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9/21/2014 12:20:28 PM

Angry Review is up

And i think Joe is absolutely right. There are so many aspects of the game where destiny is as good as we would expect from bungie, but the story doesn't even start before the end credits roll. They totally sold us an incomplete game, with a DLC card in the package. I defended bungie wherever i could when people said the activision alliance isn't a good idea, but look what they have done. Do you guys think they planned on shipping the game with this introduction story to destiny in mind? Do you really think they thought this would be enough? I don't.

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  • Who cares about a story in an mmo, your supposed to make you own in these types of games. I would have entirely skipped any cut scenes if I could and I have absolutely no interest in knowing why I have to go to the moon, I will just get there and start blowing s**t up while looking for more fancy armor. Was there actually a story in WOW? Who cares, that is not why you play that type of game either. I played it for years and couldn't tell you one thing about what was going on.

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    2 Replies
    • The closest thing to truth, this game was done for the corporate, not the gamers. Sigh, should have waited for the reviews...

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    • What sucks is, the Destiny universe really does have depth. It's just all in the Grimoire. I know Bungie isn't the greatest at storytelling, but having all of the meaty parts of the story online really sucks. There's so much cool info in the Grimoire about the enemies and discoveries that we've made about them. There are moments within Destiny that make me really interested in its story, but it's not until I start looking into the Grimoire and trying to speculate on certain things that I really think Destiny's story comes alive.

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      5 Replies
      • I respectfully disagree with his review. I like Angry Joe, but I love Destiny more. Maybe it's because I'm a "grinder" at heart and I'm in it for the long haul, or maybe it's because I didn't come into the game expecting it to completely blow me away with the story, but I LOVE Destiny. It's the most fun with a new game I've had in a long time. Haven't made up my mind yet on whether I'll be buying the expansions or not (I feel they need to offer value) however, playing this game with my friend for hours every night definitely hasn't felt like I wasted my time. Looks to me like I'll be getting at least a couple more months worth of gameplay out of this game and loving every minute of it.

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      • Edited by Giubba1985: 9/21/2014 2:12:48 PM
        Lol pretty funny and accurate review but i think the guy will die for heart seizure before he reaches his forties

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      • Its a game with yawning gaps in the story, hell so many loose ends. Can Destiny recover from this? NO.

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      • I'm not sure if Bungie did this on purpose or not but all I know is that I am certainly not getting the limited edition to any sequels.

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        4 Replies
        • I was glad he mentioned how AWFUL orbit is. Literally the worst thing ever. Everything should have been done via town, and saved me 10 years of loading.

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        • Edited by Hellekeen: 9/21/2014 1:15:55 PM
          EEEeeeevryone is WRONG except those guys here: those are the ONLY ones that review in an objective way and see the game as what is truely is, a genius masterpiece that don't need any reviews nor explanations.. *pfft* .... and on top i loughed my ass off,.. "he is the last remaining drag queen.. " =D did i mentioned that angry joe is a.) right b.) telling al the stuff i am repeating here c.) says exactly the same like most of the reviews ^^

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          6 Replies
          • That review was pretty damn accurate. The only thing I really feel he got wrong was saying that the PvP was good, since it's an abhorration of 1 shot weapons and super spam. The pvp is a horrible joke. Aside from that he gave credit where credit was due and smashed them where it was due. The game looks incredible, the gunplay is spot on, the music score is pretty solid, but the rest leaves a lot to be desired.

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          • I specifically remember when we I petitioned to get the clan limit raised from 75 to > 500, Bungie basically said they'd work on it and they made it 100. We petitioned a 2nd time, filled up the entire #Destiny and #Clans trending page for the top 5 topics with more petitions and Bungie just blatantly ignored us. I'm so glad Angry Joe actually has an opinion on the same thing and ranted about it, it's stupid and bullshit. I guess he's the only one who Bungie will actually listen to, not their community. Hopefully now they raise it.

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          • Man, I love this game to death (grined Dead orbit & vanguard rep to get full legendries until my eyes bled and have 25 coins ready for Xur when he has a nice rifle for me) but AJ is right :( There is zero point to run strikes. That moment when the 2 worst players got exotic helms and the top guy got shards encapsulates the loot frustrations :(... And like I've said before, it feels like the Cryptark was made as a cruel joke on purpose. :(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((

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          • It's the same song and dance other reviewers did. He rushed through the game and started immediately comparing it to other games without letting it stand on it's own. I like Joe but he fell for the same trap the other reviewers did.

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            10 Replies
            • Again, this is supposed to be a ten year saga. It's seems like people expected ten years of content on one disc. It doesn't matter how much story was on the game, it's was still gonna be incomplete. Damn near every game that comes out now is incomplete. That's just how the gaming industry is now. Dlcs and multiple installments equals maximum profit, which is what these companies are in business for. It's sad but its fact. This game has a lot of potential. I know that more story will be introduced sooner or later. Most of the people bitching about content have more hours put in than I do and I have almost 70 between two characters. I play this game everyday and have fun with it everyday. I haven't even played anything else since this has launched. I'd say that's well worth the investment, and I've spent way more than $60 on this game, quadruple that actually. People need to realize that this is the beginning of a long, long hike. Some people aren't going to make it, some people are going to join, but I plan on being here to see this thing through and I know a lot of others feel the same way.

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              9 Replies
              • Im confused I posted the rant with the url like 5hrs ago and had no discussions?

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              • I think it's pretty funny how people just overlook the fact that DLCs are replacing monthly subscriptions and microtramsactions in the game. Besides, the story is looking like an episodic type of story so y'all should build up some patience and wait for the other chapter in the story.

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                17 Replies
                • u mad joe?

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                • There were a lot of fanboys saying "I only trust Angry Joe all the other reviewers are lying" well now what?

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                • So many hurt butts...poor desticles....

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                • I think it's more mmo than single player campaign and people don't seem to understand the difference.

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