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Edited by Fallen003: 8/8/2014 5:55:35 AM
For those who want to know the details, what I have is called a Prolactinoma. It is a benign tumor that forms on the pituitary gland. In my case, it formed right between the optic nerves so my vision is iffy some days, light sensitivity, balance isn't so good either. The joyful part is that it caused my body to stop producing the markers that tell my body to make testosterone and insulin. So pretty well overnight, I went from being healthy to being an insulin dependent diabetic and having to (intramuscularly aka big ass needle) inject testosterone and insulin to stay alive. For the tumor, I am on a medication called Cabergoline that is supposed to keep it from growing any larger. Downside is that without insurance, these medications cost over $1000 a month. So it kind of boiled down to the point that I'm having to look for a job that I can do from home/doesn't require me to move around much. It is going to be interesting but I don't have much of a choice. -65f winters in interior Alaska (yes it gets that cold every year. I've seen colder a few times) don't really work well for the homeless bit. Both the missus and I are job hunting, but I at least wanted to get this posted in case we can't pay internet or something soon.

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