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Discuss all things Destiny.
9/21/2014 12:20:28 PM

Angry Review is up

And i think Joe is absolutely right. There are so many aspects of the game where destiny is as good as we would expect from bungie, but the story doesn't even start before the end credits roll. They totally sold us an incomplete game, with a DLC card in the package. I defended bungie wherever i could when people said the activision alliance isn't a good idea, but look what they have done. Do you guys think they planned on shipping the game with this introduction story to destiny in mind? Do you really think they thought this would be enough? I don't.

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  • I'm not entirely sure why Joe bothered with a review this time? Anything other than a day one review doesn't serve its purpose as a review. Essentially by the time this, and the other online/publication reviews came out, we've already bought the game. At which point what exactly does a review do? It either a. agrees with your already determined opinion or b. doesn't agree with your opinion. Don't get me wrong, I like Joe and he is entertaining, but his reviews are often the worst kind of popular bandwagoning, parroting the vocal minority rather than forming an opinion truly his own. As well loved as his reviews are by a lot of people, they are by far the weakest element of his production these days. For me, I admit I bought the game off the hype, but that hasn't stopped it being the single most fun experience I've had on the ps4 this generation. I haven't played a game this much for this long in an absolute age. It ticks a lot of boxes for me. There is plenty of potential ahead if Bungie play it right and I'm willing to give them a chance to prove it. Are there issues? I guess it depends on your definition of issues... Is the story hidden in the grimoire and hidden online rather than in-game... yes... is that a problem - not for me (I'm happy to read the Grimoire when I'm not playing the game). Is the game grindy past 20... yes... but for me at least that means you have to put some effort in if you want to achieve the better loot. I accepted this in WoW and I accept it here. Will I ever do the Vault of Glass? No idea, but if I don't then that's ok there's a tier of equipment out of reach. Everything else you can level your rep up for, or collect motes or coins etc. It's all achievable - Bungie are just asking you to work for it. That honestly isn't an unreasonable ask to me. If I had to offer any niggles, I'd list the PS4 "exclusives" as the biggest waste of effort ever (especially as it alienated the xbox players for no reason). Only the Strike is worthwhile although for my money it is one of the most fun. But in levelling 3 characters (and I re-rolled my 16 warlock for face-change purposes) I haven't seen a single "exclusive" class item drop... kind of pointless for any of them to appear now that I'm looking for purple gear... Other than that, perhaps allowing more characters to be created would be cool. The only story niggle I'd raise is that it would have been cool to see some reference to the race of the characters in the cutscenes. The Awoken could have reacted differently to an Awoken character for example - or mystery exo lady to an exo character. Even so, nothing above alters my feelings on the game. So for me, as entertaining as Joe is, this isn't a review I need to watch. I have already formed my opinion of the game and someone else's opinion and an arbitrary score out of 10 serves no purpose to me. I am still playing it two weeks after release and see no let-up there. I now have three characters 20+ (Hunter 22, Warlock 21 and a Titan 20) and two of them (warlock/titan) have yet to finish the story mode. I love the pvp, I'm really getting into the Strikes and I even like playing the Cryptarch lottery (got 1 purple off a green so far!). I don't need a review to give me a score and a rant about what isn't up to scratch in their opinion (or rather the vocal minorities opinion). For me, this game is one I like and I'm playing. For whatever reason, this 40+ gamer has been impressed with Destiny and long may I continue to play it.

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    24 Replies
    • Edited by RyzingThunder: 9/25/2014 11:03:31 AM
      Joe is completely right. Anyone out there who is praising this game just can't come to accept the fact that this game isn't great, like I did. There was a better game almost 2 years ago, but I forget the name. I think it was called Destiny, which was supposed to be this amazing open world experience which was very social and always making us come back for more and had beautiful and plentiful customization options. Apparently that got canceled, then they started making a new game called "Activision selling us 80% of the game in the future". This game was the biggest letdown of all games I have ever played. Titanfall even made me come back now and then. Edit:yes I have invested around 60 hours into this game, but it's not bringing me back for the good reasons, so stop trying to say I'm "lying" because if my opinion you butthurt fanboys

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      10 Replies
      • I thought this commentary review was spot on. I agreed with everything. I have been following this game since its announcement years back. In fact, its the sole reason I bought a PS4. I mean ill enjoy other titles, but this game was the gateway. Where is the story and content? There was so much revealed through the vidocs, conventions and leaked info, that is not in the final release. Where is it? The reuse of skins and areas is also a let down. Its obvious that the board of directors made this game, and not the talented writers, artists, and others (I can see why Marty had problems with it). I am at end game content now. I will play the VOG, and check out the Queens bounties when I get home from traveling... but after that, there is no way I am going to just grind the day away for engrams that always disappoint, or for rep that does not really matter, and each faction offers nothing unique. Destiny was a huge let down. I already paid for the expansion pass, so I will check that out... but will never spend another dime on this IP.

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      • What sucks is that this game couldve been so much! I always start having fun but then the flaws start to show and it really kills the mood and makes me not want to play it. If they cant hook me by the time MCC comes out then I probably wont come back

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      • Bungie, please do yourselves a favour, if not for the team members who have put their lives into making this game, then do if for the mass of fans who have helped you to meet your launch expectations. Take his points as fact. I have been waiting for this game for a long time. After playing it, I feel like every moment of "story" is cheapened. There is nothing in the way of connecting these two-minute cutscenes together. Am I supposed to be happy with the "rinse and repeat" gameplay you have now put up to the community to look upon as a triple A title. The only thing saving this game is the fact that the community is obviously more passionate about this game then you. I don’t feel rewarded playing this game. I, like many others, had achieved level 20 well before playing the last mission. This is because there is nothing driving me to play the so called storyline. There is simply no excuse for the way that this game treats its story. The grimoire cards should enrich the overall experience, I shouldn’t have to read them to put everything in context. I fear that expansion packs won’t help this game live up to what it was meant to be. Bungie, you’ve said that we write our own unique histories with this game, consider that the game that you have managed to ship has already started its own history, is this the history it deserves to have?

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      • I've defended this shit tooth and nail on 4chan and IRL to no end.... ...and I'm going to stop. I've got three Destiny posters hung up in my room. I've spent hundreds of dollars on Destiny merch...I've worn my midnight launch bracelet since I got it after waiting over 8 hours outside of Gamestop, and I literally bought two copies of the game because I was getting my limited on Amazon delivered, but wanted to play the game at midnight badly enough to pay for the standard edition at midnight. Joe nailed everything about it after giving the game a completely fair shot. I know Activision isn't going to let the expansions go for free, but honestly that's the only thing they could do at this point to restore faith in the game. I don't think that Bungie could have possibly structured the game in this way on purpose. I think that it was Activision's doing, and -blam!- if I'm not really heart broken about it. Somewhere along the line they gave Activision too much power, and it -blam!-ing corrupted them. Come on, Bungie....I'm a huge need to make a statement about this. I'm sure you can't throw Activision under the bus on this one because of some legal crap, but guys were supposed to be independent. You signed a freakin' declaration of Independence from Microsoft [spoiler](a picture of which I have saved on my computer!!!!)[/spoiler] and you let [i][b]this[/b][/i] happen to your freakin' game!!! Ugh! Destiny is still fun, and I'm going to keep playing it, but man, it's a morale killer. It really is.

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        8 Replies
        • Edited by Clovis: 9/22/2014 11:34:36 AM
          For those of you who are too young or not in the know, Angry Joe is probably one of the most fair, realistic, unbiased and down to earth game reviewers on the internet. Check out his previous reviews as a reference. He understands what makes or breaks a game for the majority of the gaming community.

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          6 Replies
          • Peter Dinklage, Peter Dinklage, Peter Dinklage, Peter Dinklage, Peter Dinklage, Peter Dinklage, Peter Dinklage, Peter Dinklage, Peter Dinklage, Peter Dinklage, Peter Dinklage, Peter Dinklage, Peter Dinklage, Peter Dinklage, Peter Dinklage, Peter Dinklage, Peter Dinklage, Peter Dinklage, Peter Dinklage, Peter Dinklage, Peter Dinklage, Peter Dinklage, Peter Dinklage, Peter Dinklage, Peter Dinklage, Peter Dinklage, Peter Dinklage, Peter Dinklage, Peter Dinklage, Peter Dinklage, Peter Dinklage, Peter Dinklage,

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          • Well there is a good and objective way to see if the game has a strong story or not. When you look at cutscenes (pure cinematic video, not when your in the first person) the average lasts 1 hour but this game has only 30 minutes of video (that you can't even pause btw). So this tell's you how much it's lacking in content. But is it really a problem? When I first played the first Halo game, I remember to have the same WTF reactions because the story was confusing and we all wanted to know so much more... In halo reach, the bungie team introduced us the space ship battles, I was hoping that they would make the same thing but no. It's only a loading page. There is no tank to hijack, no plane, you can only fight in the groundfield. I kinda understand that bungie doesn't want to burn all its trump cards and playing it safe for the next releases. We already know what the producers will say on the next game "oh yeah we introduced a bunch of 'innovations' to make the game more exciting". But by doing so, destiny has missed a lifetime opportunity to be a masterpiece. A game that a whole generation could remember. It's foolish to be idealistic in these times but the company is a COMPANY which its sole purpose is to make money so yeah I understand it bitterly. But please do not make us pay these extensions. It should be BANNED by state law. It is so frustrating, it's like having the best bj but in the middle of it, your gf (or bf, whatever your preferences) asks for a new handbag or it's like reading the last book of Harry Potter and the last chapter is sold separately (for people who don't understand the first reference ;). How would you feel? Pissed off that's for sure!

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          • Edited by Potato Chip: 9/23/2014 3:25:20 AM
            I agree with Joe on all points except the crucible. It is simply the most unbalanced/unfun mess I have ever played in my life. I've played alpha and beta builds for games but not even those have felt so lacking in polish and balance as this. Their QA testers must have been smoking some great shit to fail to notice all the broken crap in this game.

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          • Hopefully bungie sees this

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          • [quote]Do you guys think they planned on shipping the game with this introduction story to destiny in mind? Do you really think they thought this would be enough? I don't.[/quote] Absolutely not, they didn't sell a half assed, DLC centered game at E3.

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          • Destiny will turn out like terraria, with people playing it when an update/expansion comes out, except you pay for it

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          • After watching this, my opinion about Destiny has changed

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          • Edited by MrCRYP71C: 9/22/2014 5:52:19 PM
            Shit back in the day, you could get a game 3 times this size for HALF the price. People are saying DON'T COMPLAIN??? 8 maps out of the box? Shit we used to get like 10 to 15, for LESS! Then, they want to make you pay even MORE for another 2 MAYBE 3 maps?! Companies have gotten people so used to less and less, its pathetic! Don't be simple minded people, wise up! You're paying hard earned cash for HALF a product, so that they can drive around in Lincolns and Mercedes, and you're stuck with a damn Prius or worse!

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            1 Reply
            • Petert Dinklage Peter Dinklage Peter Dinklage ...

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            • He is completely correct about Destiny, 6/10 seems fair.

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            • His review was spot on. I'm enjoying Destiny, and my main complaint was the story...just wasn't there.

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              2 Replies
              • Accurate are review, a bit of the rants and skits make it funny. "Shrek/10, Like a Skyrim with guns" - IGN

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              • Edited by Xyyth: 9/23/2014 1:37:06 AM
                That was a really accurate review. It's amazing how they can get people to play a game they don't fully enjoy...and after all the dev hype videos talking about things you can't even do in the game. I was hoping Activision would be a better company to the customers than EA. Then you have Bungie not saying anything relevant. Just be honest with your customers. sigh

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              • Joe 'a review is fair. I love Destiny- I happen to like the grind. However the review is spot on with its criticism. Bungie would be wise to address these issues.

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              • Thank you Joe. You are starting to redeem yourself for mindlessly bashing Xbox.

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                6 Replies
                • he was right about many things but he was wrong about the queens dlc costing money. It's free and apparently they are opening the reef as well for free with it.

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                • Edited by Urabask: 9/22/2014 11:11:44 PM
                  I guess it's too hard to look into the grimoire for lore to answer those questions he has. It was ground breaking when it was done in games like system shock, but now people seem to take it for granted and actually reading information is too much effort. And the cut scene he's bitching about after the gate lord isn't setting up paid DLC. I lol'd at the part where he said that there was added verticality compared to halo. I also like there part where the guy is mad at getting 11 ascendant shards lol. Ahahaha PvP is excellent? It's a mess of one shots and peer to peer lag.

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                  4 Replies
                  • Edited by Warlord Con: 9/22/2014 10:41:35 PM
                    I love destiny i play it since it was released, but at the same time i do agree with joe, joe is spot on with the problems destiny has. If you not seen joes review, go and see it when you get the time.

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                  • I do like Angry Joe's reviews despite not always agreeing with them. However, for all the moronic children in this topic, I'm going to quote yahtzee at you as it's very relevant: "It's worth remembering that all reviews are subjective personal opinions and if you personally enjoy the game, then they shouldn't get to you. Unless there's a despicable nagging little doubt in the back of your mind that maybe you're not having as much fun as you've convinced yourself you're having. And won't go away no matter how many times you try to slap it away with weak excuses." Granted, it's paraphrased and a lot of the colorful language is cut out... But, a lot of you Destiny fanboys should remember that, as your defense of the game often sounds exactly like what he's describing.

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