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9/21/2014 12:20:28 PM

Angry Review is up

And i think Joe is absolutely right. There are so many aspects of the game where destiny is as good as we would expect from bungie, but the story doesn't even start before the end credits roll. They totally sold us an incomplete game, with a DLC card in the package. I defended bungie wherever i could when people said the activision alliance isn't a good idea, but look what they have done. Do you guys think they planned on shipping the game with this introduction story to destiny in mind? Do you really think they thought this would be enough? I don't.

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  • I do like Angry Joe's reviews despite not always agreeing with them. However, for all the moronic children in this topic, I'm going to quote yahtzee at you as it's very relevant: "It's worth remembering that all reviews are subjective personal opinions and if you personally enjoy the game, then they shouldn't get to you. Unless there's a despicable nagging little doubt in the back of your mind that maybe you're not having as much fun as you've convinced yourself you're having. And won't go away no matter how many times you try to slap it away with weak excuses." Granted, it's paraphrased and a lot of the colorful language is cut out... But, a lot of you Destiny fanboys should remember that, as your defense of the game often sounds exactly like what he's describing.

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    • Edited by DuuJ: 9/22/2014 9:36:11 PM
      [quote]And i think Joe is absolutely right. There are so many aspects of the game where destiny is as good as we would expect from bungie, but the story doesn't even start before the end credits roll. They totally sold us an incomplete game, with a DLC card in the package. I defended bungie wherever i could when people said the activision alliance isn't a good idea, but look what they have done. Do you guys think they planned on shipping the game with this introduction story to destiny in mind? Do you really think they thought this would be enough? I don't.[/quote] Bungie tried too hard to make something for everyone. They ended up with a well polished game with great mechanics but a lack of story and content. If the game was 12+ hours long at least instead of 8 and had a better story (or at least make the grimoire accessible in game) it would have at least 8/10 on most websites. Personally I think destiny is great fun for a short time that will be filled with overpriced inevitable DLC.

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      • dumb.

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      • Edited by JellyBuzz: 9/22/2014 7:07:23 PM
        Completely agree with Joe. Anyone who thinks this game is God's gift to mankind is delusional. Mediocre story, repetitive mechanics, and monotonous game play.

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      • I watched the Angry Joe review and he is spot on with his criticism. He backed up everything he pointed out with evidence so it is hard to say his comments are wrong. AJ can be annoying to watch sometimes but one thing I will give him is he is honest and will never sacrifice his integrity. Before people think I am bashing Destiny I first want to say the game looks gorgeous, the music can really get your blood flowing and the shooting mechanics are spot on but a game such as Destiny can't just rely on that. I more than anyone knows the excitement built up around this game but I was not expecting the Holy Grail but I decent AAA title. In my initial hours of playing through the campaign I was having so much fun that I completely ignored the repetitive mission types. Sadly once I beat the last boss (which was awful) I was utterly shocked with how little content the game had. It was from then on I really kinda felt a tad cheated for what I paid. I noticed the same enemies and missions were being rehashed again and again which naturally enough is frustrating. The game felt like it was becoming very grindy once I reached level 20 and often I felt very bitter towards the very random loot system. You can argue this game is meant to be played with friends, which of course I did, but with only a few PvP maps and the repetitive nature of the missions, strikes and patrols, we quickly began to ask each other did we get our moneys worth. The first raid has come out and it is already been harpooned for its bad level design and little imagination. The fact of the matter is it was vital for this raid to be good as it would of told those sitting on the fence that there is more to come but it just didn't deliver. I will continue to play with my friends but I guarantee once something better comes along we will hardly touch Destiny after that which is a tad upsetting. I am honestly gutted with the end product as you can see the game had so much potential but the game just does not feel even close to complete for an initial release . Its a jack of all trades and a master of none.

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      • Dude, not only is this guy hilarious, he has some really good points for sure. I used to play Diablo III and so the parts he's complaining about grinding and the loot system don't bother me. However I can see how this bothers people that don't have the time to farm or grind or play a lot of crucible. The part he definitely hit's right on point is about the story. I saw all videos and trailers leading up to this game, and was expecting Final Fantasy, crossed with Star Wars, crossed with Halo. The story does nothing to quench your curiosity about the world of Destiny. I would like for this be addressed at some point. But regardless I'm having a ton of fun playing, probably the most fun I've had in a video game in a really long time. If they could fix some of the issues plaguing this game(lack of in depth story, lack of lore in game, lack of mission variance, and lack of boss take-down mechanics), this could be in the category of greatest game ever made! I honestly do believe Activision had their hand in removing parts of the story to made purchasable as DLC.

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      • This review is spot-on. Rating as well. I feel the exact same way about this game. I feel disappointed and pranked.

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        3 Replies
        • Fully agree with the review. Story is trash. The reef is there for 2 cutscenes? WTF Bungie????? Seriously. Dont even include that shit on the map or talk about it before hand if it's just a DLC bait trap.

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          • I agree with this to a T. I myself am going to stop playing as much and might pick up diablo 3. At least then i can count on gear. Everything he has said is spot on. I had high hopes for this game but spending 23 motes of light to get the lucky rasberry from xur and countless legendary engrams turning blue and getting a shard fir a nightfall strike is bs. There is more to say but I think I'll take a break. I'm happy for all the people that are still liking this game but I'm starting to not. Oh ya getting class items for classes I don't play is also crap. And no match making even for weekly strikes I can solo is all bs. All of these things can be patched it is up to bungie to do it.

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            • Edited by DEZARATH: 9/22/2014 8:20:37 PM
              Good review. If Bungie has any sense it will turn every cave into a treasure cave. It's the only thing socially worthwhile at this point.

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            • Pretty spot on review, even for Joe.

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            • Destiny is a good game with huge potential to be a great game or even a masterpiece, but bungie holding out shows activisions say in the matter and ruined how vast this game could be. I wouldn't have bought if I knew bungie fell victim to a money trap, the game can't r good because activision still needs to have cod sales higher than any other game. Cod has officially eaten halo. Destiny is ok, but it's no oblivion, skyrom, or gta. It's a rip off for 60 bucks.

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              • i think that with most bunige games there is a lot of depth if you look for it. this game lets people who want to just go kill things with out 20 mins of video before you do it. read your grem cards.

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              • Normally I hate AJ so it's a sad say for me when I agree with him.... The game could have been so much more and felt like it was supposed to be more.

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              • If the game is this good, I'll buy a new story episode every month for $10 if they offer it. Beats a cable bill.

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              • Edited by : ^ ): 9/22/2014 5:55:13 PM
                If consumers bought games and expected it to be just that, A GAME; then I bet they'd be more satisfied. The typical consumer who overly demands is always disappointed. This is why companies appeal to the "casual" gamers, because the "real fans" are complete b*tches and assholes.

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                • DeeJ said that this journey is just beginning. So much is in store for us.

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                  • The title has 10 years NOT this game. This isn't eve online. Aka destiny 2 destiny 3 etc. this is everything bungie gave to us and based on the content I read for the expansions were not getting a lot more 6 new story missions 10 new crucible maps 2 raids and 2 strikes then it's on to destiny 2. If you think you're gunna get WoW or eve online out of these guys you're gunna feel really played after they reveal destiny 2 sometime after the second expansion

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                    • Edited by Tony_Tekilla: 9/22/2014 3:01:09 PM
                      AJ does have a point. He clearly enjoys the game and I summarize: - clan limit size of 100 is baffling - lore is light, for god sake just give us a novel to fill in some back story. No moe out a of game grimoires. - my own personal gripe is that Bungie treat us like robots, they don't communicate with their fans other than Deej's occasional posts His review was on point but don't think a 6 is right. For a new ip, forcing players to buy season pass just to get the complete story is unacceptable.

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                    • He has some good points however he barley talks about any of the good stuff and his rating on 6/10 is too low. the game is an easy 7, however i would give it 8

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                      7 Replies
                      • I couldn't stop laughing when the voice of the traveler kept saying I could that was the truth lmao

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                      • He's on point with everything he said. I feel that Activision forced Bungie to release Destiny before it was quite ready.

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                      • They took out so much of the stuff they showed us a year ago for destiny. Just watching the video reminded me of how bad the story was. I was really hoping for more:/

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                        • Edited by Copnos: 9/22/2014 1:34:43 PM
                          I must say that I am having fun with this game, but there are glaring problems. I'm glad that Joe acknowledges these people who make excuses for, or right out ignore the serious flaws contained within this game.

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                        • Yeah, dude nailed it.

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                        • Bungie needs to fix their shit.

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