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Edited by UNIT 242: 9/18/2014 4:54:47 PM

the Best Thing I've Seen In This Game

So my buddy and I were patrolling on the moon, and I was just dancing on a cliff while he was finishing the Knuckleduster (Melee 30 enemies w/o dying) bounty. I said, "Watch you die with one left, haha" Right then a public event happened and it said protect the Warsat, so I jumped and glided 360 style looking for where it will land. Two or three flashes of light and a humongous boom later, I see that my comrade has fallen. The Warsat landed right on top of him in a big open field where it could of crashed anywhere! He had one kill left when he died... I was literally crying because I was laughing so hard. Anyone care to share their funniest Destiny moment? Update: I was patrolling on Mars, chest farming and I was hit by a cabal shield, and like many I was sent flying. But not into a wall or another cabal like everyone else. I flew about 350 feet above the exclusion zone wall straight up into the air and hit the invisible ceiling. It scared me so hard I blinked back up into the ceiling a second time before misjudging my blink to try to land safely and imprinted my body into the sand between 4 cabal instead, haha. I could see the curvature of Mars basically, haha. Update 2: Botched a grenade in PvP on Blind watch, bouncing it in a doorway just after an enemy enters, I try to run out right when it explodes and I kill myself and the burn gets him, so he got no points due to the suicide, and I got the kill, had me laughing for a while of how pissed and flabbergasted he must of been of that incredible luck.

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  • I was doing the archon priest strikes and was the last guardian standing and I picked up some heavy ammo, I look around and see that the boss is about 60m away with almost no health left so I pull out my shitty blue rocket launcher reload and fire. However as soon as I fire he teleports right in front of me and tries to shrapnel launcher me. The rocket still hits him and kills him but as he was so close the explosion killed me as well thus meaning we have to start from the last checkpoint :/

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  • Edited by Lord Shakin Cryin: 11/2/2014 7:32:04 AM
    I used to be a Guardian like you, but then I took a Warsat in the knee.

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    • Edited by Vegan Superhero: 11/1/2014 4:48:00 AM
      So i was farming and this guy comes up and starts stealing my kills, i point to the area exit as translation to "piss off" but he shaked his toggle stick no, but then he jumped into a huge group of fallen and a reaver captin comes up from behind , the guy turns around and WAM!!! He gets decked rigth in face and dies, which then allows me to proceed with a classic teabag while the captin turned his attention to me. After he respawned he left the area, that was a good day.

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    • I feel so bad for him but that's -blam!-ing hilarious.

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      • Yeah, early days, I had a Warsat drop on my head too. Lol

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        I was dancing on the railing of the Tower, went into my menu to break down gear, and my buddy pushed me off the railing. Long drop and a short stop... we both laughed. I too have been felled by the warsat when waiting for a public. It was my most hilarious death besides the time I bounced a grenade off the wall in PVP and blew myself up right in front of my teammates.

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        • During a patrol on venus I was in the middle of one of the vex/fallen wars and I died and when my friend revived me it took all my weapons away so I was just running around meleeing people.

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        • Had a friend that was doing the 100 kills with out dieing and she got meleed off the cliff by the random troll under the helipad in skywatch, she was right pissed.

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        • This is the best thing I've seen

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        • Easy. The first time I did the "The Black Garden" mission. That moment when you are walking in that steep narrow hallway, and then you reach the top, and the entire garden opens up right there in your eyes. The scale, the colors, I literally just sat there in awe. It still gets me, every single time. It's just breathtaking.

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          • My funniest moment was on my first raid this week in the gorgons labyrinth. We had been trying and trying to get through this and there was one guy that said that he had seen the way out. So we followed him the next time. Well we followed and followed and he kept saying we were close and he kept getting more excited as we went. With te anticipation building that we were about to escape this place we were all torn down when the leader stopped in his tracks and said "guys I f'ed up". He had led is in one gigantic circle and carried us right back to the beginning

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            • Maybe not my funniest, but my most exasperating one. On the Blind Watch PVP match, I was trying to be super stealthy by getting as high in the air as I could so I could peg these four snipers all clustered up with my Fist of Havoc. I aimed it perfectly, quite high in the air and nailed it right in the middle of where they were standing. Only it never connected, I continued through the ground and spent the rest of the match plummeting down.. Down.. Down..

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              • I was farming Helium on the moon when the same thing happened to me. The screen darkens, I get excited (woot!) and head to the open area to the top right of spawn past the 2 caves, two flashes of lightning, a crack of thunder later and.. "guardian down". Spawn back in and sparrow over to the warsat jump on it and vigorously t-bag it into the lunar landscape, then defend it with my life.

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              • Early around when I first got the game me and my two friends were playing the moon mission where you get the pikes. One of my friends went to take his dog out for something and he was yelling across the room talking to us with the kinect. So we were pushing him off the cliff with the pikes and once we get him off we started laughing really hard cause he had the 200 kills without dying, 30 melee kills without dying and the 9000 XP without dying. He was really close to all of them. He heard us laughing so he came in, saw the death screen and was all like "wtf!!". Good times

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                • Edited by merlinsteele: 10/28/2014 1:09:25 PM
                  Had some I can't remember now but once this weekend I was fighting dregs and they jumping around like grasshoppers, and one of them jumped on a light pole. Another time during a strike one of them jumped on a stair rail and slid on it a bit. Oh yeah one time I got killed by a hobgoblin and I could have sworn it was squating up and down on my corpse. Lol

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                • Hahaha that's awesome OP.

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                • Edited by UberFonzie: 10/18/2014 4:00:42 AM
                  About to beat a nightfall... By myself... Aiming at the boss with my rocket launcher, 100% sure it's a kill shot (The rockets track targets, so I couldn't miss) when I pull the trigger, the missile goes off, that beautiful moment of my first nightfall... The rocket goes no more than 2 feet before a Psion jumps in front. Not my best moment, but I was laughing and crying at the same time for quite a while.

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                  • I was doing the moon Strike mission with my cousins and before Phogoth broke his chains to attack I went inbetween his legs to dance.... He tea bagged me and I died. My fireteam couldn't shoot straight after that.

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                    • Same happened to a person I saw on Mars.

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                    • I threw my trip mine grenade at an enemy while framing relic iron and there there was a big distance between me and him, but he charged me and I blew up

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                    • Edited by ZombieHippo: 10/21/2014 9:34:41 AM
                      Went to throw my knife at a Dreg in Devils Lair. My ghost swirled around and blocked the shot. It, no shit, spun slowly in the air as I watched it hit the ground...

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                      • Edited by fordfff: 10/20/2014 8:34:08 AM
                        Need 2 more kill for 200 kill bounty, cut the corner on Moon patrol with sparrow, fall into the chasm. Priiceless update: we were at the jumping platform part of the raid with some new guys. I made the jumps to the ledge for first try every time I went there. I sat there on the ledge waiting for them to come, meanwhile laughing with another experienced guy that they're dropping like flies. When everyone was there, I told them to follow me. Missed the small crack on the ledge, fell to my death, with 3 guys in tow falling behind me. They were upset. After that couldn't make the jumps to ledge in 15 tries. Man, I made a fool of myself that day.

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                      • Lol whenever I get into a Warsat public event starts i run around like a panicked ant. I've been crushed by two and injured by basically every other one ever. (It doesn't help that the sat has a built in flash banger that gets you before it lands lol)

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                      • Edited by JamesButlin: 9/17/2014 9:41:36 AM
                        I like this thread :D I think my favourite moment was playing through a venus mission and my friend was around a corner and apparently stood next to the little Vex containers, he was like "ooh this one's shiny, I wonder what happens when I hit it..." BOOM and I see his corpse fly out from the corner. Was absolutely wetting myself with laughter :')'

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                        • I was doing a strike and one of my friends was aiming his rocket launcher waiting for an enemy to spawn. So I decided to be a jerk and walk in front of him and the second I walked in front of him he shot and his body completely launched backwards and I just stood their unscathed. I was laughing so hard.

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                        • Doing a bounty to finish a strike without dying and last stage to Invective exotic bounty (5 strikes without dying) when I'm testing the stability of my Vanquisher 3. Come around a corner and accidentally shoot an explosive barrel killing myself instantly. FML.

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