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Edited by aboniks: 10/7/2014 5:25:19 PM

Why do I suck so bad at Destiny PVP?

Alright prokillers, here's your chance to school somebody who will actually appreciate it. Quick backstory; Last time I played an FPS in PVP was when Marathon was hot property, so some of my problems may just be because I'm really rusty. Anyway, what's the deal with PVP in Destiny? I feel like I'm just doing it all wrong...every time I blink somebody gets me with a one-shot kill and it doesn't seem to matter much what weapon they're using, or what I'm trying to do to stay alive. None of my weapons feel anywhere near as powerful as what the other team is using. Honestly I really want to like the Destiny PvP experience, because I've got a sentimental attachment to Bungie and this game is lots of fun for me in PvE. So help me out. How do I get the most out of this game? I've got military experience (which basically boils down to having a great deal of training in following instructions) and lots of time to kill once the game ships (retired), so if you folks can boil this particular PvP system down to some basic tactical and strategic elements I'll be able to pick up on it and have fun with it, but right now I'm feeling pretty worn down after having the brakes beat off me repeatedly in the beta. Thanks in advance for your thoughts (and for the inevitable insults from the kids table). p.s. Don't think I'm blaming the game...obviously people are winning at PvP, so the system works...I just down understand [b]how [/b]it works yet, so I'm not one of them.

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  • Edited by R3CJ3R: 6/6/2015 6:53:48 PM
    Cuz your not using thorn

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  • 1994 skills sir? Yikes man, most of these dudes were still hard packed in daddies berries man.

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  • Watch

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  • You guys realize this was from about when destiny first came out? Any advice you put up is for nothing because he doesn't even play any more. He still has shadow price equipped.

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    2 Replies
    • I tried watching some Videos on YouTube to help my PvP game. Getting familiar with the maps helps a lot as well.

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    • Use the bow. Be the bow. I am a vandal.

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      2 Replies
      • I've only recently started PvP last sunday and today. What I do find is the matchmaking seems to be all over the place. KD ranging from 0.3 to 3.0...... Also mainly playing control so at least I know where the enemy are. From my COD days learning the maps was as important as which weapon/loadout to have. However a good shotgun is essential, there is a lot of CQC on Destiny. I agree in that getting 1 shotted is FRUSTRATING however I'm putting that down to naivety over guns as even 1 shotting some one in the face with a fully upgraded shotgun don't always work Stay with your team,walk don't run stay crouched as much as possible and learn maps and choke points.......well that's how I'm going to do it Can't advise on weapons the THORN is good, but you have to be accurate so try and find a good AR, SUROS is fine,Abyss defiant I've had success with. But its up to you, don't forget about nades and special always come in handy. Good Luck and I'll meet ya in the middle !

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      • Don't listin to these shotguns scrubs. If you want to gain some skill, use a sniper THIS takes skill, and will ultimately make you a better player. A skilled sniper with a fast TTK primary in this game is something to be in fear of. I know you will die alot but you will get better over time. I suggest running rumble and using snipers like pradyths revenge and other high rate of fire snipers with balances stat rolls. Only really need high impact snipers for revive game modes like skirmish to shoot through the over shields.

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      • This may be an old post but I only started playing The Crucible this week and have currently a k/d of 0.15 - so it has been v helpful for me!

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      • I'll be keeping this until October seventh.

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      • Because you don't BELIEVE IN YOURSELF

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      • What I love about the Destiny PVP is its a 3 dimensional map. What I mean is as a warlock I get a lot of my kills while airborne. Also as a beginner blink strike is tuff to get used to. Radar is so useful in this PVP.

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      • Don't rush 2-3 enemies at once, take one at a time if you can and aim for the head.

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      • Slow down don't run blindly at full speed in unknown area. If u see a lot of red dots near u crouch walk. Shoot and move don't try to finish a foe standing still in one spot trading shots. Use a weapon you're proficient with and stick with it. Stick with your team running around solo is not a good thing. Practice practice u will get better, I am the first to admit I wasn't a very good Pvp player but now I can hold my own most times at least not last place.

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      • Try and stick with a group while moving around the map. You're more likely to get more kills/assists that way. Also maybe try picking longer range weapons and play more conservatively.

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      • I've been playing this game since about December and HATED Crucible because I was so garbagio. Started playing nonstop these last two weeks and I'm slowly becoming a beast. The only tip I can give you is to keep playing, don't get too frustrated and pay attention to enemy tactics

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      • Keep at it you will get better..

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      • I don't consider myself as a pro in PvP, but at least above average. First with your weapon, run a shotgun as it is easy to use and can one shot your enemies when they come too close to you, try not to rely on it too much. As for your primary, try to learn and get a feel for handcanons as they are the fastest kill time in PvP and the PvP maps are usually small so you won't have any range penalty. Also, another important aspect is to get use the Destiny radar system and know the pvp maps by heart. This will give you a huge advantage over your opponent. Guessing the exact position of your enemies will help a lot simply because you will be ready as soon and they appear in front of you. Playing defensive and letting ur enemies come to you instead of pushing them. Pushing the enemies is done by guessing your enemies' location and point the gun at a certain angle and when you move out, your gun will be pointing at them and ready to shoot. This is way harder then simply playing defensive. Playing defensive is pointing your gun at the place that you think the enemies will come out from. Just wait for them to poke their heads out and shoot. Also my last advice is when engaging in a defensive gun fight is to always walk backward while shooting. For now in destiny, a lot of people tends to run and gun with shotgun. So its always safe to keep your distance from your enemies. And with practice, you could adjust a few trick off ur sleeves like walking backward + left and right to make your opponent miss their shots.

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      • Depends on your style... I suggest not using blink till u learn the stages. Like any pvp, getting whooped is part of learning. Learn the maps, most heavy action places, sniper spots. So just stick to it and it will come. Don't try to play like cod or battlefield.

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      • Just wait until Xur comes and gives bad kids HANDOUTS like The Last Word. Or do a bunch of patrols until you get the Thorn. In the meantime, try to disregard Bungie's view on BALANCE

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      • Guy I really need help with my channel I'm still uploading but seems to be going no where if you could help me out that would be so get

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      • Camp, felwinters, thorn, blade dance, don't be a target Obtain currency Disregard women

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      • Sadly the best tips in the world are use thorn and felwinters lie literally that's how you get a better KD i dont fully support the use of these guns but it works

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      • Do you rush?

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      • Just play the style you feel comfortable playing and use weapons that best fits that style...

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      • First off none of your characters are a high enough level to have any good weapons or armor and if you're doing IB then one shots are reasonable because level advantages are enabled

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