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9/21/2014 12:20:28 PM

Angry Review is up

And i think Joe is absolutely right. There are so many aspects of the game where destiny is as good as we would expect from bungie, but the story doesn't even start before the end credits roll. They totally sold us an incomplete game, with a DLC card in the package. I defended bungie wherever i could when people said the activision alliance isn't a good idea, but look what they have done. Do you guys think they planned on shipping the game with this introduction story to destiny in mind? Do you really think they thought this would be enough? I don't.

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  • Bungie needs to fix their shit.

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  • He realy has a point. Maybe we should write a petition? there are 2 problems I see in a Destiny... 1 - same locations and quests every time 2 - no storyline at all ( looks like we are playing DLC, not the game)

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  • My 2 cents. I think most game companies should read their contracts a little better when they decide to sell to a production company. Everything EA touches seem's to go to hell. Activision is a DLC whore! Indie games are coming out left and right now and they end up being alot better than must AAA games are. I love Destiny, I always look forward to 8p.m. stream time so I can play. I know, however, that alot of the content patches and dlc coming out are things that were more than likely developed to be released with the game, and held for profitable reasons. It is a smart business move. It really is because you have "sheep" that will buy it without even giving it a second though. I will buy the dlc, I will know that it isn't worth the amount they want and it should've been released with the game. I know this, I am still buying it and supporting the business tactics of Activision. I hate myself for it sometimes, but the only other thing to do is to boycott and not buy, which let's be honest, even if a third of the gaming community did this, nothing would change. We would be miserable running out of games to play to try to get a point across that won't make our goal. I wish I could be a "sheep" but I can't. I would stick with only indie's if I could, but sadly they all release in alpha because they need our money as a kickstarter to finish it. So you play a game that is barely ready to play, run out of stuff to do, wait a few weeks, do a couple extra things, then rinse repeat. By the time the game is out, you are just burnt out of it usually. Minecraft was on of the few games that ended up surviving this process. The Forest is fun and beautiful, but my god if I don't get bored in half an hour. I guess this is just a rant to rant, there is no real goal here. I'm not trying to open your eyes, or to get EA, Activision,etc.. to have a change of heart, just trying to blow off some steam I have with the way gaming has gone in the past decade.

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    6 Replies
    • Joe is absolutely bang on! The review could not be more perfect, i'm not surprised he's ranting!

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    • Edited by Crimson Flux: 9/21/2014 6:29:47 PM
      [quote]I defended bungie wherever i could when people said the activision alliance isn't a good idea, but look what they have done.[/quote] When Martin O'Donnell was terminated without cause, I knew Bungie had been infiltrated by corporate hacks... Could you imagine anyone at Bungie terminating an employee so half-handedly, much less a grizzled ancient? That the game shipped with obvious shortcomings was no surprise to me. At least I read the signs from that incident/others and lowered my expectations. All that said, I am hopeful for what the future potentially has in store, especially in the story department. I play Destiny every spare moment I have, as the positive aspects of gameplay overpower the underdevelopment. However, I will not ever forgive or forget how publishers -Blam!- over development houses consistently for a quarterly boost. In terms of story development, Mass Effect 3 was the final straw. It was so half-baked Bioware had to release THE END OF THEIR GAME AS DLC, and I still could have unplugged any two of the RGB inputs to my TV and accomplished the same damn thing! I'm only so mad because I love (even still) the ME universe, and that end was so unworthy. In the same way, Destiny deserved so much more FROM THE START; like, use a plot device for the love of (deity), fill in [i]some[/i] plot holes, and give a basic explanation of the world (like, why do EXOs exist? That's an entire playable "species" that has no backstory...). A lack of story is unacceptable, especially when attempting to launch a new IP. As the OP stated rhetorically, it pains me to think that Bungie would ship with such a shortcoming, and I can only assume Activision is holding the story hostage as payed DLC. From a business standpoint, the practice of selling half-baked games is solid, maybe even intentional. "Oh, Destiny isn't holding your interest? Well, well... you could always by CoD:MF in a month!" A new game makes way more money than a DLC package, and if it's all under the same publisher, where is their incentive to invest in a current product? Additionally, if they spread out finished content across payed DLC, they won't have to spend a dime developing the DLC and will get a larger return on investment. And before you say Bungie is in on this practice too, I remember them fighting for FREE multiplayer map DLC in Halo 2 (Microsoft reacted with a big old LOL). Destiny's vision may be 10 years out; I just hope to (deity/fate/contracts?) that Activision will honor that development cycle, and I'll be here, ever vigilant, to remind Guardians everywhere that we have to fight for the quality of our products...

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      6 Replies
      • There's a story? Hmm, musta had the sound down and went for a sammich during the pathetic cutscences

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      • Edited by KilljoyDetective: 9/22/2014 8:42:29 PM
        Been waiting for this, and now it's here, but then again, despite the truths he's stated, people are going to justify their purchase with "but it's still fun to me!" Which is funny, because no one that's been playing this game and pointing out it's vapid storytelling, or broken loot generators, or bad enemy AI, or obnoxiously repetitive mission design, has been telling others that they should hate themselves for finding the game enjoyable. We've been saying that defending it and arguing that it's just the start of a saga is something that goes under the category "false advertisement." They built up the hype, made promises that the game was going to be phenomenal and different from any other similar games, released trailer after trailer, and then we have our community manager here that does his job, not well I might add, and blows it up even further. I'm not liable to say if it was a hype train rivaling GTAV or Watch_Dogs, but it sure as shit isn't what I wanted when I paid 60$ for the most part. -It feels like another Halo game -Story content is repetitive and uninteresting -Talented Voice Actors are minor additions for exposition for openings to Story missions and Strikes, they don't do anything besides talk every now and then, and sit inside The Tower twiddling their thumbs all day(talking about you Guardian Mentors). - The RNG for loot and gear from missions, Engrams, and PvP endings, is broken and makes no logistical sense. I joined a game, got 1 kill and died three times in a losing Control match, and got two Rare pieces while the lead player on my team got nothing. I should be rewarded when I do something exemplary, not get loot handed to me for doing literally nothing. And doing Strikes or killing any notable enemies should give SOMETHING to the player upon that mission's end, not this "oh do this story mission again on a harder level difference and get nothing at the Rewards screen." Not even some goddamn Spinmetal or something, just nothing. - Mission Summaries for stats like Assists, Kills, and Precision Kills, mean absolutely nothing. Comparing your performance to others does nothing but make you question why they were rewarded with something while you got jack squat for your work. - Spaceships? Go to No Man's Sky for that, Destiny led us to believe that ships would be great things to show off to our friends, when even the Legendary ship that comes with Limited Editions is just a re-color of Uncommon and Rare ships that are already in the game. The Rare uniquely named ships you sometimes find are nothing but that, a unique name, they're just re-colors of earlier ships elsewise, - "Shared World Shooter" is something that seems more akin to a mix of "MMO, FPS, and RPG" but without the variety of end-game content that's further expanded as time goes on, customization of your style of play and preferences regardless of progression, and fulfilling story and narrative that each respectively carries. I'm going to be paying for Expansions down the road in the first damn year of the game's release because they cut content out of it, have to rely on RNG to get anything done because Light limits my ability to gear my character how I like.(Everything else is irrelevant, if it doesn't get you more Light, it's useless to you after Level 20 besides dismantling things for parts.) And a story that engages you and excites you to see to the end. Because the general consensus for the story now is "WTF is going on and why is my character such a mindless slave that doesn't deepen or evolve as a person? They do what they're told and ignore everything else." - Enemy and boss designs are copy and pasted. Every Fallen boss enemy is just a bigger version of Draksis or other named enemies. Every big Vex enemy is just a bigger Minotaur, and so on. - Large environments that aren't used for much, you can go into an area, fight some enemies, and only do it in a small portion of the zone while the rest of the area is wasted space [spoiler]Also, how about that Beta? It's not like they couldn't have stress-tested the game's servers a little more during it, but then we had people on this forum who's cumulative intelligence is that of a fly telling us to stop pointing out how short it is, when instead they could have realized how absolutely shitty it is to run such a short Beta, to then deliver a game with so many -blam!-ing error codes popping up left and right all the damn time. How about you check your own shit internet connection and stop telling me to look up caterpillar and cattle and all the other code names you have for these things that should better be known as "we could have worked on it more, but we decided to make our Community Manager shit-post all over the forums while we alienated longtime members for newbies who're only here to play their latest IP before they leave for the next one down the road."[/spoiler] The list could really go on truthfully(and it will, because I'm going to add more to it periodically). As told to me by Achronos himself almost a year ago: "Something else(Destiny, because he didn't want to name-drop yet) and it's services are our primary focus at this time, the site's enhancements will be fulfilled after the higher priority is taken care of." Well, they seem to be making bad decision after bad decision in the past year, good thing it can always get worse, because this IP coasted off of their success at Halo, and they blew it on a multitude of accounts, so it's going to be nice to watch how they plan to rectify a lot of the game's mistakes. This shit is still going to sell in the beginning like hot cakes because marketing sure did it's job, but that won't prevent the facts about the product itself from still surfacing.

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        3 Replies
        • Thank you for bringing this to my attention. Joe is in fine form with this review, and does not disappoint. I find this review equal parts insightful (with valid, thought-out, rational justifications) critique, entertaining, and delightful in how direct and honest it comes across. In other words: true to the legacy and reputation Angry Joe has created for himself. (That he shares the exact same opinion as I do of "Destiny" to date is merely a bonus.) There is at least one poster in this thread who has attempted to dismiss Joe's review here as nothing more than preaching to the choir of a so-called "vocal minority" that have apparently committed some seemingly near-unforgivable-imaginary-sin of not lapping "Destiny" up and heaping praises upon Bungie for what is a game with an awful lot of rough edges, baffling design choices, and bare bones presentation. Frankly, I tire of the apologist lapdogs and their droning of "Ouh! But more content is incoming! It's a 10-year project!", etc. Doesn't mean much until it is *actually here* in the *present* - *available & playable!*......That is unless one is of the inclination to reward and praise people/companies/pets for things they haven't yet done. Reality check: That's not how the real world tends to work; it certainly isn't how your career life - if/or when you get that far, if you haven't already - will treat you. I enjoy various things about "Destiny", yet it is chok full of missed opportunities, and it's a shame because there is so much potential for rich story telling, high adventures, and epic space opera in "Destiny's" background universe.

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          • Just watched it and Joe hit all the bad points on the head. The -blam!- with the story?!

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          • Joe's review is spot on... the game was given way to big a budget and there was ay too much hype to be a giant version of Horde... its not completly awful but its def not what it was pitched to be

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            1 Reply
            • I think the saddest part about this post to me is that half of the things he's complaining about really aren't an issue and are a fully intended aspect of the game. The loot system while annoying is meant to be that way. Because nobody is supposed to be able to just go from a fresh level 20 to level 28 in a day. It is SUPPOSED to take time hence the RNG. With certain aspects such as the lack of explanations during the story I do agree, but considering that we're supposed to be playing this story over the next 10 years I don't know why everyone expected for them to give us the full story now. So we get the full 10 year story at release. From about 2 months after release the entire community would be complaining and asking for additional content. There is literally no way to please these people complaining on forums and reviews and the best ones that I've seen are mainly from MMO players that have a halfway reasonable idea for what they expected from Destiny.

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              8 Replies
              • I respect the opinion of the OP but I completely disagree on ideas such as an "incomplete game". I also don't think Bungie ever sold Destiny as a deep, in-game, narrative-driven experience. Personally I love the game and I think the story and world is an evolving one. And as I've said elsewhere, I don't put 50+ hours in a game that I find mediocre or unfinished. So far I'm loving it for what Bungie intended it to be.

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              • Tons of people are completely ignoring the fact that a majority of the story is being told through grimoire cards earned in game.

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                18 Replies
                • Games been out two weeks. Don't like? Don't play it. Simple.

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                  16 Replies
                  • Im sticking to my guns, either bungie has a really good idea for their story, which is what im thinking. Or sadly activision did put bungies balls in a vice and forced them to pack their story missions in the DLC's.

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                  • Uh oh, that's guy's tough! He can yell into a web cam!!! Why do I give two shits what "lolAngry Joe" thinks about anything? If I try a game, and then by playing that game I find I like that game, why does anyone else's opinion matter? It's arrogance that keeps this tool spamming his shitty videos. It's the weak-willed and people incapable of thinking for themselves who keep fooling him into thinking he's important.

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                    2 Replies
                    • Review was pretty dang good, final verdict was bull.

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                    • Uh oh, internet tough guy Angry Joe doesn't like the game. Guess that means all the e-bros that care for his opinion should leave =)

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                      7 Replies
                      • What a shocker that a guy who makes his living from being negative about everything he can see, hear or touch doesn't like the game. He plays up the "I'm not a corporate shill" card, but that's really what he is all about. The more sensational his video; the more views and the more money he makes. It's a great gig I'm sure, but he just rehashes what everyone else has already said more eloquently. We need less guys like Angry Joe and more personalities who actually get gaming because they are part of it, not here to make money off the players.

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                        11 Replies
                        • Bungie stated before the game was released and since that it is meant to be an epic experience that will go on for years. Does the story line feel incomplete? Absolutely. This was by design, as was the decision to have to work and grind in order to level your character. I see all these complaint posts about the story line, difficulty leveling, repitition, etc. and laugh because I don't consider this to be that bad of a grind. If you want to talk about having to work hard to improve your player try playing DC Universe for an extended period of time. It was also created with DLC content making up the majority of their long term vision.

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                        • A game comes out that some people like and some don't....oooohhh very surprising. As far as I know this game is alive and kicking. I still have a lot to do in this game. Maybe because I don't spend 10hrs a day playing. So far I'm really enjoying this game.

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                        • Please remove the current hashtags and replace with #Feedback

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                        • The budget for Destiny was 500 million for the TEN YEAR PROJECT. Why does everyone quote this number without knowing what they're talking about? Why do people expect a game to come out with hundreds of hours of story as well as competitive PvP and a perfect loot system that also is constantly updated and will have new content released almost weekly. It's obvious to me that this guy has no idea what the point of this game is or what Bungie's intention was with creating this game. If he doesn't want to play he should move on. The game is amazing as it is and it's getting better by the week. If you don't want to play the door is that way. If you enjoy the game and are in it for the long haul then I look forward to playing with you as this game gets better and better every single week.

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                        • As Joe stated, there are truly very wrong game design decisions made in Destiny. Although there is no REAL or WRITTEN evidence that Activision is the culprit of all this madness, it is certain that the quality that Bungie has upheld for so long, is no longer present in Destiny, and I wonder why. (Activision) BUNGIE, PLEASE PLEASE. FIX THIS GAME. IT MAY BE ONE OF THE BEST GAMES OF THE DECADE YET, if treated properly Also, kindly -blam!- off Activision :) Who wants to do a little petition, in the hopes that this game truly achieves its DESTINY?

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                          1 Reply
                          • [quote]I really hope Destiny is an eye-opener for Bungie. -Grandmaster Tyger[/quote]

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                          • Destiny is made to last over 10 years. Be patient it's coming

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