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Edited by Huunior: 9/11/2017 8:51:36 PM

Most disturbing thing to ever happen at your school.

What are the weirdest, nastiest, most disturbing, or just plain hilarious moments that have happened at your school?

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  • >be in locker room >see poster of hot gril in locker >get boner >teacher walks by i look at him >he giggles and grins >its not what it looks like teach! >PENIS inspection Day! >he fondles it checking each nook and cranny >I cum because I'm horny AF from gril pic >he turns into a dragon >school burns down >everyone gets out >the one item that survived was a George foreman magazine in the locker rooms

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    • So everyone knows this little show for kids called My Little Pony, well, let me tell you how my daughter and I stopped watching this show forever... So, my daughter loves My little Pony, I watched it with her and it's quite a cool series, seems like a funny kids show and not exaggerated with the girly things. When they announced a movie of it, she got really excited and wanted to watch it. So, as her mom, I couldn't just let her go by herself, she's not old enough to be alone, so I thought I'd take the chance to go with her. So it's the day, the movie is now in theaters and we set sail and go, but when we got there, I get quite surprised. I expected other moms with their adorable daughters, using their little MLP toys and their schoolbags with a figure of a kids show, or the occasional dad that has to watch a movie because the mom told her so. Instead... we saw a lot more guys with really weird looking faces, questionable hair styles, some of them had some My Little Pony T-shirts, accessories and a lot of them had the Applejack T-shirt, the cowgirl pony... It was just really uncanny for me and my daughter took a bit to realize that. Well, that didn't stop my daughter to want to watch the movie, my daughter begged me for it so I we watched it anyways. When we get inside the theater, most of the people there were guys... In fact, I think everyone that moment were guys and only my daughter and I were the females, as far as I could tell. It was really awkward being there; the place had a not so pleasant smell, a lot of guys also behaved strange, because when something funny happened, all of the guys started saying "Oh my god I love you Twilight", and some of them were making high pitched noises like "D'aaaaawwww" and most just were saying "Aaaah Fluttershy you're so cute!". It wasn't really that bad though. It was somewhat tolerable, but it took around 30 mins for both me and my daughter to get used to them, after that, my daughter started to enjoy the movie and me too. But then.... The moment Applejack appears on screen and starts making her loud noises. Everyone on the theater went silent. It was really weird and sudden. My daughter and I became dumbstruck with apprehension. Then, all of a sudden I heard the wave of unzipping pants. And all of them raised their hands and suddenly, unzipped their pants and started masturbating to Applejack. We got really scared, suddenly the whole theater has guys that are making moanings and some of them orgasming already and some were yelling Applejack's name as they came, my daughter was confused and I told her to cover her ears and I would cover her eyes; we had to leave as soon as possible. We managed to get past a few guys jacking off and some of their cum got on clothes, I ignored this, I had to leave. But then... In less than 5 minutes, they all start orgasming and then the whole place starts getting white, slimy and wet, they all start cumming and we got showered on their cum and juices, they didn't stop yelling "Applejaaaaaaaaaaaaaack" and just make the weirdest, highest pitched moans ever. It was the most disgusting and awful thing that happened to us, but there was no time to waste, we had to leave the place, AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.. That was the day when we just stopped watching the show. We realized that that show wasn't made for kids anymore. My daughter doesn't even dare to watch that show anymore or hear anything about it and she seems to be confused at what all the people were doing, as for me, I think I'm afraid of My Little Pony's viewers and movie theaters. We don't watch that show anymore. No one should either. ­ ­­ ­ It's cursed.

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      145 Replies
      • So it started when 2 new kids moved to our school they were pretty cool drove an awesome car, one was a liberal geek but for some reason that was cool at our school, the other seemed like a jock tough guy but was pretty cool to hang out with but I heard he grew up to be a stripper. Anyway there were rumors that people were selling drugs around the school I didn't get into it you know keeping my nose clean for college and all that, but these two new kids really wanted to get into it. They threw a party and invited everyone until a fight broke out the one new kid got stabbed, rumor was that it had to do with drugs. I heard the one got into the drug trade and they were always into trouble. They stole the student driver car, they ruined the annual school show, they eventually got expelled. Then came the school prom, a bunch of girls got wasted and the two guys crashed the party. apparently the guy who made the drugs came to the prom to meet the two guys. Here is the crazy part the two guys turned out to be cops and there was a shootout in the hotel and a bunch of people got killed. The two guys chased the dealer, who turned out to be the gym teacher, out of the building and they arrested him after they got in a car chase. And guess what: [spoiler]this is the plot to 21 jump street[/spoiler]

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        • Edited by The Grim Grotto: 12/1/2015 5:34:40 PM
          In junior year, I walked into the washroom because I really had to take a dump (im talking like massive dump). So there are 2 stalls. One was open and one was closed. I obviously go to the one that is open cause who wouldn't but to my surprise there was a humongous pile of poo just left in the toilet and it was clogged. So I push on the closed stall door and apparently it wasn't locked. I open it and there is a freshman in there with poo all over his hand. He thought it would be funny to write the word fu** all over the wall with his own poo. I looked at him and just immediately left the washroom. [spoiler]I had to run all the way up the stairs and across the hall just to go poop[/spoiler]

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          • >be me >grade 5 >indoor break >truthordare.jpg >whisper to my freind, I dare you to strip and f[u]u[/u]ck so and so >wot did i just say.gif >alot of regret >freind tells teacher but i dont know yet >goes to see so and so to chill for the rest of break >says get away from me, creep >wtf.jpg >teacher calls me to the hallway >f[u]u[/u]ck f[u]u[/u]ck f[u]u[/u]ck i say, >somehow i manage to make her beleive that i dont know the meaning of -blam!- and act like i just leart it >crys >teacher feels compation and says she wont tell parents >mission a fu[u]c[/u]king complished >tells so and so im sorry in a shakey voice Vicktori

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            • Some kid went to go take a dump in the stall. 3 guys followed him in and once it was locked, one guy held the door shut while the other two stuck their ass over the top and began to crap all over him. I've never heard anyone scream like that again. And I was [i]down the hall[/i]

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              28 Replies
              • In high school, a friend put a gun up to his head, fired a blank and killed himself. The next year my girlfriends exboyfriend blew his face off...but he lived. We rolled him on his face so he didn't drown. Then i was at a party, somebody started shooting so I ran and I missed my ride. The car I rode in carried the shooting victim to the ER but he bled out on my friends lap. And this was 25 years ago or so. Idk how kids today survive.

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                  Replaced the soap in all the dispensers with glue

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                  • So a friend tripped and fell down, and a girl helped him up. He slipped again and pulled down her pants and a bit more, so they kinda sat there for a good few seconds staring at each other. And then a random guy put his arm around the girl and whispered, 'You should probably pull those up.'

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                      We had a guy in secondary (so high school for Americans) who once wore a wraith mask and death cloak and he ran around punching people in the dick randomly. We called him the phantom nutpuncher

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                      46 Replies
                      • Edited by Undying Serpent: 12/5/2015 10:20:03 PM
                        When I was in 7th grade, my buddy printed out like a hundred copies of the Tub Girl and placed them in random places around the school. Then he took the remaining pictures and put them in the backpack of a kid he didn't like.

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                        • So I went to an engineering university. Engineering schools are notorious for having students who are... A tad different. A tad different, and generally highly intelligent. Engineering schools also come with heavy class loads and severe mental pressure throughout the coursework. Now there's this individual, we'll call him tango, who had been a straight A student since kindergarten. Tango had never been with intellectual equals of his peers before college. He thought college would be a cakewalk, where he would escape the trials of high school; where he was emasculated by bigger, meaner teens. He thought he would dominate the inferior students with his broad mind and superior thinking. Tango started off like most students. He hit a wall of realization that it wasn't easy, and found himself trying harder than ever. Tango also had strange interests, today's equivalent of the diehard My Little Pony fans and obsessive viewers of the most obscure hentai. Naturally, due to this, poor Tango had trouble making friends and soon found himself being mocked again. Luckily there were others with similar interests and he found a small group of friends. As the first year ended, Tango pulls himself out by the skin of his teeth. He felt reassured that year 1 was to weed out those who really weren't "engineer material." Year 2 rolls around, and boy is Tango all sorts of wrong. His brain is firing on all 12 cylinders 19 hours a day. But that's not surprising, as so are the minds of almost every student. But let's not forget that Tango is not your regular student pursuing a career. He steams through the first semester and makes it to the second half of the year. Close to the end, as an entire semester becomes more and more consolidated into material for the final exams, he can no longer accept the stress as he witnesses his first C. Tango cracks. 11AM classes are left abandoned and desolate. Tango is on top of a building screaming inaudibly. There are shrieks of terror and panic on the campus grounds. Professors and department heads are scrambling to calm the populous. Tango is carrying terrifying equipment. He screams out that he had a bag of grenades and a bag of anthrax he's ready to unleash upon the students and faculty. Tango is serious. He has one of his weapons ready for use in his hand, live and armed. Panic escalates. Students run for their lives. Professors are desperate to keep everyone safe and to get everyone to safety. Emergency alerts are flaring between law officials. A SWAT team from the nearest military fort and local police department is rushed to be organized, as a ragtag regiment. SWAT team arrives. The grounds are quickly cleared. Rifles are pointed to the edge of the building. Tango is standing now at gunpoint with over twenty well armed and trained individuals. The campus is hushed into a minute of crystalline silence. The team makes contact and attempts to calm Tango. He has no intention of remaining calm. He proceeds with more threats to destroy the university. All focus is concentrated between Tango and the man attempting to reason with him. As they argue, a second team bursts through the door onto the rooftop, guns loaded and pointed. Red dots litter Tango's chest. Tango feels a intense shiver of mortality, and sets down his weapons. The second team reprimands and detains him, escorting him from the premises to the cells at the local police department. Upon further inspection as tango is carried away, the second team finds that the grenades and anthrax were actually potatoes and flour. Tango had never threatened any real danger to anyone but himself. The SWAT program still runs in town to this day, and the university remembers that day as a campus holiday, Terrorist Day. The day Tango went down. True story FYI. I added some literary flair, but it did actually happen.

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                          6 Replies
                          • I was in 7th grade. I went to the bathroom during math class. There was a dude at the urinal so I went into the stall to piss. I saw the biggest damn log in the history of humanity that day. This thing was at least 2.5ft long and at least 6 inches in diameter. This thing stopped up the toilet. This is a school toilet too. Those things can flush down a small child. But this bbc turd was monster enough to clog it. This thing was wrapped all the way around the bowl and some of it was hanging outside on the seat. Idk what dinosaur was attending my middle school at the time but gawdamn that shit was crazy!

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                            30 Replies
                            • Getting a A+

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                            • Well its not disturbing but... Senior year me and some friends were brain storming about senior pranks. We tossed a couple ideas around. Ride lawn mowers to school, spray paint boobs on the parking lot, spray paint dicks on teachers cars, we narrowed it down to calling a tow truck and towing a teachers car and driving a motor cycle down the hallway. After much deliberation... why not both. We towed the principals car. While he was gone getting his car back I drove my friend to his house and picked up his Harley Davidson. We drove back to school and I went inside and opened the door to the school two minutes before class was supposed to let out. We took the license plate off and dressed him in black. And then my friend roared into the school. The sound shaking the walls and trophy cases. every one came out to see what was up and they had to dodge this motor cycle. The teachers were trying to grab him off and one managed to grab hold of the bike. He drug accross the floor for a little bit until my friend rounded a corner and the teacher flew off in to a pile recycled paper. He turned around at the end of the hallway and revved his engine fire sprouting out of the tail pipes he roared back down the hallway teachers and students scrambling to get away. I opened the door for him and ran out with him. Jumped in my car and took off back to his place. We played halo 4 and drank coke the rest of the day. We never got caught.

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                              39 Replies
                              • Besides that we had a bomb threat almost everyone month There was this time a kid shit on the stairs to the back entrance to the library. I wasn't there but according to other students it was in front of 3 other classrooms. Students actually had to relocate because the shit was so bad and someone stepped in it and walked around the hall a bit. There was also the time a girl broke up with a guy and so he sent out her nudes to everyone he knew, they then sent the nudes to other people. Long story short, 5 students actually became registered sex offenders.

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                              • Not disturbing but funny: My friend (who can be very loud and convincing) blew up a plastic bag, then sprinted to a crowd of people and yelled 'Allahu Akbar' and popped the plastic bag at the same time. He fell to the ground and didn't move a muscle. People around him nearly shat themselves out of shock, it was hilarious.

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                                • Bump

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                                • Edited by XenoGhidorah: 12/6/2015 3:26:01 AM
                                  My school apparently didn't have enough money to get a better football field or track, but had enough to by to flats screen TV's to put in the hallways to show sports pictures and announcements.

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                                • Some kid was savoring his boogers.

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                                • You ever just meet that one girl she invites you over when no one's home and you proceed to watch movies with her for 2 days and realize the last day you go over she just wanted to -blam!- then when things start to get steamy you fart then dies down then you lay on the bed next to her and start crying for being depressed? Lol true story

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                                • Walked in the bathroom to see my friend taking a shit in the urinal. Gave him an approving nod, then chose to use the stalls instead

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                                  • I took a piss in a kids lemon Gatorade and I didn't tell him.

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                                    • In 5th grade some kid shit and smeared it on the walls of the bathroom

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