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Edited by aboniks: 10/7/2014 5:25:19 PM

Why do I suck so bad at Destiny PVP?

Alright prokillers, here's your chance to school somebody who will actually appreciate it. Quick backstory; Last time I played an FPS in PVP was when Marathon was hot property, so some of my problems may just be because I'm really rusty. Anyway, what's the deal with PVP in Destiny? I feel like I'm just doing it all wrong...every time I blink somebody gets me with a one-shot kill and it doesn't seem to matter much what weapon they're using, or what I'm trying to do to stay alive. None of my weapons feel anywhere near as powerful as what the other team is using. Honestly I really want to like the Destiny PvP experience, because I've got a sentimental attachment to Bungie and this game is lots of fun for me in PvE. So help me out. How do I get the most out of this game? I've got military experience (which basically boils down to having a great deal of training in following instructions) and lots of time to kill once the game ships (retired), so if you folks can boil this particular PvP system down to some basic tactical and strategic elements I'll be able to pick up on it and have fun with it, but right now I'm feeling pretty worn down after having the brakes beat off me repeatedly in the beta. Thanks in advance for your thoughts (and for the inevitable insults from the kids table). p.s. Don't think I'm blaming the game...obviously people are winning at PvP, so the system works...I just down understand [b]how [/b]it works yet, so I'm not one of them.

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  • Use the thorn. Get better at running away from gunfights instead of running into them. Use the radar. That's about it really

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    5 Replies
    • Make sure to check your tv settings. There is a lag delay if you are using a bigger than computer monitor tv lol. The lag delay will cause a split second or 2 delay from the time you hit a button on your controler to the time your character reacts. Go to general settings on your tv then go to mode and switch it to game mode and it will take away that delay. It worked for me and I hope it works for you

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      • Take cover and only take the shot when you have the upper hand.

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      • Experience /thread Gotta spend time in it, shaping yourself into something viable in there

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      • Map Knowledge, I can't even hold a candle to some players out there, but check my last couple of games, that is due to map knowledge. Understand all the angles and spawn points and you will find yourself sowing a lot better.

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      • I think you get good feedback below. I have a simple suggestion of my own. Get on a team that uses mics. The best teams are the coordinated ones. You will learn a lot that way in basic strategies.

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      • Maybe you should try wearing some socks?

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      • One try to experiment on what weapons you are good at if you like close quarters go for a hand cannon, if you like mid range combat use pulse rifles then if you are some what a sharp shooter go with scout rifle. Avoid auto rifles they were nerffed and do little to no damage. For specials shotguns are really powerful but there are other option the majority of players use shotguns and the so called pros use snipers to me I use fusion rifles, but really you need to know the pros and cons. Most of the maps are close quarters so really that's why players use shot guns so if you use a shotgun it won't take much getting use to. Fusion rifles are the anti shot gun weapons, but the problem is they have to charge up and depending on you accuracy and charging time you could have a bad or good time. Snipers are really good, you want to switch between a high rate of fire low kick sniper with low zoom for close quarters and high damage and long zoom for far distance maps. Stick between choke points and look down long hallways and watch the objective. Lots of proplayers have gotten used to snipers and you might have a difficult time. For heavys if you want to have a huge ammount of heavy ammo and have it through most of the game use heavy machine guns. Right no what is popular is high damage, manageble recoil, and low rate of fire. Aim for the head and what ever you do avoid rockets, choke points and stick to staying alive. Rocket launchers, to me best option is haveing horse shoes and granades as a perk for a rocket and that helps with getting players behind cover and if you can't get a good shot. The perk allows you to shoot a rocket the goes off if a player is near. This helps, but be very careful with players getting between your shots and don't get caught reloading. Make sure to have high blast radius and high velocity this helps get the job done but that is my prefrence. At least this could help with weapons if you have more question you could ask.

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      • The pvp 'climate' has changed now too, with everyone using competitive weapons. Has anyone else experienced less noobs in matchmaking?

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        1 Reply
        • Learn how to watch the Radar #1 Learn how maps flow and where the opposing team is likely to spawn from and or attack from. Figure out which weapons you are most proficient with Head shots are key to winning gunfights quickly in Destiny. Aim for the head Always use Armor that compliment your weapons or abilities. Don't be a Stationary target when your in a gunfight learning how to juke and jive and jump (Strafing) and learn how to move in and out of cover while landing shots on your enemy. Also helps to have a lag buster setup, figure out which gun works best when the game is laggy (usually higher fire rate guns) or guns like Thorn and Red Death are Good in laggy situations Figure out what play style works best for you. What type of engagements are you most likely to win? Short Medium or long. With some map knowledge you can position and work areas that best suits your play style.

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        • My personal opinion below: The Crucible has way more to it than just trying to kill people. The basis: understanding the game type, understanding your team, understanding the weapons your enemy team is using and last but not least spend time playing it so it can help you understand the system. ****Crucible game type -Start with "Control" game type. the objective is simple, capture zones and kill people. this game type is the easiest to start as it is less aggressive as other game types. ****-Adapt to your team. -If your team plays defensive play aggressively -if your team plays aggressively, play defensive - if your team move in groups, move with them and support them, cover their back, etc. ***the Radar**** -with the use of the radar you can tell where your enemy is coming from and you can react/plan fast enough to hopefully land a kill. Also, if you crouch and move slowly you will not appear on the enemy radar which can be used to your advantage for a surprise attack. *****killing enemy players***** -always shoot at the head of enemy players, just pretend there is no body and you have to hit the head only. -Player lvl advantages are disabled (except for Iron banner) which means if you are a lvl 2 you will do the same damage as a lvl 32. this is explained with the sole intention that you could wear any armor to boost your grenades, your specials, etc to better aid you in your crucible experience for example, you are using auto rifle and the gauntlets you are using provide faster reload for auto rifles. 5 milliseconds or even less on your favor can grant you several kills on a match. ******Maps and weapons***** -closed maps = shotguns (you may not want to get close to players unless you are using a deadly close encounter weapon) -Large maps = scout riffles, autos, snipers, HC. ******special bar usage******* -know when to use your special, there is nothing wrong in holding your special until you see three players you can kill with a single special use. you may use it zones being captured by multiple enemy players, to denied the enemy player from picking up Heavy ammo (my favorite). on a regular match, heavy ammo is called from 3 to 4 times, depending on your gear, if it grants you bonus to increase/replenish your special you may use more than 3 specials sometimes on an entire match, allowing you to kill numerous amount of players. Closure. -there is a lot of over powered guns in crucible right now which allow players to take advantage of less experience players, like the hand cannon Thorn. do not get discourage by this, do not confront the player that has thorn, try to avoid it. make your experience fun by creating your own strategies.

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        • Dont overthink it, I am a berzerker and it works pretty well, sure sometimes i look like an idiot running into a run full of dudes with heavy weapons but sometimes I look like a bad ass because I take them all out. Dont try to be good, try to have fun and the ownage will come

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        • Hit gud kid

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          6 Replies
          • You don't suck that bad you have a .92 that's not terrible but you can improve

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          • you are not alone. I absolutely suck ass at destiny pvp . I played a little trying to get the thorn bounty . but as it stands, I have 14 out of the 500 kills needed. why? cuz I keep dying. I did have one game with 17 kills, but mostly I'm lucky to get 10, with a whole lot of deaths. I think I'm just to darn slow on the trigger with poor aim. so, from one to another, I get what you're saying.

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            2 Replies
            • Dude if you use good guns and play defensively you do good

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            • Play by your radar. Watch where the action is happening and get close. Use you're radar to pick up on where they are coming from and where other enemies are. Lure them to you.. One thing you'll notice is that almost all players in destiny are aggressive and love to chase. Use that to your advantage... Lead your shots and wait for them to come to you. Same goes for your specials, time them and use you're radar to get the most out of it. It also helps to have a good set of weapons.. But depends on your preference and playstyle. Learn the maps, shortcuts, etc. and you'll be golden in no time! If you want to watch my live feed on twitch, I could give you some more tips for pvp and show you how to apply them.

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              12 Replies
              • Blame Lag. I always blame lag

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              • Bump for Marathon reference.

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                • Radar

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                • Get good... Weapons of course, the last word, hawkmoon, and thorn are clearly community faves, along with red death and vex mythoclast although I don't use hawkmoon or red death

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                • Be patient & Keep an eye on your radar

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                • Honetsly idk how or why im good at pvp, im just a natural slayer..

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                  • Wth is marathon

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                  • Dont be a hero...

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