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Discuss all things Destiny.
9/15/2014 1:54:24 PM

Destiny review scores are a joke. It's almost like a bunch of 'outed' hack journos agreed to give Destiny 6/10 across the board to vent their anger at the gaming community.

I'm not one for conspiracy, really I'm not. But when every major review outlet gives the exact same low score to a quality game just a week after Gaming Journalism has been under fire, it kind of reeks like bullspit to me. I'm not going to re-tread the whole #GamerGate debacle, but whats easy to see is that ALOT of journalists were very very pissed about it, despite a few token gestures here and there to look 'respectable and accountable'. What I find baffling, GENUINELY baffling, is how a game of Destiny's caliber can get the same score, a relatively low score, from every major outlet with almost exactly the same review description in every case. And all it ever boils down to is this: 'The story is a bit hackneyed, gameplay can sometimes be repetitive and I was expecting more' These are three valid points. Destiny's story is kind of bland compared to previous Bungie games and the missions are quite samey at times and DinkleBot DOES do a helluvalot of scanning things. But these three points are not of themselves a justifiable reason to give a game such a low score when everything else in the game is so well crafted and solid and enjoyable. Now, I'm not necessarily suggesting that every journo called every other journo and signed an affidavit agreeing to all give Destiny a 6/10 and follow the same script template for their reviews, but it certainly feels that way and maybe on some subconscious, unified, 'pissed off at #GamerGate level they all came out with their whiny, crappy reviews in one voice. Whatever the case, whatever the reason, regardless whether they colluded by email/text/phone or whether their minds melded in some weird spiritual borg-esque military fashion, THEY ARE ALL COMPLETELY WRONG Destiny is not an amazing game. It's certainly not a 10/10 (I hate scores anyway) but it is an extremely solid, well-crafted gaming experience that despite hinting at being a long-term experience in-potentia, is still in its own way a whole package. Artistically, it's beautiful. Shooting mechanics are very responsive (But an option to turn off auto-aim would be nice) The story, while light and occasionally meandering, is contained within itself as well as also hinting at a greater story arc The RPG elements are deep enough to have meaningful impact, but light enough to be user friendly to the vast majority of gamers Matchmaking in the campaign is one of the quickest I have seen in any online game and jump/in out is easy and smooth and extremely useful. The amount of content in story and PvP is well up to snuff for any of Destiny's counterparts All of the UIs are extremely easy to interpret and master It's LOADS OF FUN! I could make a much longer list of Destiny's plus points but I'm not going to labor my point. Despite a few short-comings such as the lack of individual audio sliders (Gamechat is often lost among all the music and SFX), the inability to turn auto-aim on/off, No clan roster on the pause menu to find & join clan members who aren't on your friends list; despite a few gripes like these, Destiny is all-in-all a really, really solid gameplay experience and hints at some great stuff to come over the next 10 years. If I stopped playing tomorrow, I'd still feel like I had my money's worth... and then some. Great Job Bungie! A solid start to a new franchise. I look forward to stronger deeper scripts, some tweaking to the mechanics, some social refinements and plenty of awesome additional content in the future. As for the 'Reviews'... Screw 'em!

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  • As much as I am for #gamergate and for gaming journalism integrity. The reviews are right, I enjoy this game, but with the flaws such as no teamspeak in PVP and no prox chat in story mode a 6/10 is just about what it deserves.

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    • sorry but my personal review changed because of the way the games been handeled thus far + that thing on Reddit , and besides for their reasons i agree with that score now.

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    • Yeah except that most of the reviews are spot on, the fanboys just can't accept it. *shrug* Most reviews highlighted what Destiny did well with game mechanics, but also called it out for what it was lacking. This game is a 7.5 at the very best and given the multitude of issues its had so far since launch, the alarming lack of content compared to the 2013 E3 trailers and what not, that is a stretch.

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      • The reviews do not include the raid, the best part of the game IMO. If any of the reviewers played it, it would have gotten a 8/10 at the least. Bungie, more raids please, halt everything else and put more raids

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        • Edited by Matu Flp Krawfe: 10/7/2014 1:11:55 PM
          1. Most of the art and setting is lifted from Warhammer 40k (for example play "Space Marine", apparently Relic made an incidentally longer, richer demo for Destiny's "Mars" several years ago.) 2. The shooting mechanics are hollow. Smooth, but hollow (think Halo, with only brutes and skirmishers, but with additional abilities that only serve to short-cut normal gameplay. Super powers and class abilities may be cool but they do take a lot away from what you might have experienced in Halo or in just about any other FPS.) 3. The RPG elements are lifted directly from the generic MMO format. Practically speaking, they add arbitrary grind while minimizing the role of choice in weapon selection (since often its just a question of what has the biggest numbers.) 4. The story doesn't exist. There are merely points of speech which each present an idea without any connection to subsequent developments. It is [i]definitively [/i]not contained (when for example nothing the speaker says is addressed or resolved later in the game, nor does he ever show up again despite his central role in the story.) Destiny is a flawed game by whatever standard you use (besides itself). Its less coherent than Halo, less engaging than Warhammer 40k Space Marine, and I'd say that the environment art [even on the new consoles] is several paces back from console Skryim (nice lighting effects but when you loose those, in for example the Venus night, the game quickly looks like [i]Reach[/i] despite the years of subsequent development and new hardware), and even the MMO mechanics are only up to par if you consider par to be 2005 WOW (things in that genre have moved on since then). Its a bad game. You may still consider it fun (as do I, technical quality and proficiency aren't the only components of entertainment) but be that as it may Bungie could have done a much, much, much, much, much, much better job with this game.

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        • I love Destiny but it's a 6/10 game.

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        • So a game is universally classed as pretty average by both the press and majority of player, and the Desticles see it as a conspiracy? How much more deluded can you get? I mean, really?

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        • It sounds like just a bunch of shock-jocking.

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        • Edited by Lost Sols: 9/29/2014 12:51:10 AM
          I've enjoyed leveling to an extent and I've had fun in game, [i]but...[/i] When your game is an online shared world [b][i] without chat functionality[/i][/b] and your [i]true game[/i] starts at 20, but there's [b][i] no matchmaking for endgame content[/i][/b] and your first new content release has you rerun low level content... And [b][i] you have the most hyped game of the last 10 years[/i][/b]... 6/10 shouldn't shock you. Hell, I'd knock off a point for making players run a level 2 mission everyday for the Queen's Wrath that is followed by the [b][i] longest cut scene on the game and you can't skip it. [/i][/b] Not cool.

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          • Edited by Dooodley: 9/29/2014 6:51:10 AM
            I think it's more likely that reviewers across the board give a game low scores independetly than high scores. With high scores I always get the feeling that reviewers are copying eachother. [i] - Oh they gave the latest Zelda 10/10. I'm going to do that too then.[/i] Zelda is as far as I'm concerned the most overrated franchise ...ever. One of my favorite 360 games, Dark Sector, only got a 65 on meta critic.

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          • To be honest I don't think the reviewers on these websites are actually gamers.

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          • I'll never understand why a 6\10 is considered a bad review. In a ten number system 5 is supposed to be average. Giving it a 6 is still saying that the game is slightly above average but has issues that keep it from greatness. I have been having a good time with the game and I completely agree with the score.

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            • Call of Duty Ghost got a 9/10. Need I say more? Reviews are hack jobs and should be taken with a grain of salt.

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            • OP is a fanboy. A large amount of what reviewers are saying is true. It has too many flaws to be an 8 or 9/10 title and it deserves a 7 at the very best. For a game based heavily on loot, the variety is poor.

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              • Its 6/10 deal with it.

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              • So the journalists are in bed with the developers, but they conspired together to give the game bad reviews...? Isn't the simpler answer simply that you happen to like a game that professional reviewers mostly don't? It happens to all of us.

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              • The thing is, despite getting so much buzz, the game has some pretty average things going for it. And the fact that Bungie has to live up to their Halo rep is also another factor to consider. But hey, reviews don't really matter if you enjoy the game, right? So if you like it to the point in which you'll continue playing, then -blam!- the reviews.

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              • Here is one of the better reviews...well it's not a full review as you will read..

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                • I like the game a lot. It is bungie's take on borderlands. I agree COD consistently scores 8/10 or higher & Destiny's story is not overwhelming. That said I like this game waaaay more than Titanfall, I'd rate it at most 7/10 and the " repetitive" play is reminiscent of Diablo franchise games or Borderlands. If you don't like the game, don't play the game.

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                  • I would give it 6/10 and its not like i haven't played much.

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                  • Edited by Arashi Sora: 9/17/2014 8:00:51 PM
                    Not necessarily true. There are some smaller sites that I follow that all gave Destiny a 7 or 8/10 (i'm Level 17, and i'm starting to feel the repetition), which I think is exactly what I think the game deserves. As i've said before, blind praise is never a good this. This game could definitely could be improved in future installments. It's a solid start to the franchise, but if the rest of the games are like this one, without any sort of innovation or improvement, the series will fail overall. Bungie needs to know what could be improved so future games in the series are better.

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                  • If we were going to score like game in former and give fractions of a point, I'd give it 7.5 or 7.75. I don't think its quite worth an 8. For a game that was supposed to make shooters more social it feels like there's a complete subsystem missing. If that issue was fixed, then it would be worth an 8. Maybe an 8.25

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                  • I would give it an 8/10. Good work Bungie

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                  • Its the ILLuminati!!!!!!!!

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                  • I would say about 5/10 myself Graphics are lovely. Pvp seems balanced through out levels . Story is somewhat shallow , roleplay aspect is near enough a joke giving no substance to the player ..making if feel as if what ever you do doesnt actually matter in the scale of things. End game is well just putting more health on the same creatures with no new content besides One raid - which is fun but mass replayability is lost . There is no in game communication in game besides something you have to set-up your self . But besides everything negative i have said it still is fun, but i would like a tiny bit more depth in the story and characters. ((Written on phone no spell check))

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                    • Edited by Revanchist1ab: 9/17/2014 5:19:36 PM
                      Destiny: 74/100 Great ambition. Good gameplay. Intriguing multiplayer. Good class system for what it is. Complete lack of a cohesive narrative: no character development, no interesting plot developments (except for the Reef, those moments were *blam*ing cool). And underutilization of certain player environments (many areas in Old Russia, the Moon, and Mars were not used to their full potential).

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