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Discuss all things Destiny.
Edited by Babyrancher: 8/15/2014 6:07:02 PM

Should Bungie Have Sacrificed People On Last Gen Systems?

Yes, and I have a PS4 or Xbone


Yes, and I have a PS3 or Xbox 360


No, and I have a PS4 or Xbone


No, and I have a PS3 or Xbox 360


PC Nonconformist vote


Last gen held us back to 30 frames per second. If Bungie had left them behind for Destiny we could have had 60 fps on a PS4/Xbone exclusive. That's not even touching on the idea that time spent on the PS3/360 version could have been further applied to a better next gen version. Should Bungie have sacrificed people on last gen systems in the interest of making Destiny the best it could be? Update: Don't shoot the guy asking the question. The numbers don't lie, and they show the community is pretty evenly split on this one.

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  • 28
    Please know this: Legacy Generation systems did not limit the performance of Next Generation builds of Destiny. Destiny exists as a central design build on proprietary Bungie hardware. That's nerdese for the fact that we use our own machines to build a game that is completely unaware of where it will live. From there, we identify where it can thrive, and create a version that will make the most of each separate home. There are four versions of Destiny, and they each fill the space they're given in their own ways. Hope this helps. Keep asking us your questions. We might still shoot you, but it will happen in acceptable forms found in the Crucible. Hugs and buckshot, DeeJ

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    36 Replies
    • I was under the impression that Destiny development started way before next gen kits were available to developers so I can't really speak to that. I can say after playing The Last of Us remastered that going from 30 to 60 (to me) does make a noticeable difference in smoothness of both visuals and gameplay.

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    • Why no density on original Xbox and PS2?? Com on bunge! [spoiler];)[/spoiler]

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    • I would think that if current gen Destiny could do 60 FPS, they'd do it even if old gen is 30. I think other cross gen games have done that.

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      1 Reply
      • Last gen didn't just hold us back in frames. It probably reduced the graphics (I hope destiny 2 looks better than P.T.), number of enemies possible on screen, time they have to develop, and more... They're trying their best to give us what they can which is awesome, and I can't wait to play destiny, but I think destiny 2 will be much more impressive.

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        2 Replies
        • We won't truly see next gen games until they let go of the previous gen. Harsh but true and happens every cycle

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        • yes! hate to say this but they should have made it next gen only so they could have focused even more on graphics!

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        • Edited by Jesse_James-574-: 8/16/2014 5:21:41 PM
          I call bluff everyone knows damn well that 60fps could easily be obtained on the PlayStation 4.Why wasn't it?Anyone with half a brain and a little research knows why.Parity reasons held back the PlayStation 4 BOTTOM LINE.

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        • The 360 is better than the bone.

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        • I keep seeing this and all I keep picturing is a PS3 and 360 user strapped to a stone slab and Bungie employees wearing robes and stabbing them with really curvy blade knives. Eventually they'll get a virgin sacrifice.

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        • Having it available on last gen systems takes up more time for maintenance and work on keeping so many servers. Keeping it only on the new gen systems not only does it give incentive for people to get one, but it allows for more players to be grouped when they do. Essentially was a greedy move to make more money instead of looking towards the future where a 360 and ps3 won't live.

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        • Edited by Jay: 8/20/2014 10:09:28 PM
          One thing I'd like to know is...did Bungie officially confirm that current gen would be at 30fps? Like actually said, "Destiny for PS4 and Xbox One will be set at 30fps on release"? Edit: Also, DeeJ's comment didn't actually confirm that current gen will run at 30fps.

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          1 Reply
          • Yes...let the peasants suffer with their inferior graphics.

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            4 Replies
            • Edited by Fox: 8/15/2014 9:29:56 PM
              I dont give a crap about framrates. As long as I can play my video games lag free I'm good, just like every true gamer should. Besides its too late, last gen already has destiny so suck it up.

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              11 Replies
              • No because the install base is way too big to ignore. However by next year I think it is perfectly acceptable to stop supporting last gen consoles especially if they release on PC, they already said they couldn't do PC at launch because they QA each platform individually in house. I also imagine by holiday 2015 there will be at least a $50 price drop making next gen consoles more affordable. IT would be smart of bungie and activision however to announce their plans to do so by no later then E3 2015 so it gives people time to save up for it though.

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                • Everyone should be able to play it, but PC Mwahaha, and yes i do have a good PC i play FF14 and GW2 on max setting but the PC community is so lame !

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                • 0
                  No. Destiny was first and foremost a last-gen game before the Xb1 and PS4 were announced. If anything, current gen is pushing it farther than it needs to be. Even so, Destiny, at its core, was original a [i]last gen game[/i]

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                • Not anytime soon. Exclusive games should definitely be current gen only, but these cross platform games shouldn't convert to current gen only. It hasn't even been a year yet since this generation of consoles has been out. Just wait about 3 years to stop supporting the last gen.

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                • If Bungie would had left them behind they wouldn't make as much profit. Isn't that what companies need to do to stay in business?

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                • Don't know

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                • To a gigantic beast, or an active volcano?

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                • I would rather they supported last gen and pulled in millions more supporters and tons more money. This way we are even closer to a continued destiny world. With less than 20 million current gen consoles out there and over 80 million last gen, it makes sense financially and creatively. The more people that play and enjoy it, the more money they make and bigger fan base they'll get. Higher demand for Destiny Deux.

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                • Edited by Soaringeagle61: 8/18/2014 12:58:35 AM
                  My problem is not the fps because I thought it looked fine! But rather the non definitive movement towards the next gen. Which in that case bungie definitely isn't the only one guilty of that. We have people still making games just for last gen. So again just not definitive and quick enough of a transfer for me. That being said, again I thought destiny was beautiful and flowed just fine!

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                • look at all them #

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                • Where's the love for the n-gage?

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                • They would lose so much profit from not selling on last gen consoles.

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