Replies
      • i love how he barley mintions the raid for a sec and obvioulsy didn't play it and just said things that he heard about it. I used to like Angry joe, but he sucks now. He sucks as a gamer, he's whole massive clan thing in every game is stupid and just unbalances the games factions like when ESO came out. He promises he is working on a review for a game when he never releases it and takes like two or more weeks after a games launch to review it now when nobody cares anymore. Spending more time on random indie games that most people dont care about.

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        1 Reply
        • Yup angry joe's got it.

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        • I don't understand why this game is so terrible yet I can not stop playing it. When I played Halo 4 after 2 days I couldn't play it anymore. When I played Superman 64 I stopped playing it the hour I had it for. When I played COD Black Ops I didn't play it for long. What is it about Destiny that keeps me playing? I can't even answer that.

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          4 Replies
          • If you have a brain, then that review was one of the best you will see for this game. Brutally honest about everything, praising the gunplay, but pointing out the OBVIOUS flaws in the horrendous storytelling available at launch. Everyone who plays this game needs to watch this.

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          • gameplay is all that matters I've got my $90aud worth already, stories are forgotten within a year or two

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          • Lol this made my day I could watch it twicd

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          • Everything you need to know about Destiny is in this review. I don't agree with the crucible part but for everything else it is completely true. I am disappointed that I purchased the dlc before playing the game. I won't fall for this again.

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            5 Replies
            • Perfect review, he praises what is right about the game and scolds the obvious flaws. I find it easier to relate to him rather than a company website that spits out reviews, also it was funny too so that's a plus.

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              6 Replies
              • I don't know why people care what other people say about what you waste your money on. If you don't like it trade it in and play something else. Simple.

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                11 Replies
                • Joe expresses my frustration , but will still give it an 8 based on the fact that despite its short comings I can't wait to get home at the end of the day and play some more

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                • Bungie lied their ass off sbout Destiny. Knowing what i know now i would not have bought it. The DLCs better bring a huge and i mean huge amount of content. Like 2x the amount bungie released at launch. I did everything but pvp stuff in sbout 5 days. Bored out if my mind with Destiny. I do not even care to log on. And bungie can say do not listen to the people who did reviews for Destiny till they are blue in the face, the Reviews are right. There should be a Agencey that holds game makers responsible and accountable for everything they promise and then fail to deliver on. Everyone has the same gear and all the weapons in each class of weapons looks the dam same. And this is the reason i dam near quit all ready. If i am lvl 26 and i have a legendary gun and i shoot for 100 damage per bullet on a lvl 26 mob, in no way in hell should i be shooting for 60 damage per bullet versus a lvl 4 mob. Wtf is wrong with bungie. If anything i should be hitting that lvl 4 for the same damage as the lvl 26 mob. Also, this blew my mind, if i am lvl 26 in NO WAY should 2 or 3 lvl 4 be able to kill me as fast as lvl 26 mobs. The weapons lvls and our guardians lvl and armor lvl means ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. They are just there for us to look at. And have little Actual effect in game. Also Titan is not tanky at all, my Warlock is just as armored/def lvl. There is no difference in that stuff either. Destiny could have been the Star Wars/ Avatar of games, and Bungie dropped the ball on this BIG TIME. Dragon Age Inquistion...............

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                  33 Replies
                  • Edited by DMC14: 9/22/2014 12:27:50 AM
                    angry joe is gay. i only watched a 1:30 of the video and its obvious. edit: i dont mean this in a bad way just making an observation.

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                    28 Replies
                    • How could he afford Destiny when he only has seven dollars?

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                        Dude it's perfect he said everything I have been saying It feels good not being the only one with these Feelings

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                      • Activision was a good thing in part that some Blizzard WoW people helped on this project. Does anyone know if this was project Titan? I believe that obtaining Blizzard and Bungie was great for Activision but not so much for these Davinci Developers.

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                      • Edited by Ultron: 9/21/2014 3:13:01 PM
                        Since when Story is important ? You casual gamers are mad annoying seriously. THE LAST OF US 10/10 !!! Are you real? the god damn gameplay is freaking trash ! It is worst than Uncharted 3 When you look at minecraft success and metacritic score ... the gaming industry is dead + a joke ! Joe: The PvP is amazing !! ARE YOU REAL ? Shotgun ! Panic Super! Trash Netcode! All Game Mode are Team Death Match ... lol!!!

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                        14 Replies
                        • Edited by Jeronas: 9/21/2014 4:40:58 PM
                          1. It's a 10 year Project! So what you expect? Do you want to wait 10 years and then pay $500 for a, in Your eyes, Complete game? And not everything comes in Paid DLC! They have said time and again, that New content will be added both FREE and through DLC! Or did you conveniently ignored the upcoming event Schedule? Because it didn't fit in your "Rage at Bungie" Schedule? 2. There is nothing wrong with the loot system! This is MMO aka RPG loot system 101 folks! Pretty on par course! Rare is rare, so should be hard to get! Exotic is insane, so should be almost impossible to get! You can only equip one piece of it afterall. But no no! You People want everything handed over to you within a week, like entitled little children! So that afterwards you can all come back to these forums again to rage and cry you got nothing left to do! /FACEPALM!

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                          32 Replies
                          • activision damage really good developers first blizzard now bungie, the same mistakes in diablo 3 are present in destiny, mediocre story or incomplete, the end game is bad too, items are a pain to get, etc, blizzard and bungie are excellent developers i hope they fix the game

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                            1 Reply
                            • Edited by end: 9/22/2014 2:33:52 AM
                              *Edit: OP is lvl 19. Sail your failboat elsewhere little kid.* Cool, don't let the door hit you on the way out. You are not a rare snowflake, you aren't special and parroting some YouTube wanker doesn't make your opinion worth anything. Go play Titanfall or CoD or whatever game qualified as "good".

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                              12 Replies
                              • Edited by I Lefta Baby Inda Car: 9/21/2014 7:25:07 PM
                                Destiny works like an MMO, like WoW. It will have expansions than DLC, so they won't have to make an entire second game. The story isn't finished yet, and they will be more expansive . I like how the story works because your character doesn't know what's going on so as the story progresses, you don't either so it's like your the character itself, learning about this new world. At the start your ghost says your going to see a lot of stuff you won't understand so you as the player when going off and exploring, can learn the lore slowly, then have it shoved i your face, with text and clutter. It's a nice slow progressive story line in my eyes, but that's my opinion to. Wait for it to expand, and it probably will get better.

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                                3 Replies
                                • You don't know shit about the story because you assume the cutscenes tell you everything. Play the game, discover what is truly there then complain. And anyone named angry joe doesnt deserve another view.

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                                  9 Replies
                                  • Edited by crimzontearz: 9/22/2014 10:10:06 AM
                                    Thank you Joe when companies **** up you call them on did it with Bioware and now with Bungie Thank you

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                                  • The only thing I was really disappointed with was the lack of jumping into mysterious caverns like they did in the live action trailers. ..and I really want to play on Pluto (still a planet in my heart)

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                                    4 Replies
                                    • :(

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